Magdeburg Terror Attack: Multiculturalism and the Islamist Threat
“Angela Merkel had let over a million migrants and refugees into Germany under her reign. That has led to numerous problems, with many Germans now wanting a major clampdown on these open-door policies.”
Deeming Ditched, Pesutto Still Stands – But for How Long?
“This is a truly contemptible failure to act with honour and decency.”
Books Designed Not to Weary the Reader
From plumbing to preaching, Neil McKinlay’s journey reveals how engaging writing and accessible theology can transform lives.
Shepherds for Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda
“There have been deliberate attempts made to undermine the gospel and the churches and to see them replaced with fake gospels and fake churches. And this even involves some well-known evangelicals.”
Easter Without Jesus?
“…many of our leaders do not want to admit that they are not in charge, so they minimise the competition – Jesus.”
New Habitable Worlds, Aliens, and New Organisms Existing in Interplanetary Space
“Here we have another effort of pagans searching for their own gods.”
Even Dawkins Can See the Cultural Value of Christianity
“The Christian worldview is what made Western civilization, and without it, the West would never have come into being.”
“Christ is King” Has Always Offended Phoney Kings and False Gods
“Christ is King. It has always been a costly profession because if Jesus is Lord supreme, then every alternative and every system to the contrary must be regarded as compromised and false.”
COVID, Maoist Tactics and Consequences
“The objective was to produce a docile population by transforming almost every act and every utterance into a potential crime.”
Conscription: Make the Warmongers Do the Fighting
“The most war-hungry people are often those who would never lift a rifle for themselves, but who live in a state of near-constant fear or alert about the world, and who therefore want as many people as possible to go and fight what they are afraid of so they can live in peace.”
Fall On Your Knees
“The message of Christmas is not just a message of servanthood, salvation and joy. It is also a warning, a warning that the king is here, and he IS going to reign.”
Widespread Biblical and Historical Illiteracy Is on the Increase
“…kids may know next to nothing about the Gospel of Mark, but will know plenty about the gospel of Marx.”
India’s Christians Are Suffering Under Weaponised ‘Anti-Conversion Laws’
“The Hindu persecution of Christians has intensified since 2021 after India’s updated ‘anti-conversion laws’ helped drive what the New York Times, has called ‘anti-Christian hysteria.'”
John Pesutto Must Go
“Politics can often bring out the worst in people. We had this on full display with Pesutto. But politics can often bring out the best in people. We had this on full display with Deeming.”
New Petition Backs One Nation’s 2020 NSW Religious Freedom Bill Abandoned by the Big Parties
“Opponents of religious freedom know if they can tear down freedom of religion, they are removing the vanguard of conscience, thought, faith, and family.”
Judeo-Christianity? Should This Term Be Used?
“It is notable that traditionally the West was referred to as Christendom, not Judeo-Christendom, or Islamo-Christendom.”
What General MacArthur Did in Japan Was Nothing Short of Remarkable
“If you do not fill it with Christianity, it will be filled with Communism. Send me 1,000 missionaries!”
The Scandal of the Incarnation
“The one person who was privileged to know all along what had happened was Mary. Joseph at first did not believe, but the angel convinced him.”
Can Only Be True
“How does a symbol of torture become a symbol of the most amazing hope?”
How the Church Undermined Slavery
“As Christianity declines in the West, the old pagan ideas of the powerful or government owning people’s bodies are coming back. It’s our job to resist that…”