The Radical Left’s Ideological Jihad Against America
In reference to Kyle Rittenhouse, The Australian reported that ‘Joe Biden accused Donald Trump of letting his supporters act as an armed militia.’
Caldron Pool’s Video Goes VIRAL: ‘This Needs to Be a Trump Ad’
As Democrats began to realize that it was getting harder and harder to pretend their constant vitriolic rhetoric had nothing to do with the ongoing violent unrest on the streets, they made a joint effort this week to shift the blame to President Trump.
Executed Trump Supporter: A Victim of the Left’s Anti-Trump, Hate Narrative
Aaron Jay Danielson’s murder, at the hands of an as yet unknown assailant, in Portland on the weekend was met with suspicion, not sympathy from the Left and mainstream media.
Dennis Prager Backs Anti-COVID-19 Drug HCQ: “The Left is Weaponizing Medicine”
In his latest fireside chat, Dennis Prager addressed the politicisation of hydroxychloroquine.
Big Tech Spin Doctors Ban Viral Video of Real Doctors Offering a Second Opinion on COVID-19
It has to make you wonder who the Big Tech Companies are taking their cues from, when they ban, block and boot professionals for publicly announcing a valid opposing viewpoint to the prevailing theory about how to treat COVID-19.
Twitter Brands Star of David ‘Hateful Imagery’ Then Backtracks
Left-leaning, Jewish online news organization, Jerusalem Post reports that Twitter have blocked accounts which feature the Star of David, branding the symbol “hateful imagery.”
Twitter Bans QAnon, Allows Discussion of ‘Attraction To Minors’ and Some Nude Depictions of Kids
Regardless of what you think of QAnon, it’s hard to see how these targeted sweeping bans won’t cause many within those circles to assume that they may have hit a little too close to the truth.
Woke Healthcare Workers Lose Their Wokeness When Asked If Black Lives Matter in the Womb
An African American man questioning healthcare workers about abortion is making its way around the internet. The group were lined up outside either a healthcare clinic or Hospital, brandishing placards in a show of “woke” solidarity with Black Lives Matter. As one of the healthcare workers moves forward to kneel, the man in the video asks the group whether “all black lives matter or just some black lives?” The crowd responds in unison, “all black lives matter.” The unknown individual then asks “the black lives killed by black men matter right?” Again, in unison, the healthcare workers respond, “yes! Oh,…
Blessing, Not Cursing, on World Leaders
“You must not blaspheme God or curse a ruler of your people.” Exodus 22:28 As violent protests and hatred for police spillover from the USA to the Western world, many hidden agitators are seeking to violently overthrow governments. They claim that destruction of property, and many lives taken, are necessary to awaken the world to ‘systemic racism’ that supposedly disregards that “blacks lives matter”. It appears that several officers have been charged in connection to George Floyd’s alleged murder in police custody. Since his death, over 4000 Americans have been arrested, hundreds are injured and dozens killed or murdered. Peaceful…
Are America’s Riots Still About George Floyd?
In case you didn’t think 2020 could get any more perplexing, there are now uncontrolled riots taking place in dozens of American cities. From coast to coast, cars and businesses have been set alight, numberless shops have been looted, vehicles have been driven into crowds, and mob violence has broken out on city streets. In the week since the rioting began, numerous people have lost their lives and thousands have been arrested. Many cities have imposed curfews and the National Guard has been deployed in over 20 states. The unrest started last week in Minneapolis after a video went viral showing the…
Stay Home, Save Lives… Unless You’re Gathering in Thousands to Protest Racism
ONE minute the media are telling us the Coronavirus is so lethal that we dare not leave our homes. The next minute the media are enthusiastically reporting on a massive crowd marching through the Sydney CBD. One minute police are threatening to arrest us for sitting alone on a park bench. The next minute police are standing idle as thousands of protestors stand shoulder-to-shoulder in Martin Place. One minute the State Premier insists it is unsafe for more than 50 people to gather for worship. The next minute the State Premier is silent when 3000 people gather to show solidarity…
Protesters Form Human Shield to Protect Police Officer Separated From His Unit
A group of protesters in Louisville have formed a human shield to protect a police officer after he was separated from his unit. Images circulating on social media show several black men linked arm-in-arm as they form a human barricade around the lone officer. The men put their own lives in danger as they placed themselves between a growing hostile crowd and the police officer. The officer was allegedly being threatened by rioters after he found himself separated from his squad during violent protests in the area. More than 170 businesses have been damaged or lotted and dozens of fires…
Evidence Suggests George Floyd’s Death Was Due to an Abuse of Power by Law Enforcement, Not Racism
The tragic death of George Floyd was primarily about law enforcement’s abuse of deadly force. All the evidence suggests racism was not a motivator. Yet, many in the Leftist mainstream media, along with their celebrity sycophants, and some well-meaning community leaders jumped straight to the “it’s racist” button, using George’s death as an excuse to once again impose their vacuous ideological paradigm on the rest of us, as they parade their own self-righteous virtue all over social media. The majority of images, and comments, from “kill whitey”, to those laden with white guilt, and self-hatred, weren’t altruistic. They weren’t about…
Calls for a new state police force to combat ‘far-right’ extremism show it’s time to end the far-left vs far-right facade
The late, great, Roger Scruton once articulated that one of the most successful lies of the 20th century is the idea that the ‘far-left’ is nothing like the ‘far-right.’ Scruton noted that: The success of Communist propaganda could be found in how it has persuaded so many people that fascism and communism are polar opposites and that there is a single scale of political ideology stretching from ‘far-left’ to ‘far-right’. Thus while communism is on the ‘far-left’, it is one stage along the road one must go in order not to be contaminated by fascism. However: Communism, like fascism, involved…
“Crucify the Christians, Bash Bigots”: The Deadly Hypocrisy of the Progressive Left
It was only a few years ago, during Australia’s same-sex marriage debate, that a group of LGBTQ protesters stormed the stage at a Coalition for Marriage meeting in Melbourne. The protesters were chanting, “Crucify the Christians”, while waving a banner that read, “Burn churches, not queers.” Many same-sex marriage supporters saw the protest as a brave and courageous stand for love and equality. A month later the slogans, “Crucify ‘No’ Voters” and “Bash Bigots” was painted across the side of a Baptist church in Wheelers Hill. At the time, Lyle Shelton, former head of the Australian Christian Lobby and spokesman…
The surprising phenomenon of people who see the world completely differently
The story goes that a student of philosophy was asked in an exam to prove a chair which had been placed where everyone could see it at the front of the exam hall did not exist. Students were expected to discuss the 20th-century philosophers who posited ideas about subjective human existence and questioned our relationship with reality. But this two word complete response, if the urban legend is to be believed, received top marks for its reflection of the possibility the chair was an illusion of the examiner’s mind. If you’re a person who tends to vote right of centre…
Ordinary people can’t be trusted with freedom, says former high court justice
Former High Court justice Kirby’s nasty and hostile opinion letter warns religious freedom will let people publish opinions which are… nasty and hostile. “Religious freedom bill ‘will sustain nastiness and hostility’, Michael Kirby warns”… or at least, that’s what the headline in The Guardian article warns. Allow me to interpret that for you. “The God-given social liberty to disagree, debate, articulate and act in accordance with individual convictions (a.k.a religious freedom) will sometimes be used by people who aren’t very happy and they may say some things a nicer person wouldn’t.” What former High Court justice Michael Kirby is really saying is…
Criticism of Trump’s Syrian decision is misplaced and ignorant, here’s why
I largely agree with Ben Shapiro’s consistent criticism of Donald Trump’s ‘fly-by-the-seat-of-his-pants’ approach to foreign policy. Trump appears to ride roughshod, giving the impression of impulsiveness, or worse that he hasn’t considered the law of unintended consequences. However, a lot of recent criticism coming from both sides of politics, concerning the Trump administration’s decision to “withdraw” U.S Troops from Syria, ignore the plight of refugees and push aside the fact that Turkey is still an official ally of the United States. As signatories of NATO, they are strategic partners. The recent advance of the Turks into northern Syria wasn’t a…
WATCH: Leftist thugs abuse and intimidate elderly woman with a walking frame
When even a half-decent human being spots an elderly woman attempting to cross a street, their first instinct might be to offer some sort of assistance. But apparently that’s not the case if you’re a deranged leftist on a mission to clean the streets of “intolerance” and “hate.” When a group of Antifa-style thugs were confronted with an elderly woman with a walking frame attempting to cross the road, they decided to abuse and intimidate her, because, you know, “love trumps hate.” Footage shows the masked rioters blocking the woman’s path, refusing to let her pass, while screaming in her…
Professor forced to resign after saying he wants to ‘kill all Christians, bury them deep in the ground’
A professor in Iowa who openly declared his support for the violent leftist group Antifa has been forced to resign from his position at a community college after posting comments online stating that he wants to “kill all” Christians and “clock” President Trump with a baseball bat. Jeff Klinzman, an adjunct English professor of almost 10 years at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids posted a poem on social media containing the words, “Kill them all and bury them deep in the ground.” The professor then added, “It’s not pretty, and I’m not proud, but seeing what evangelical Christians are…
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