1333 search results for "Trans"

Last year Brian Houston, the founder of Hillsong Church, commended Israel Folau’s bravery for his stance on Same-Sex Marriage. Well, it seems now the rugby star may have fallen out of favour with the mega-church pastor after a series of Instagram posts criticising prosperity preachers. Houston, author of ‘You Need More Money,’ took offense to at least four of Folau’s recent posts. The first stated, “The mega church preaches happiness not holiness. Without holiness no one shall see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14).” In the comments section, Houston replied, “The message [is] not holiness or happiness. The message is JESUS. And its our focus…

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Senator Cory Bernardi has said he’s “right on board” with Denmark’s recent decision to ban the Islamic full-face veil in public spaces. Senator Bernardi told Triple M: You shouldn’t be able to cover your face in public buildings. If you want to do it in your backyard, that’s OK. But what’s the point of having security cameras on our streets or CCTV if you don’t know who’s hiding underneath it? There’s been evidence that criminals have been using it… It is the flag of Islamic fundamentalism and we don’t want Islamic fundamentalism in this country. Listen: Senator @corybernardi is right…

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A MOTORIST in the UK has recorded the moment he saved a delivery boy from his Muslim attacker. The victim was in the area to deliver flyers when he was approached by a man holding a stick. The Muslim man then threatened to kill the young man before taking his belongings. The motorist spotted the incident from the street and pulled up moments after the victim was forced to remove his shoes. When the motorist approached and asked what was going on the attacker responded, “What are you going to do?” After he then checked on the well being of…

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A University of Melbourne dance performance segregates white audience members from people of colour and makes white patrons sign a declaration that states, ‘I acknowledge where I stand’ before they’re allowed to enter the theatre. According to The Australian, the performance titled Where I Stand, aims to highlight the systemic racism indigenous people and people of colour have experienced in society and throughout history. Creator and student Isabella Mason said, “The (white) audience in the foyer are invited to go through a process of accepting/transitioning/cleansing similar to a right of passage. I do not consider the ritual in the foyer…

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A Brisbane based pro-life group says eight babies have been saved since the launch of their ministry several months ago. The group, known as Project 139, took to their Facebook page yesterday revealing parents made the decision to follow through with their pregnancy as a result of a conversation with a counselor outside an abortion clinic. “We are there to give them another choice, to show them how abortion is not their only option,” the group said. The ministry also extends support once a family make the decision not to abort their baby. “We have been able to give to…

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Anger can be wrong. Anger can be sinful. But anger is not always a wrong and sinful emotion. Sometimes it’s right to be angry. The Bible says, “be angry, and do not sin” (Ps. 4:4; Eph. 4:26). This would suggest that anger is not necessarily sinful, otherwise you couldn’t “be angry” without sinning. But often we find ourselves angry at the wrong times and the wrong things, and not angry enough at the right times about the right things. In the video below, Brendan O’Neill and Julie Hartley-Brewer discuss Britain’s passive response to the Manchester bombing. A nation that cannot…

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Migration levels are too high and welfare entitlements are too generous, according to Senator Cory Bernardi, and many, many other concerned Australians. Australia’s current intake is around 230,000-240,000 per year. That’s a million additional people in four years. A figure close to the population of the city of Adelaide, which took two hundred years to develop. According to Bernardi, “governments haven’t been able to keep up with the infrastructure demands on it, and there’s been a too generous welfare entitlement.” “If you reduce the level of migration firstly, until we can catch up, that’s one positive thing. Secondly we need…

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Don’t you find it ironic that the same people who pride themselves in being “pro-choice” are now essentially advocating no-choice by pushing for pro-life exclusion zones around abortion clinics? Just take a look at the abuse sidewalk counsellors from We Support Women have copped on Twitter simply for ensuring women fully understand their choice. All in the name of love, of course. Watch:

Last month Jon Ponder, a former bank robber and three-time convicted felon, met with President Donald Trump at the White House Rose Garden for the National Day of Prayer. Also present was Richard Beasley, the FBI agent who arrested Ponder 14 years ago. President Trump shared their remarkable story, from Ponder’s arrest to the founding of his ministry, Hope for Prisoners. “Jon and Richard, you are the living testament to the power of prayer,” President Trump said. “Your story reminds us that prayer changes hearts and transforms lives. It uplifts the soul, inspires action, and unites us all as one…

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In Psalm 139 verses 13 and 14, David wrote, “You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” This passage has been the tagline for many organisations and groups in the pro-life movement, and for good reason. Life comes from life, and all life ultimately comes from the author of life itself. The video below offers a truly amazing glimpse at what that actually looks like, from fertilisation to birth. Watch:

Senator Cory Bernardi has told Sky News he will defend Sonia Kruger’s right to freedom of speech after the Civil and Administrative Tribunal refused an application by the Nine Network to have a racial vilification complaint dismissed. The complaint came in 2016 after Kruger endorsed an article by columnist Andrew Bolt during a segment of the Today Show. “I mean, personally, I think Andrew Bolt has a point here, that there is a correlation between the number of people who, you know, are Muslim in a country and the number of terrorist attacked,” she said. “Now I have a lot…

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To celebrate Gay Pride month, CBC Canadian television host Jessi Cruickshank sat down with a group of young children to discuss “sexual diversity,” “gay marriage,” the “advantages” of having parents of the same gender, and “gay celebrities.” Cruickshank also admitted to the children that she once questioned her own sexuality after finding herself several times watching nude scenes involving actress Jodie Foster. Watch:

Allie Stuckey, The Conservative Millennial, has schooled Mitt Romney after the candidate for U.S. Senate in Utah called pastor Robert Jeffress a “religious bigot” for believing one of the most basic doctrines of Christianity. Robert Jeffress says “you can’t be saved by being a Jew,“ and “Mormonism is a heresy from the pit of hell.” He’s said the same about Islam. Such a religious bigot should not be giving the prayer that opens the United States Embassy in Jerusalem. — Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) May 14, 2018 Historic Christianity has taught for 2,000 years that salvation is through faith in Christ…

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Like many young men who are inclined to the right, I have recently become a fan of Jordan Peterson. I’m a Christian, so I find his scientific analysis of the world a bit too morally disinterested, but his clarity in presenting his scientific view of the human psyche and the dangers of ‘pathologised’ ideologies… well, it’s poignant and relevant. (And the fact that so many youth are drawn to his lectures shows the true hole in our education system of the past 30+ years, which a money injection will do nothing, in my opinion, to fix). Only a small portion…

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The Australian National University in Canberra has dumped plans to introduce a degree on ‘Western civilisation.’ The Ramsey Centre, chaired by former prime minister John Howard, was to offer 40 scholarships in the first two years of the program. According to The Australian, “The backdown follows intervention by the National Tertiary Education Union and the Australian National University Student Association, which had claimed the program would push a ‘racist’ and ‘radically conservative agenda’.” Rowan Dean on The Outsiders explained: “This is the same university that has a Centre for Islamic Studies, a Centre for Indigenous Studies, offers a Bachelor of…

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Horrifying! A cyclist wielding a huge knife has attacked a motorist in broad daylight after an accidental collision in Croydon, London. The incident, recorded by dashcam video, shows the attacker chase down the vehicle and attempt to break through the driver’s window. After the attacker moved to the passenger side of the car, the terrified driver manages to escape on foot. In the last 12 months ending in September 2017, there were more than 37,000 recorded knife offenses in England and Wales, a 21% increase from the previous year. Over 18,000 knife offenses caused injuries. Almost 15,000 involved robberies and…

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During his recent appearance on Q&A, Rob Bower of Gosford Anglican Church was asked how he reconciled his stance on same-sex marriage with the biblical view of homosexuality. The question was put to Bower by an audience member who referred to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 in particular. The verse reads: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” …

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“We will be called things that we are not and persecuted, not for being followers of Christ but for being radical fundamentalists who do not know the true way of Christ, which of course is love and tolerance. You’ll go down as the greatest bigots and haters of mankind in history.”

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Do we need any more proof that the United Kingdom is broken? Tommy Robinson’s arrest was not an isolated incident. The United Kingdom has been on its knees to Islam for years. Just watch what happens when Muslim activist Anjem Choudary confronts a police officer after the officer is spotted wearing a Help for Heroes wristband. “As an officer you’re not supposed to have a political agenda,” Choudary states. “You’re not supposed to support the British government in their foreign policy, are you really? And you have a band, and you’re supporting the soldiers of this country… Why are you…

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Reality killed satirical news, and this is proof: Beyoncé Mass is a thing, and it attracted a crowd of more than 900 worshipers last month. Rev Jude Harmon of Grace Cathedral in San Francisco gave the service, highlighting Beyoncé’s music and how it relates to the spiritual experiences of black women. Rev Harmon explains: “Honestly, I think Beyoncé is a better theologian than many of the pastors and priest in our church today. That is not an exaggeration… “Jesus chose Mary of Nazareth, a woman of colour, and another woman of colour, Mary of Magdala to be the prophet of…

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