
Over 56k Australians Sign Petition Opposing Vaccine Passports

Federal MP George Christensen voiced his support for the petition on social media, warning that digital vaccine passports may be used to deny service and employment to Australians because of their private and personal medical decisions.

Over 56,000 Australians have signed a petition asking the federal government to oppose the implementation of vaccination passports, warning they could be used to restrict the rights of individuals who choose not to take the C0VID-19 vaccine.

The petition, which closes on April 14, requests that the House commits to protecting basic human rights from discrimination based on vaccination status.

“We implore the House to change the law to not include this as a pre-requisite for travel or for any of its other associated relevant potential uses,” the petition states. Warning, “the e-vaccination/immunity passport enforcement of this policy or practice will lead to the segregation of the Australian people…”

Federal MP George Christensen voiced his support for the petition on social media, warning that digital vaccine passports may be used to deny service and employment to Australians because of their private and personal medical decisions.

Christensen last year wrote to Prime Minister Scott Morrison requesting a ban on “coercive measures by private companies or state governments that seek to restrict service to those who choose not to receive the vaccine.”

In his letter to the Prime Minister, Christensen said “the need for protective legislation or regulation to stop discrimination against those who have legitimate concerns against a rushed vaccine is paramount.”

If you would like to sign the petition, you can do so by clicking here or visiting:



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