1333 search results for "Trans"

“Is the way we treat boys and girls in childhood the real reason we still haven’t achieved true equality between men and women in adult life?” That question was posed by BBC’s new show titled, No More Boys and Girls: Can Our Kids Go Gender Free? In two hour-long programs, Dr Javid Abdelmoneim takes over a year 3 classroom and removes all differences in the way boys and girls are treated. The goal is to see if, after a term of gender-neutral treatment, he can “even out the gaps in their achievements.” The British public broadcaster also released video of…

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Lauren Southern’s Australian tour wrapped up this week, and to the surprise of many dooms-day alarming Leftists, Australia somehow survived. You’d almost be forgiven for thinking we were about to witness the death of democracy considering the media coverage. Almost every media outlet in the country had something to say about the alt-right, far-right, right-wing, homophobic, transphobic, white-supremacist, fascist, anti-feminist, Nazi, racist 23-year-old Canadian. But even Joe Hildebrand noted last week, “most of the news articles I’ve read don’t actually outline what her ideas are. Instead she is typically just referred to as racist, Islamophobic, anti-feminist and homophobic.” Rather than…

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Life Site News reports: “A plastic surgeon in Toronto who calls himself a “leader in the LGBT community” has admitted to performing double mastectomies on girls as young as fourteen who believe themselves to be ‘boys.’ Dr. Marc DuPéré will perform the procedure, despite the vast majority of children with gender identity confusion eventually reverting to their natal sex, as long as the teen girl is ‘firm about the decision to transition,’ he wrote in a now deleted post on his website.” READ: Canadian doctor pockets $9,000 to remove breasts from 14-year-old girls who believe they’re ‘boys’ Evidence shows that the majority of…

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More than 800 sub-Saharan migrants broke through the border at the Spanish enclave of Ceuta in Morocco on Thursday. The group bombarded border officers with bags of excrement, as well as quicklime, sticks and stones. Aerosol cans were also used as flame throwers. According to The Telegraph, this is the first incursion of such magnitude into Ceuta since February 2017, when 850 migrants crossed the border in four days. Although, security forces say the level of violence employed in the recent assault was “unprecedented.” Spain welcomes its new arrivals after the country's socialist government decided borders weren't important. Good luck.…

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The Australian Labor Party’s consultation draft claims to “distill the policies and enduring values that Labor aspires to implement in government.” According to the document, “all Australians have the right to exercise their freedom of speech” (p.187; 120), but with that freedom comes the responsibility not to “harm” others with your words. “Australia’s anti-vilification laws strike an appropriate balance between the right to free speech and protection from the harm of hate speech” (121). Words, either written or spoken, can cause actual harm, beyond “mere offence,” according to the ALP. Those who abuse the “responsibilities that come with freedom of…

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Rowan Dean has told Andrew Bolt, “Until there is a reformation in Islam, you basically have two choices. You either follow the Quran and become ultra-religious — in which case I’m afraid you are a menace to Western society, ultimately or potentially — or you walk away from it…” What do you think? Is reformation likely? Is it even possible? WATCH:

A petition to re-hire James Gunn has attracted more than 230,000 signatures, after the director of Guardians of the Galaxy was fired by Disney. Gunn was fired after a number of disturbing rape and pedophilia themed Tweets dating back to 2008-2011 were recently uncovered by commentator Mike Cernovich. Cernovich shared a number of screenshots on his website, and claimed Gunn “went on a mass-deleting spree… as people uncovered Tweets where he advocated for and seemingly admitted to being a pedophile. He deleted over 10,000 tweets and also took down his personal blog, which told the story of a monkey masturbating…

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Christians who claim that homosexuality can be “fixed” could soon find themselves being prosecuted as the Victorian government orders an unprecedented inquiry into gay conversion therapy. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the inquiry will capture registered or unregistered counsellors, as well as faith-based ministries, who treat homosexuality as a disorder, along with anyone purporting to convert LGBTI people through therapeutic means. A bill has already been introduced in California, making it illegal to help anyone with unwanted same-sex desires or gender confusion. AB 2943 utilizes California’s existing consumer fraud statue to penalize “any practices that seek to change an…

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Digital Dementia is a medical term used to describe how the overuse of digital technology is resulting in the breakdown of cognitive abilities in a way said to be more commonly seen in people who suffer a head injury or psychiatric illness. “It’s convenient, I don’t want to memorize 500 phone numbers. No body wants to do that. But we’ve lost the ability to memorize one.” WATCH:

She’s the ideal candidate for the job, and she has a hugely impressive CV. There’s just one problem… The following sketch from Tracey Ullman’s Show reflects the sad state of affairs for many Christians living in the increasingly post-Christian United Kingdom. Also see: WATCH: Doctor sacked for refusing to use transgender language in heated exchange with trans model WATCH:

Victoria Police have expressed their “disappointment” after more than 100 Leftist protesters clashed with riot and mounted police on Friday night. The mob rallied outside of a Melbourne venue hosting Canadian speaker Lauren Southern. Bus carrying ticket holders attempted to reverse away from charging protestors who surrounded the bus pic.twitter.com/ChDCFYDBJu — Genevieve Alison (@GenevieveAlison) July 20, 2018 During the demonstration, a bus filled with attendees was swarmed by protesters who beat on the windows and chanted, “surround the Nazi bus.” According to 9 News the mounted police were eventually forced to charged the crowd in an attempt to clear the…

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Queensland’s Labor state government is set to decriminalise abortion, in an effort to “bring Queensland into the 21st century,” according to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. Currently abortion is only legal in Queensland if the mother’s mental or physical health is in serious risk. The new laws will allow women to abort their babies up to 22 weeks, no questions asked. Doctors may refuse to perform abortions, but they must refer the patient to another practitioner. Also to be introduced is a 150-metre safe access zone around abortion clinics that could see pro-life protesters and sidewalk counsellors facing up to one year…

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Hundreds of inmates radicalized during the war in Syria and the rise of Islamic State are set to be released from French prisons before the end of next year, the Wall Street Journal reports. Of those set to be released, about 50 were serving terrorism-related sentences, and a further 400 were classified as “radicalized” while in prison. According to the WSJ, “That group includes inmates finishing longer sentences who were convicted before the Syrian war, such as Djamel Beghal, who left prison on Monday.” “Mr. Beghal was handed his first terrorism-related conviction in 2001, another in 2013, and French magistrates…

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Whether you’re a Christian or not, the truth is undeniable. For hundreds of years, the Bible has played a supreme role in shaping the moral standards of Western Civilization. Yet in less than half a century, we’ve pushed the Bible out of just about every aspect of society without considering either the consequences or what might take its place. Noah Webster once said, “In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed… No truth is more evident to my mind than…

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What’s wrong with censorship? Isn’t it good for a society? Not necessarily. Brendan O’Neill suggests censorship actually infantilises people. “Censorship treats us as these children who have to have our ears and eyes covered by gracious people in positions of authority so that we never hear things that they’ve decided on our behalf are wrong or incorrect or offensive. “Everyone is reduced to the level of a child and as a consequence, your moral and mental muscles get weaker and weaker because they’re never called into use.” WATCH:

A bus company in the UK has scrapped adverts promoting a Christian festival after backlash from LGBTQ activists. The banners promoting the Festival of Hope appeared on Blackpool Transport’s Palladium fleet. The event was to be held at the Winter Gardens, and featured American evangelist Franklin Graham. In 2014 Graham reportedly upset the LGBTQ crowd after he suggested the gay rights movement was orchestrated by Satan, as an assault against the Christian faith. “When [the President] fails to defend biblically defined marriage, and he openly and zealously advocates for gay rights… we know we are locked in a war against the Christian…

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Facebook is changing. The popular social media platform have said they’ve been too focused on the positives of Facebook, and as a result they’ve not paid enough attention to the negatives, like the propagation of fake news. It’s time to “take action” against fake news, the Facebook website states. “Fake news is bad for people and bad for Facebook. It has long been a tool for economic or political gains, and we’re seeing new ways its taking shape online.” We’re making significant investments to stop fake news from spreading and to promote high-quality journalism and news literacy. The Facebook strategy…

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The UK government has fired a 55-year-old doctor after he refused to renounce his Christian faith, the Sunday Telegraph revealed. Dr David Mackereth worked for 26 years as an NHS doctor but was sacked from his position as a Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) disability assessor for refusing to identify patients with a gender contrary to their genetic and biological sex as established at birth. “I’m not attacking the transgender movement,” Dr Macereth told the Telegraph. “But, I’m defending my right to freedom of speech, and freedom of belief.” The father of four was reportedly deemed “unfit to work”…

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Why is it fun to go to the Apple Store, but painful to go to the DMV or RTA? What’s the difference between the two? Government. Ronald Reagan once said, “The nine most terrifying worse in the English language are, ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.’” How true. In the video below, Dr Ron Paul is asked by the debate moderator how students are supposed to pay for college without the government “helping.” Well, are they actually helping? That’s the question. So, how do you pay for college without government intervention? “The way you pay for cell…

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