634 search results for "good government"

“Despite the Big Brother Statist overreactions, and Trudeau calling this a ‘fringe minority,’ this protest IS massive and is sending shock waves throughout, not just Canada, but all around the world.”

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“The Covid-19 response has proven that most men are betas who are comfortably enslaved by fear, and thus, they willingly surrendered their rights. It’s as if they like the way their shackles match their purse.”

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“Despite the plethora of biblical injunctions to ‘fear not!’ the church, on the whole, has not exhibited a robust spirit of courage.”

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“Whether or not all this is good ‘science,’ it certainly is a good way to have a dictatorship for life. And it is certainly a good business model – one that has the masses permanently hooked on your product.”

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“The Church’s default position has been a proof-texting of Romans 13, and an almost blind compliance of everything that our government has said…[through] the propaganda machinery of state news channels, spouting out the latest narrative that we are being expected to follow.”

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“There is not one square inch in the whole [of creation] over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: Mine!” – Abraham Kuyper

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“…if you can destroy the family unit, you then have the naked individual fully dependent on and enslaved to the State.”

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“The surgery has now rung my parents and said that he cannot have the surgery unless he has a 1st dose of the vax. Wow. They would just leave him to die of cancer instead.”

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“None of these things would have happened if Trinity closed its doors and was solely online… I’d be dead right now if God had not used this church in my life.”

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“To oppose tyranny is to honour God. The office of the magistrate demands our respect, but we need not blindly respect the ruler in that office.”

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Kamel was arrested in 2019 on what the United States Commission on International Freedom said were “spurious” charges.

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“One way to be equipped to think critically and discern truth from error in the current environment is to listen to the arguments and views of those who dissent from popular opinion.”

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“We’re losing good nurses, doctors, police officers, firefighters, aged care workers, and more. But this is where exemptions are offered? Tennis?”

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“The Prime Minister would do well to reflect a little longer on the qualities he remembers the Archbishop representing. In his own words, without a real belief in human dignity, the power of freedom, and opposition to apartheid, the world cannot be a better place.”

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“One thing we can be certain about: relying on the mainstream media here is almost useless – probably even harmful. In so many ways it has become an absolute waste when it comes to getting real news. Propaganda has usually replaced real reporting of news. That is why the various alternative media outlets may be a much better place to start with.”

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“The West today is moving in such perilous and dangerous directions that the need for new underground movements is now imminent. In fact, it is already upon us.”

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“They need the people to believe that the only solution to the current ‘crisis,’ whatever it may be, is wearing the shackles of the state. But this cannot be accomplished without a relentless propaganda campaign, designed to instil enough fear that people start begging for the safety of slavery while rejecting the risks of freedom.”

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“What is happening in America and elsewhere throughout the Western world is simply disastrous. And it seems to be getting worse each passing year. No culture can long last when it wars against its most important and vital social institutions.”

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A biblical/gospel issue regarding the government’s reaction to Covid-19.

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Mass Psychosis is the Pandemic’s Epidemic

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