Magdeburg Terror Attack: Multiculturalism and the Islamist Threat
"Angela Merkel had let over a million migrants and refugees into Germany under her reign. That has led to numerous problems, with many Germans now wanting a major clampdown on these open-door policies."
Yesterday I reported on the devastating terror attack in the German city of Magdeburg. A man from Saudi Arabia carried out this atrocity, and so I mentioned the broader issues of open border policies contributing to these sorts of attacks, and the record of Islamist jihad in Europe and the West.
Some reports are now coming out saying that while this 50-year-old man was indeed a Muslim, he later may have turned on Islam for some reason, and that he now claims to be a “Saudi atheist”. But so many questions arise here. While we await further details on all this, a number of things can be said even at this point:
What he did was fully in accord with Islamist terrorism. And bear in mind that almost 8 years ago to the day of this attack, an Islamist drove a truck through another Christmas market in Berlin, leaving 12 people dead and 56 others injured. So he certainly has been acting like an Islamist, and as I reported in my earlier piece, so many of these cases of vehicular jihad have occurred of late.
Also, one obvious question to ask is this: If he really is now so anti-Islam, why did he not attack some Islamic festival, instead of a Christian Christmas one? Just too many questions remain unanswered here. A Saudi Muslim who now is fighting against Islam, and goes on mass terror attacks? Really? One media report says this:
Prominent German terrorism expert Peter Neumann said he had yet to come across a suspect in an act of mass violence with that profile. “After 25 years in this ‘business’ you think nothing could surprise you anymore. But a 50-year-old Saudi ex-Muslim who lives in East Germany, loves the AfD and wants to punish Germany for its tolerance towards Islamists — that really wasn’t on my radar, ” Neumann, the director of the International Center for the Study of Radicalization and Political Violence at King’s College London, wrote on X.
And we must not forget the Islamic doctrine of taqqiyah, which states that deception is permitted when dealing with infidels. If lying to one’s enemies advances the cause of Islam, then it is acceptable. I explain this common Islamic practice and teaching in more detail here.
Related to this, there is such a thing as psychological warfare or PsyOp. One definition of it is this: “Psychological operations are operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their motives and objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of governments, organizations, groups, and large foreign powers.”
Given that the German mainstream media, like its other Western counterparts, is largely in bed with the government and its dangerous immigration policies, and tends to bend over backwards to exonerate Islam and make excuses for what is done in its name, we may need to look to other news sources more carefully.
Concerning all this, various Middle Eastern commentators have been saying some revealing things about the attacker and his real motives. Consider what the Iranian/German commentator Maral Salmassi has written:
Despite claims made by the German press, Taleb Al Abdulmohsen is not an ex-Muslim atheist, nor is he a fan of the AfD or Elon Musk. While he may have spread this misinformation himself, it aligns with the practice of Taqqiye, an Islamic doctrine that permits lying and deception to advance Islamic objectives.
In reality, he is a radical Shia Muslim, as evidenced by his name and numerous tweets and chat leaks circulating on Arabic-speaking platforms like X. Disturbingly, his plans to carry out mass killings of Germans were brought to the attention of German authorities by a Saudi woman. Tragically, the police ignored her warnings.
🔴Saudi girl living in #Germany reported to the German police in September 2023 about the danger of a man called Talib Abd AlMohsen, who was planning to run people over with his car.
The German police ignored the report and acted in a stupid bureaucratic manner.
A Saudi official confirmed to Reuters that #SaudiArabia had warned #Germany about the terrorist tendencies of Talib Al-Abdulmohsen #Magdeburg Attack Perpetrator after he posted threats to destabilize security . ( look to the screenshot) 👇🏻
Pamela Geller is one who has featured these comments and has spoken about the possibility of PsyOp actions here.
Also consider this from Robert Spencer who quotes one Saudi commentator about the Magdeburg attacker: “Raw Facts You Won’t Hear from the German – Media Echo Chambers About the Latest Horrendous Terror Attack in Germany / #Magdebourg: Early 2006: ‘Taleb Abdulmohsen’ flees Saudi Arabia after being accused of rape and implicated in serious crimes.”
Salman Al-Ansari describes himself as “a Saudi political commentator, writer, and public speaker. A frequent guest on CNN, BBC, and France24.” He is the only source right now for these assertions, but there are precedents for Muslims claiming to be ex-Muslims in order to get asylum in the West. Often they have maintained this facade for a considerable period, which is relevant because Taleb Abdulmohsen apparently claimed to be an ex-Muslim for years. Acid attacker Abdul Ezedi claimed to be a Christian to get asylum in Britain, but was given a Muslim burial. Emad Al Swealmeen went through the conversion process to become an Anglican, and then carried out a botched jihad suicide attack at Liverpool Women’s Hospital. Is Taleb Abdulmohsen another fake ex-Muslim? We may never know for sure, but there is no doubt that his attack fit the jihadi modus operandi in numerous ways, and has no parallels whatsoever in the behavior of other ex-Muslims.
All this might just be the tip of the iceberg, and as mentioned, so many questions need to be explored. But given how often Western leaders and Western media prefer to side with Islam and seek to explain away these sorts of attacks, we need to keep asking these kinds of questions.
I have already had my usual atheist trolls coming to my site trying to say the Magdeburg terrorist was in my camp and the like! Such comments by these trolls go exactly where they deserve – straight into the bin. Enemies of the West will always give folks like Taleb Al Abdulmohsen the benefit of the doubt, while condemning those of us who still think the West is worth defending, and that political Islam must be carefully and critically assessed.
As to my original article, a few more things can be said. The two main points of my piece remain fully true. One, Islam is a massive threat throughout the West. Some 46,500 deadly Islamist terror attacks have taken place around the world since September 11, 2001. These have been meticulously documented on this important site.
The reality of Islamist terrorism cannot be ignored. The 320 articles I have on my site about this offers us heaps of details on what we are facing.
Also, one can rightly claim that multiculturalism has basically been an abject failure in Europe and much of the West. Angela Merkel had let over a million migrants and refugees into Germany under her reign. That has led to numerous problems, with many Germans now wanting a major clampdown on these open-door policies. More protests along these lines have already taken place since this recent attack, with crowds urging ‘Deportation now.’
Consider one recent post found on the social media: “Japan may only be 1% Christian but they celebrate Christmas with the same warmth as the Europe of old. Christians are welcome & safe to walk around the Christmas Markets because they are an ethnically homogeneous society that controls their borders.” See more on the problems of most Western immigration and multiculturalism policies here.
And for what it is worth, I did offer some qualified remarks in my earlier article: “And for the most part, Saudi equals Muslim. Not always, but one suspects this person was NOT a Baptist or a Buddhist… However, these sorts of horrific attacks almost always turn out to be perpetrated by Muslims.” Nearly 100 per cent of citizens in Saudi Arabia are Muslim. So to assume that this Saudi man was a Muslim was not wild speculation, but a sensible conclusion.
Just who this attacker actually is needs to be more fully explored. Is he indeed mentally unhinged? Has he somehow actually renounced Islam? Is he engaging in taqqiyah and psychological warfare? He is now in police custody, and we will see what they have to say in the days ahead. But we need to be ever vigilant given that this will not be the last of these sorts of terror attacks.
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