
GQ’s Cringe “Photoshoot” of Joe Biden Is Like a Bad Communist Cover-Song

Quality control at GQ, must be on COVID-19 Wuhan Virus sabbatical.

GQ’s February 3rd fashion page featured Joe Biden. Teo van den Broeke sub-headed the article: ‘The 46th POTUS is more than the saviour of the Union… He’s a true-blue style icon too.

The GQ “Grooming director” gave a glowing portrayal of the 46th President.

Complete with the praise, adulation and hagiography, you’d expect from a leftist media starry-eyed by their glorious leader, and drunk on the euphoric sense that they now not only own you, but have absolute control over your very existence.

Broeke’s “woke” rendition of the many sides of Biden, looks like a cheap Communist Chinese commercial advertising a knock-off Barbie range they’d stolen from Mattel’s design floor.


So much so, that if GQ hadn’t given it a blue tick approval by posting it to their Instagram page, anyone seeing this stuff on social media would think the geniuses at the double B (Babylon Bee) had birthed it.

GQ went all out. With high gloss, a professional set, with some serious attention to detail; right down to Biden’s correct positioning of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

Broeke’s article has all the buzzwords one would expect to see written on posters praising Dictators. The kind we see in video games like Just Cause 3, or Ghost Recon, factual copies of real-life examples found in Saddam’s Iraq, Islamist Iran, Cuba, China, North Korea, Soviet Russia, Venezuela, and potentially, the new Democrat headquarters recently relocated to 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

GQ’s praise ticks all the propaganda boxes.

From noting the ‘no surprises, designed by Ralph Lauren inauguration outfit’ to ‘it was expensively stitched demonstration of both his dependability and stability, acting as a cypher for his unimpeachable patriotism.’ [!!!]

A career political being portrayed in high-end, expensive designer clothing, like Nancy Pelosi eating Ice Cream from her $20,000 tax-payer funded fridges, during her comfortable COVID-19 lockdown?

No surprises here.

Also, not surprising is GQ dumping some smug bitchiness on Trump. Stating that their celebration of the new president was also a celebration of the fact: ‘we no longer need to look at the giant orange buffoon in his two-legged body bags day in, day out.’

This coincided with the snarky GQ “Grooming director” referring to Trump as a ‘clown’, an ‘overinflated orange rodeo clown,’ and implying that Trump was in the list of ‘dead Presidents being carried around in Biden’s pocket.’

If you’re wondering about whether fat shaming the “former” President breaches Cultural Marxist “hate-speech” rules you’d be right to do so.

The problem there, of course, is that the Intersectionality yardstick only applies Cancel Culture to those pushed into the “oppressor” category by the so-called “oppressed” – “you are what they say you are, agree or else!” means, they can be what they say they’re against, because “it’s never wrong” when the Left does it, it’s just “never properly been tried before.”

Broeke isn’t even trying to be funny, and the juvenile smack-talk only bolsters this observation.

Let’s call a spade a spade.

GQ calling Biden ‘more than a Saviour’, while pouring scorn on Trump, is fascism proper.

GQ isn’t winning graciously.

This fascism proper comes further into focus, when you realise that this photoshoot, was photoshopped.

To quote Broeke, ‘we thought we’d give Biden the all-American makeover of his (but really our) dreams.’

What follows is a series of images showing Biden dressed in a range of clothes, in a range of settings, alongside glowing comparisons with Benjamin Franklin, JFK, James Dean, Billy the Kid, and Ennis Del Mar.

It should send a chill down the spines of every genuinely concerned keyboard warrior who fell in line and goose-stepped in time with the attempts to falsely paint Donald Trump as a racist, Nazi and/or Hitler.

There are enough trimmings here to make Leni Riefenstahl smile, and Moa, Pol-Pot, Stalin and Goebbels green with envy.

If I’ve read GQ right, Biden’s inauguration was a coronation.

This is everything you’d expect from the 47-year career politician, whose addiction to executive orders, and ‘vetted for loyalty’ standing army now garrisoned in Washington D.C, leaves Donald Trump’s so-called “fascism” in the dust.

Quality control at GQ, must be on COVID-19 Wuhan Virus sabbatical.

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