360 search results for "labor"

The solidarity of suffering is a field of mutuality that lies unexplored. It’s all to easily drowned out by the noise and antipathy of protest. The online activity of the masses, from anonymous activist to celebrity conformist, misses the opportunity to untie the tangled pathos that cements individuals into collectives, and brands them as possessions of “party-lines.” Not all human suffering is equal, but all human suffering is equally painful. To exist as if another person has no idea about what suffering is, is to dismiss suffering. Take for example, a family with a history filled with conflict and abuse.…

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Virginia Democrats are pushing to loosen restrictions on late-term abortion. A new bill proposed in the Virginia legislature by Democrat Kathy Tran, would make it easier for women to kill their babies during the third trimester of pregnancy. Presently, Virginia law only allows for abortions during the third trimester if three doctors agree that continuing the pregnancy would result in the mother’s death or “substantially and irremediably” impair her mental or physical health. The new legislation would reduce the three-doctor-approval requirement to only one doctor. The bill further seeks to remove the words “substantially and irremediably” when referring to the…

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The problem with Australian politics is the paradox of a lack of clear choices and a context of unprecedented polarisation. If I can even be so naive as to suggest there is only one problem, or even only one main problem, optimism about political debate and futures could be greatly improved simply by the major parties clearly distinguishing themselves from each other. There’s a common frustration about both parties being nearly indistinguishable. MPs in the parties often feel this is unfair, especially those further from the centre, and their feelings are not without merit. But neither are the comparisons. For…

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Context and explanation meant absolutely nothing to the outraged leftist media complex collaborating with self-interested politicians when accusing Senator Fraser Anning of Nazi levels of racism for saying the words “final solution”. Senator Anning declared, “In the days of Menzies, immigrants arriving here were not allowed to apply for welfare and that attracted exactly the right sort of hard-working people this country needed. We should go back to that and ban all immigrants receiving welfare for the first five years after they arrive. The final solution to the immigration problem is, of course, a popular vote.” Turnbull called the reference…

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As Western societies lurch from one disastrous fad to another, there have been increased efforts to ban what are called gay conversion therapies. Hollywood has naturally offered its obligatory contribution with the movie Boy Erased, Academia chipped in with a report from La Trobe University – the institution that birthed the Safe Schools Coalition – which joined with the Human Rights Law Centre and Gay & Lesbian Health Victoria to produce research to show that ‘LGBT conversion therapy remains a real problem in Australian religious communities.’ The Victorian government over 2016-2017 banned such therapy, and the Conservative government in the…

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In a 2006 article written for the Stanford Journal of International Relations, called “Responding To Genocide In Sudan,” Stephan M. Doane lays out reasoning for a much needed, tougher international stand on the issues plaguing Sudan. The article is dated, but raises, on an academic level, awareness about the plight of many South Sudanese people, who are stuck in a cycle of constant violence. Many of whom are Christians. Doane’s piece is well researched. He argues that the humanitarian crisis in Sudan is less acknowledged by international stakeholders. For example, the U.N and the international community appear “indifferent” towards the…

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Western Australia imports extreme anti-masculinity ‘Respectful Relationships’ material from Victoria. The $1-million program teaches kids to reject gender roles in fairy tales, embrace same-sex parenting, and reject ‘gender bias’ phrases such as “good morning, princess”, “boys don’t cry” and “girls can’t play with trucks”. The deceptively named ‘Respectful Relationships‘ program was announced during the holidays to keep parents unaware of plans to sexualise and degender OUR kids. The Labor spokesman was unwilling to reveal the exact content, nor which content providers were getting the $1-million in funding, nor which schools would even use the program. This is NOT in the domain of principals…

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Tasmania’s lower house has passed new transgender laws which will require parents to “opt-in” to having their child’s sex recorded on birth certificates. The amendments will also make it easier for teens as young as 16 to change their gender by simply filing a statutory declaration. Anti-discrimination laws were also broadened making it illegal to offend, insult or discriminate against someone on the basis of their “gender expression.” Refusal to use an individuals preferred pronoun will be regarded as “hate speech.” Martyn Iles, Managing Director of the Australian Christian Lobby, called it “Unhinged, total madness. We think we are gods.”…

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SATIRE: Following the Bourke Street Terrorist attack on Friday, November 9, Police Minister Lisa Neville may be secretly considering whether or not the targeted Bourke Street business owners should be charged for their use of Victoria Police resources, if she is consistent with past decisions. In a previous interview on 3AW, Ms Neville, possibly wearing a red shirt, said, “I remember at the time [we charged organisers of the Milo Yiannopoulos tour] people said ‘why are we charging for protests because he’s got a different view?’That is not the case. Any commercial activity, we ask for a contribution from those…

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It was reported Saturday that Labor MP Anne Aly was highly critical of the Prime Minister for how he handled the terror attack in, where else but, Labor’s Victoria. Touted as a counter-terrorism expert, the leftist Islam apologist accused the PM of ‘dividing the community’ by pointing out that “the greatest threat to our way of life is radical, violent, extremist Islam.” Of course, fundamental Islam is more than a bit of a problem for all culturally Christian nations where it has any significant presence; and the bigger the presence, the bigger the problem. The sober reality which doesn’t fit…

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Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison has said it’s just an “excuse” to blame Melbourne’s recent Islamic terrorist attack on mental health issues. In an interview on Studio 10, the Prime Minister said, “This bloke, radicalised here in Australia with extreme Islam, took a knife and cut down a fellow Australian in Bourke Street. I mean, I’m not going to make excuses for that… “He was a terrorist. He was a radical extremist terrorist who took a knife to another Australian because he’d been radicalised in this country. We can’t give him excuses, and we can’t allow others. These other issues…

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Bill Shorten has promised a $20-million in taxpayer funded “investment” in women’s netball if Labor is elected. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, in 2005-06, a total of 387,500 women aged 15 years and over participated in the game. “If Labor is elected we’re going to make the biggest single ever investment in women’s netball, $20-million,” Shorten said in a video he shared on Twitter. “I’m a netball dad. I’m really proud when I watch my girls train and when they run onto court. I want every girl to have the same chance as every boy in Australia playing…

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Senator James Paterson has applauded Simon Birmingham for his “careful stewardship of taxpayer dollars,” after the former education minister rejected $4.2-million in recommended university research grants. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, this is the first time a minister has used such powers in more than a decade. On Twitter Labor Senator for Victoria, Kim Carr said, “last time this happened was by Brendan Nelson.” However, in Carr’s next tweet he went on to call Birmingham’s actions “unprecedented.” “The former Minister has interfered with Australia’s peer review system,” Carr tweeted. “Is it because he did not like the topics, the…

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I worry that Australia is sleepwalking its way to disaster. Political correctness, identity politics and cultural Marxism have run through our institutions at an astonishing rate. Sometimes I’m asked why I wasn’t saying these things when I was leader of the Labor Party in 2004. The answer is straightforward: none of these issues were current 14 years ago. They simply didn’t exist. Australian politics has been through a remarkable period of change. Prior to the election of the Rudd Government in 2007, the budget was in surplus, our electricity supply was stable and affordable, political correctness had disappeared and only…

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Queensland is celebrating the decriminalisation of abortion by turning the bridges purple, or so Jackie Trad initially thought. The state’s deputy premier posted photos on Twitter Thursday afternoon showing Victoria Bridge and Kurilpa Bridge lit up purple. “Love seeing our local bridges beaming with purple light to celebrate the passing of our bill to decriminalise abortion,” Trad said. “We’re keeping them lit up right across the weekend so make sure you go check them out.” Love seeing our local bridges beaming with purple light to celebrate the passing of our bill to decriminalise abortion. We’re keeping them lit up right…

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During her recent appearance on Q&A, Labor MP Terri Butler made two terrible arguments against religious schools being able to discriminate against homosexual teachers: 1) Doesn’t your religion teach you to ‘love your neighbour’? 2) Homosexual teachers don’t teach maths any differently to heterosexual teachers. In response: 1) Of course Christians are to love their neighbours. But what does it mean to love your neighbour? Terri Butler’s absurd idea of love would also mean that a Christian school should not discriminate against an atheist being employed as a teacher, because after all, aren’t Christians called to love them? Indeed we are…

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Last month Senator Pauline Hanson asked the Australian Senate to acknowledge a rise in anti-white racism, along with increased attacks on Western civilisation. Senators were also asked to acknowledge that it is “okay to be white.” Yesterday the motion was defeated 28-31. “My motion for the Senate to acknowledge the rise of anti-white racism has been defeated 28-31,” the One Nation leader tweeted. “Labor, Greens, Xenophon Team and Derryn Hinch voted against it.” “It seems the Senate doesn’t think it is okay to be white while at the same time denying the rise of anti-white racism.” My motion for the…

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BBC News has asked if the word “woman” should be spelt “womxn” after the Wellcome Collection, a museum and library in London, used the term in a tweet to promote an upcoming event. According to the British public service broadcaster, “womxn refers to females, but it is an attempt to get away from patriarchal language.” The story went on to cite Dr Clara Bradbury-Rance, fellow at King’s College London, who said the spelling womxn “stems from a longstanding objection to the word woman as it comes from man, and the linguistic roots of the word mean that it really does…

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UK police have urged the public to report ‘non-crime’ incidents in an effort to stop non-criminal comments from hurting the feelings of those affected. The message sent out by the official Twitter account of South Yorkshire Police said, “In addition to reporting hate crime, please report non-crime hate incidents, which can include things like offensive or insulting comments, online, in person or in writing.” “Hate will not be tolerated in South Yorkshire,” the department said. “Report it and put a stop to it #HateHurtsSY” The tweet which has prompted thousands of angry responses, comes after it was revealed South Yorkshire…

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The ABC’s taxpayer funded and failed program Tonightly with Tom Ballard has taken a swipe at Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s faith and the Pentecostal church he attends. A video posted to Ballard’s Facebook page says, “Some Australians are confused about Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s Evangelical faith and the role it plays in his politics. Christ rock duo The Shadow Ministers explain through song.” The song was performed by a duo pretending to be musicians from Morrison’s church. “ScoMo is under the spell of Jesus’ charm, and kids are under safety watch for self harm,” they sang. “If Jesus was a…

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