634 search results for "good government"

“…states psychologically manipulated individuals by deliberately scaring them with predictions of horrific mortality rates and agonizing deaths by suffocation, as internal government papers show and some governments have openly admitted. Distrust of others was promoted by portraying them as potential threats to life and limb. Such propaganda enables many states to impose policies that infringed on people’s rights and liberties in ways that previously seemed unthinkable in the ‘free’ world.”

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“Without justice, we are reduced to the level of animals. That is why courts exist. That is why trials happen. That is why bodies like the International Criminal Court exist.”

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“The excuses heard over and over again for why there should be blanket amnesty is that no one knew what was going on in the early days. These folks claim we were all in the dark and none of us had any useful information to run with. This is patently false.”

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“They’re not asking for your forgiveness, they’re publicly forgiving themselves. They are saying we have no blood on our hands, we have nothing to say sorry for, so it is time to move on.”

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“We need to make sure we have people in the polls. We need to make sure we can get to the courts – and get to the courts on time,” he said.

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“Conservatives now find themselves compelled to contend with Progressives on Progressive turf, according to Progressive rules, which can be summed up in one: Conservatives lose, whatever it takes, and to hell with the rules.”

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“We all know that the three hardest words to say in English are ‘I was wrong.’ Admitting you erred or fell for a con job is never easy. But it is the mark of intellectual integrity to do so.”

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“Should a Drag Queen, or member of the ‘Church’ of Satan decide to teach in a Christian school, there would be no solid legal ground for that Christian school to reasonably refuse employment.”

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“…since the totalist state wants to take upon itself godlike status and powers, then all rival Gods must be destroyed. And with Christianity being the one true faith, and the one that is most opposed to all other claimants to the divine throne, the totalitarians reserve their real animus and rage for it.”

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“Whoever strikes against God strikes down himself… Liberation from God is enslavement in creatures. Absolute humanism is the sure road to absolute despotism. Denial of God as truth begets the imprisonment of man in the self-imposed darkness of his own myths.”

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“So often today we smugly look back and ask, ‘Why did not more German Christians speak out back then?’ Well, simply look at our deathly silence during two years of hardcore statist lockdowns. Most folks went right along with all of it, not saying a word, and actually hating on those who did. Nothing has changed.”

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“We are impoverished for quality leadership animated by genuine faith.”

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“Perhaps if we sheep want to actually survive we should start looking for good shepherds with battle scars. Men who have paid a price for their convictions. Men whose convictions don’t change with the winds of time, politics, and popularity.”

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“We are owed not just plenty of apologies, but one can almost now talk about Covid reparations.”

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“‘Get vaccinated for others’ was always a lie. The only purpose of the COVID passport: forcing people to get vaccinated,” Roos said.

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“So why are the AFL and Dan Andrews and all the media tarts not seeking to force HER out, publicly shame and humiliate her, and make a lesson out of her? Oh, that’s right: Islam good, Christianity evil.”

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What is Christian nationalism? Is it the danger that some make it out to be?

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“Above all I say the embarrassing ones are not us. The embarrassing ones are those who support practices like surrogacy, abortion at nine months, and blocking the development of children with drugs at eleven years of age. That is embarrassing.”

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Our theology determines who is the rightful ruler.

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“One-thousand years of common law, a fancy way of saying ‘rules created in response to practical situations’, has given us the world’s best system from the English.”

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