634 search results for "good government"

“One of the massive blunders has been the hardcore and over-the-top lockdown measures. They have actually caused more harm than good, and many reports and studies have shown just how damaging and counterproductive they have been.”

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Here are some good critiques of the religious left and SJWs.

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The professionals I spoke with today assure me that we, as a nation are being railroaded, we are being lied to and it is far from being a “conspiracy theory”.  As a nation, we are facing some very serious issues and time will expose them all.

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“We cannot sit idly while patients are forced to go home and sicken in place. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.”

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If we once normalise an unbiblical divide like this in church, we are searing the consciences of our members and setting ourselves up for long-term segregation whether mandated or not because we have NOT clearly said, “It is wrong.”

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There are currently four cases challenging forced vaccinations before the Supreme Court.

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For all the vitriolic claims about “anti-vaxxer and climate change deniers” all being nut-cases and conspiracy theorists, Hamilton is guilty of his own tin-foil hat nonsense.

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“Tyranny seldom happens overnight, but usually arises incrementally – step by step.”

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Acknowledging that Australians are not OK, and encouraging them to speak up, while at the same time blocking comments, only served to make the Prime Minister look like a cold-shouldered, indifferent hypocrite.

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“The church would be appalled at any sort of racial/ethnic prejudice or segregation, but now in some quarters, segregation that Christ has not established, is being lauded as a solution for a return to normalcy. If there is no Jew nor Greek in the church, why should the vaccinated and unvaccinated be segregated?”

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“Up till this point, there has been ‘crickets’ from the church but following the publication of the ED suddenly key evangelical conservatives were mobilised – no, not in support, but to undercut this initiative of other Christians.”

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Democracies seldom become totalitarian police states overnight. But they can and do become them incrementally – especially when the populace is unaware or unconcerned about the downward slippery slope they are on.

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“Whether it be a vaccine, euthanasia, or aborting life in the womb, I am opposed to forced or coerced medical procedures.”

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The letter, dubbed The Ezekiel Declaration, was authored by three Queensland-based pastors who vowed to passionately resist any vaxx certificate system enforced on the church.

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To the Honourable Scott Morrison, As Christian leaders, you should be aware that in accordance with scripture we regularly pray for “and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way” (1 Timothy 2:2). We do write, however, to you regarding a matter of significant concern.  Namely, the proposed introduction of ‘vaccine passports’ into Australian society.  For many Christian leaders and Christians, this is an untenable proposal that would inflict terrible consequences on our nation. We should initially note that we are not the first generation that has…

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“I was the minister that established ‘No Jab, No Play,’ so my view on this is pretty clear,” Morrison said.

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In fact, to mischaracterize those who prioritize certain freedom over potential safety as “unloving” and selfish, when that is clearly not by necessity the case, is itself, ironically, a violation of what it means to “love your neighbour as yourself.”

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“We are about to witness one of the worst tragedies for women and girls in modern history.”

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What’s the cost of endless lockdowns? Here’s a list of some of the published side effects.

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“There are many folks who have legitimate concerns about the new COVID vaccines who are not rushing out to get the jab. But increasingly they are being made to feel like pariahs – and granny killers. Just as certain groups in the past were treated as second-class citizens – or worse – so too today.”

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