538 search results for "abortion"

Will Witt of PragerU recently hit the streets of Echo Park, Los Angeles to ask folks if babies in a womb (unborn humans) should have the same rights and protections as eagle eggs (unborn eagles). While bald eagle eggs are protected under federal law, there are no federal laws protecting children from abortion. As you might expect, the people quick to defend the rights of unborn eagles, were even quicker to deny those same rights to unborn humans. Responses to the petition included: “Babies are gross,” “Eagles aren’t raped,” and “A human woman should have more rights (i.e. to kill…

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To use an old Labor slogan, ‘It’s Time’. It’s time that all of the MP’s in NSW who claim to be religious but support the killing of unborn children should be asked to leave. They’re obviously not going to go of their own accord, so it’s especially beholden upon the likes of Anthony Fisher, the Catholic Archbishop of Sydney, to excommunicate them. Yes, it really is that serious. The My Community Partnership grants will be released this week. And there will be dozens of photo opportunities for proud MP’s to have their pictures taken outside various sandstone buildings. But if…

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Vermont Senator and Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, has suggested he strongly supports the idea of Americans paying for women in third world countries to kill their unborn children in an effort to curb population growth and address climate change. During CNN’s climate town hall, an audience member addressed the Senator saying: “Human population growth has doubled in the past fifty years. The planet cannot sustain this growth. I realise this is a poisonous topic for politicians, but it’s crucial to face. “Empowering women and educating everyone on the need to curb population growth seems a reasonable campaign to enact.…

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In August 2019 the NSW parliament tried to rush through a misnamed Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill. It was hardly reproductive as it was designed to aid killing, not the nurturing of human life. Nor did it have much to do with health care, especially not for the babies. Finally, ‘reform’ implies improvement of some kind but this was a big step backwards. To its disgrace, the Legislative Assembly passed the bill which had an unprecedented fifteen co-sponsors. Yet it was the dismissal of various amendments which indicated just how dark Western society has become. Tanya Davies moved an amendment…

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Last month, thousands of people gathered in Sydney to protest the New South Wales government’s extreme abortion bill that will essentially allow children to be killed for any reason right up until the final moments of pregnancy. The turn out was truly amazing, but there is still work to be done! On Sunday, September 15 at 2:30pm, pro-lifers will gather again for the second Stand for Life Rally to peacefully protest this radical proposed legislation. Organisers for the event have said, “This is our last opportunity to fight against this extreme Bill. We need you there.” For those wishing to…

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I remember saying before the federal election that the biggest issue for Christians should be abortion. ‘Who will kill the most babies?’ We would expect the more conservative of our politicians, especially those who identify as Christian of any sort, to be against any escalation of the death toll from abortion. Yet here we are in NSW, with a Liberal government that has worked behind the scenes to encourage and promote a bill that allows abortion on demand and full-term abortion with the approval of 2 doctors, co-sponsored the bill on the floor and tried to speed its progress through…

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Like many, my heart has become heavy over the past several weeks as legislation which sought to decriminalise foeticide was pushed through the NSW Legislative Assembly (the lower house) and was successfully passed 59-31. While it must pass the Legislative Council (upper house) in order to be enacted into law, it is immensely likely that pass it will. The sadness that I, and many others, feel however isn’t solely restricted to the Reproductive Healthcare Reform bill in of itself, but what it is representative of. Namely, the moral—or rather immoral—state of current society. We’ve not only moved away from the Judeo-Christian…

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I recently went to see my local member who also happens to be the NSW Opposition Leader, Jodi McKay, about the now notorious ‘Reproductive Rights Bill’ which she had so jubilantly spoken in favour of in the Lower House. And she very kindly gave me a copy of her speech in which she made the oft-repeated assertion: Between 20 and 25 per cent of women in Australia will have an abortion in their lifetime. Seeing that Ms McKay is a former lobbyist for Family Planning NSW—and is still the ‘phone voice’ you hear when you call—I initially took the accuracy…

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In a speech on Tuesday night, One Nation MP, Mark Latham, joined a growing chorus of opposition voicing their concerns over the poor process applied to the recent NSW abortion bill. Latham joins Liberal MP Natasha Maclaren-Jones, the National Party’s, Barnaby Joyce and Dr David Gillespie, in criticising the rushed bill, deceptively called ‘The Reproductive Health Care Reform Bill’. The abortion bill passed the lower house (legislative assembly) by 59 to 31 on August 9. The MP responsible for introducing the bill was “Independent” member for Sydney, Alex Greenwich, whose candidacy (for context) was backed by Leftist golden girl, and…

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Thousands of Australians gathered at Martin Place in Sydney on Tuesday evening to take a stand for the unborn and ‘be a voice for the voiceless’. The ‘Stand for Life‘ rally was organised in response to the Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019, which last week passed the lower house 59 to 31. The bill will essentially throw open the doors to late-term abortion, on-demand, by any method, no matter how abhorrent, up to 22 weeks. Beyond that point, right up until birth, all that is required for an abortion is the consent of two abortion doctors. It’s estimated that at…

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Just weeks away from what’s sure to be a roiling State Council meeting, the realisation is dawning that Gladys Berejiklian is not the party leader Liberals are looking for. Anger is also growing, especially amongst socially conservative members, with the feeling they were deceived into helping her get elected only to implement radically ‘progressive’ policies much of the party opposes. It was not the leadership of Gladys Berejiklian which remarkably wrested likely government from the New South Wales Labor Party at that election. Far more significant was a simple question from Senator Eric Abetz which resulted in the resignation of Labor Leader,…

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Many people are rightly outraged at just how extreme Alex Greenwich’s “Reproductive Rights Bill” is, which will soon be before the NSW Upper House. It allows for abortion up until the day of birth, on the basis of sex selection, and if the child happens to still be born alive then the withdrawal of all medical assistance. It is quite simply, horrifying. But one aspect which seems to be completely overlooked is that babies with congenital conditions—such as Spina Bifida (see from the thirteen-minute mark in the following link), Downs Syndrome (just see what they’ve done in Iceland)  or even…

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The Treasurer of New South Wales delivered a powerful speech last week in response to the Reproductive Healthcare Reform Bill 2019. The bill, which passed the lower house 59 to 31, would essentially throw open the doors to late-term abortion, on-demand, by any method, no matter how abhorrent, up to 22 weeks, as Dr David Van Gend pointed out. Beyond that point, right up until birth, all that is required is the consent of two abortion doctors. In his speech, Dominic Perrottet MP pointed out that the worst parts of our history have come from a refusal to recognise the…

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I can’t think of a more pathetic display of non-leadership than that of Premier Gladys Berejiklian and her Deputy John Barilaro regarding the ‘Reproductive Rights Bill’ currently before the NSW Parliament. In fact, it’s nothing other than total political cowardice because neither person is going to speak in the debate even though they have both indicated that they will be voting for the Bill. As Linda Silmalis, the Chief Political Reporter for The Sunday Telegraph tweeted: The Premier choosing not to speak and now co-sponsors of the Abortion Bill plan to move amendments…what a mess #abortion #NSWpol — Linda Silmalis…

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There is a new narrative being diligently spun by the leftist media complex, despite all evidence to the contrary. Apparently, white supremacists are responsible for all the mass shootings since Trump got elected. Of course, the Democrat Presidents who previously oversaw the epidemic of violence in America bore no responsibility whatsoever. And journalists are never ever biased or bigoted. Our country is under attack from white nationalist terrorism, inspiring murder on our soil and abetted by weak gun laws. If we are serious about national security, we must summon the courage to name and defeat this evil. — Pete Buttigieg…

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Sometimes I think the abortion debate is like street crime – many people just don’t want to get involved. Some people seem uneasy with the idea of killing the unborn, but they are unsure about the “grey areas” around restricting the rights of others and “legislating morality”. Most of us don’t think that way about regular everyday murders, do we? If a dad kills his toddlers, we expect justice to be served. But if the same man coerced his partner to abort them it all becomes OK? Why is this permissible? Because we have been bombarded with the idea that…

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Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King Jnr came out swinging against Trump haters and manipulators this week when she took on the Leftist bureaucratic dragon’s fiery attempt to make the racist tag finally stick to Donald Trump. Calling Trump a racist has been part of the political narrative designed to remove him from office since 2016. This week the narrative resurfaced when the President used Twitter to call out Clinton supported, African-American ‘political adversary, Elijah Cummings D-Md’, for his biased party-line [ii] criticism of the Trump administration’s “America first”, border policies. Trump called Cummings a “bully,” then targeted…

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A scientifically accurate, pro-life billboard in New South Wales will be immediately removed after members of the community voiced outrage. The billboard was created by pro-life group Emily’s Voice, and depicts a pregnant woman along with the words: “A heart beats at four weeks.” Despite the fact that the claim is entirely accurate, Transport Minister Andrew Constance called the adverts “appalling,” after pulling the same graphic from buses last month. According to Nine News, a spokesperson for the billboard company said the ad was reviewed and not found to breach any of its advertising codes, however, following the backlash the…

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Netflix has experienced their worst month in years after the streaming service threatened to boycott the state of Georgia for passing the Heartbeat bill, which would ban abortions after a foetal heartbeat can be detected. The online streaming service had projected growth of 352,000 subscribers in the United States, however, according to their second-quarter earnings report, Netflix witnessed a drop of more than 126,000 subscribers. When Georgia passed the Heartbeat bill, @netflix threatened to stop doing business in the pro-life state. Thousands of pro-life customers expressed their outrage. Now Netflix's last quarter shows a huge drop in subscribers.#ditchNetflixhttps://t.co/lBNlcvveRb — Lila…

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Rev. Franklin Graham has warned the Equality Act will have “catastrophic consequences” for both religious freedom and women’s rights if it becomes law. According to Life Site News: “The Equality Act would amend the 1964 Civil Rights Act to include ‘sex,’ ‘sexual orientation,’ and ‘gender identity’ among expressly recognized ‘non-discrimination’ categories in ‘public accommodations’ (the definition of which would be dramatically expanded); and force employers of 15 or more people to recognize their claimed ‘gender identity,’ forbid them from ‘discriminating’ based on ‘sexual orientation’ or ‘gender identity,’ and mandate transgender ‘access’ to sex-specific facilities.” In the latest issue of the Billy…

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