424 search results for "marriage"

Canada’s Supreme Court has told a Christian law school they should abandon biblical values if they want accreditation. The Supreme Court ruled 7-2 against Trinity Western University’s (TWU) Law School, after LGBT activists argued the Law School’s Christian values discriminate against LGBT students. “In a pair of 7-2 rulings, the majority of justices found the law societies of British Columbia and Ontario have the power to refuse accreditation based on Trinity Western University’s so-called community covenant,” which requires: …that all students and faculty pursue a holy life ‘characterized by humility, self-sacrifice, mercy and justice, and mutual submission for the good…

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Last year Brian Houston, the founder of Hillsong Church, commended Israel Folau’s bravery for his stance on Same-Sex Marriage. Well, it seems now the rugby star may have fallen out of favour with the mega-church pastor after a series of Instagram posts criticising prosperity preachers. Houston, author of ‘You Need More Money,’ took offense to at least four of Folau’s recent posts. The first stated, “The mega church preaches happiness not holiness. Without holiness no one shall see the Lord. (Hebrews 12:14).” In the comments section, Houston replied, “The message [is] not holiness or happiness. The message is JESUS. And its our focus…

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To celebrate Gay Pride month, CBC Canadian television host Jessi Cruickshank sat down with a group of young children to discuss “sexual diversity,” “gay marriage,” the “advantages” of having parents of the same gender, and “gay celebrities.” Cruickshank also admitted to the children that she once questioned her own sexuality after finding herself several times watching nude scenes involving actress Jodie Foster. Watch:

During his recent appearance on Q&A, Rob Bower of Gosford Anglican Church was asked how he reconciled his stance on same-sex marriage with the biblical view of homosexuality. The question was put to Bower by an audience member who referred to 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 in particular. The verse reads: “Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, 10 nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.” …

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We told you it was about more than marriage. Christians who claim that homosexuality can be “fixed” could soon find themselves being prosecuted as the Victorian government orders an unprecedented inquiry into gay conversion therapy. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the inquiry will capture registered or unregistered counsellors, as well as faith-based ministries, who treat homosexuality as a disorder, along with anyone purporting to convert LGBTI people through therapeutic means. Health Minister Jill Hennessy, who asked Victoria’s Health Complaints Commissioner to conduct the investigation, told The Age: We have zero tolerance for anyone purporting to ‘convert’ gay people through…

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This article was originally published on Mark Latham’s Outsiders. I worry that Australia is sleep walking its way to disaster. Political correctness, identity politics and cultural Marxism have run through our institutions at an astonishing rate. There’s not enough public awareness of where these changes have come from and what they mean for the future. Media headlines focus on each controversy in isolation. But we need to understand the overall pattern. The Left has launched a cultural invasion of Australia based on the concept of ‘fluidity’. Everything we thought was fixed in our understanding of the world – such as…

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If love and marriage go together as a horse and carriage, so too do diversity and progressive thought. To counter any opposition to anything, all one has to do is to claim that it promotes diversity – and no one dares to speak against it. Everything is now about diversity – in football, Anzac Day celebrations, in education, and the media. Apparently, there is nothing that should not be hijacked to celebrate diversity. People may not hope in Christ, but they have a blind faith in diversity. How should the Christian respond? First, diversity hardly ranks as a virtue in…

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A New California bill could make it illegal to help anyone with unwanted same-sex desires or gender confusion. AB 2943 utilizes California’s existing consumer fraud statute to penalize “any practices that seek to change an individual’s sexual orientation. This includes efforts to change behaviors or gender expressions, or to eliminate or reduce sexual or romantic attractions or feelings toward individuals of the same sex.” The bill declares, “advertising, offering to engage in, or engaging in sexual orientation change efforts with an individual” as illegal under the state’s consumer fraud law. Alliance Defending Freedom attorney Matt Sharp said: “California AB 2943 makes it…

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Reflecting on the reality that God was sovereign over his life, Israel Folau sought to reason this point to others on Instagram and Twitter. Speaking to others in this new marketplace of ideas where pithy soundbites win, he was queried, “May we know how homosexuals fit within this teaching that you are presenting?” He responded: “HELL… Unless they repent of their sins and turn to God.” Eleven words was all it took. Many scorned, and the nation was inflamed against Folau. Well, not the nation, but certainly that which touts itself as the proverbial mouthpiece of the nation – the…

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Israel Folau, has caused controversy this week after posting an “offensive” and “homophobic” comment on his Instagram account. The rugby star’s initial Instagram post included a citation of James 1:2-4, which states: Consider it all joy when you encounter various trials, because the testing of your faith produces endurance… so that you may be lacking in nothing. In the comments section, a follower asked Folau, “what was gods [sic] plan for gay people?” Folau replied, consistent with the Bible and 2,000 years of Christian teaching, by saying, “HELL.. Unless they repent of their sins and turn to God.” Doesn't quite…

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Ali Dawah is an Islamic proselytizer “spreading the message of Islam and answering misconceptions.” He has close to 20k followers on Twitter, and almost 205k subscribers on YouTube. Last week Dawah explained the ethics behind child marriage: You asked me, would I allow my daughter to get married at nine. The analogy is wrong. Our teachings say the woman has to be sexually, mentally, and physically ready. If my daughter reaches the age of menstruation at nine years old, I would say, you are ready to get married, however, if she says, ‘Dad, I don’t want to get married,’ OK.…

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Rev Dr Gavin Ashenden was the Honorary Chaplain to the Queen from 2008 until his resignation in 2017. In the video below, Rev Dr Ashenden explains what’s behind the push for same-sex marriage and the gender revolution currently taking over the West. We’ve also transcribed some of Dr Ashenden’s noteworthy points. Undoing Marriage: The strange thing is, the effect of being just and kind and generous and protective to the small minorities is to begin to undo marriage. Then when you listened to them, they give it away… A famous Canadian author said we don’t want marriage, we don’t like…

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“Islamophobia? Under Islam I was raped, I was put in prison, I was lashed, I was beaten, I was sold into marriage, I was literally broken down into pieces and I had to build myself back up. Do you really think my fear is irrational? I have every single right and reason to fear this ideology.” Aynaz Anni Cyrus Do you remember when Theresa May suggested, Sharia teaching is being “misused and exploited” to discriminate against Muslim women, but insisted that many British people “benefit a great deal” from the strict law system? Let us introduce you to Aynaz Anni…

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Let’s be honest. Apple are in the business of selling products. They’re a business, and they’re not going to back a cause that threatens to sink them. So, don’t mistake their latest campaign for bravery. They’ve simply joined the plethora of brands now gayifying just about everything they’re offering, automated teller machines are no exception. In fact, thanks to the official YES Campaign, we’ve now been offered a large list of more than 2,000 organisations that are publicly backing LGBTQI issues. It’s no surprise then to see Apple’s latest virtue-signaling campaign called First Dance. A number of short videos have appeared on social media recently,…

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The ABC has just introduced us to Australia’s first openly transgender Anglican priest. Jo Inkpin, who was ordained in 1986, told the ABC he would at times cross-dress secretly, until eventually he discovered “this was not about cross-dressing but was a fundamental question of identity and wanting to live authentically as a woman.” Now, in his 50s, Inkpin is officially making the transition, which he believes will make him a better priest. According to the ABC’s report, the Archbishop of Brisbane, Dr Phillip Aspinall, supported Dr Inkpin’s decision and passed on a statement to clergy in July 2017, which said it…

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It’s truly remarkable that there is a marketing team out there that thought it would be a good idea for ANZ Australia to take sides in one of the most divisive national debates of our time. Of the 12.7 million Australians who voted in the Same-Sex Marriage survey, 38.4% of votes fell on one side, 61.6% fell on the other. At the risk of offending 4,873,987 potential Australian customers, ANZ Australia has introduced the GAYTM. Yes, they’ve managed to sexualise a bank transaction, although they look more like something from the set of George Clooney’s, Batman and Robin. AGL Energy…

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Prime Minister, Malcolm Turnbull once assured us, the Same-Sex Marriage bill would not “impose any restrictions on religious freedoms at all. Australians practice their religions with freedom, as we always have done and always will…” He then went on to say the bill itself made “no change to anti-discrimination laws.” This was the standard rhetoric we heard during the Same-Sex Marriage survey. “What’s it got to do with you?” YES voters asked. “If you don’t agree with gay marriage, don’t have one.” The idea was that, if same-sex marriage were to become legal, it would have zero impact on those…

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I am sure many of us have heard of the Pence Rule. Mike Pence the vice president of the United States and a professing Christian, has a rule that he never allows himself to be alone with a woman. I don’t think this should be interpreted to mean that he is unable to control himself around attractive females. Nor do I think he sees himself as such a hot dish that they are unable to keep their hands to themselves. Obviously he is concerned to uphold high moral standards, a good reputation, and not open the door to accusation or…

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The debate regarding Same-Sex Marriage is often framed with the language of “equality” and “human rights.” It’s argued, if some can exercise their right to marry, then why not all? Why is marriage a privilege only granted to some? Isn’t that discrimination? In the following clip, Voddie Baucham explains: Here’s [their] reasoning: Homosexuals have the right to marry; they do not desire to exercise the right as it currently exists; therefore, they do not have the right and the law must be changed… How about we change the first line? Pacifists have the right to join the military; they do…

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Winston Churchill once said, “When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside cannot hurt you.” Any comfort that thought may bring cannot last long for Westerners. Outside, there are no shortage of enemies, but inside, it’s more evident each day that there is no shortage of those who wish to destabilise national unity. Today, much of Western culture operates according to the ideology of Social or Cultural Marxism. The philosophy of Marxism is inherently divisive, and the form in which it is popularly expressed today is certainly no exception. Also known as Political Correctness and Multiculturalism, this ideology can…

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