Izzy Folau and His Demented Detractors
Do you remember how before the redefinition of marriage people were saying that nothing would change, as well as how any mention of a ‘slippery slope’ was fear-mongering?
Thousands of Cricket Fans Can Pack a Stadium, but Churches Are Told They Still Shouldn’t Sing
It’s time for Christians everywhere to grow a backbone and stop being “evan-gelly-fish”.
Was Biden’s Election the Real Insurrection?
Without a doubt, interference in the United States election was a four-year long campaign to manufacture the 2020 election result, on a ‘whatever it takes’ to payback Trump for dethroning Hilary Clinton basis.
The Church Outlasted Nero and It Will Outlast Anyone Who Seeks To Outlaw Its Teachings
For the progressive left, it is always day zero.
Victorian Government Pressures Police to Issue Arrest Warrant for Holy Spirit
It has been reported that the Victorian government has been pressing police to issue a warrant for the arrest of the Holy Spirit.
Is Church Counselling a Greater Threat Than State-Endorsed Woke Culture?
Instead of having serious discussions about what is going on in this nation surrounding the coercion of gender and sexual attraction, we are left to watch politicians embolden their friends under the cover of ‘social justice’.
Ten Ways Jesus Has Changed The World For Women
Consider just ten of the ways that Jesus has changed the world for women.
Victoria Is Having Its Own Identity Crisis
The greatest identity crisis is most acutely embedded into the psyches of Victoria’s Labor government as it rolls out yet another law that destroys citizens’ lives in the name of granting freedoms.
It’s a Mistake to View the Biden Presidency as the Death of the Conservative Movement
Healthy competition has its place, but when that competition compromises cooperation, we’re no longer talking about teamwork, we’re talking about friendly fire and causalities of war.
Everyone Is Far-Right of Stalin
Most people understand that there is something deeply wrong with the language used to describe politics.
Christian, Don’t Be A Retreatist
It almost seems as though we’re grasshoppers fighting against a giant. Same-sex marriage is law. Biden won. Abortion is legal. Churches are being shut down as non-essential services.
You Know Nothing, Misinformation Could Help
The human eye sees only one million colours, whilst tetrachromats, like some birds, bees and fish, can see more than 100 million.
Understanding Why Christians Will Never Affirm LGBTQ Ideology
We’ve witnessed a rise in anti-Christian hostility in recent months, particularly when it relates to the Christian view of sexuality.
Is Dan Andrews Australia’s Most Shameless Christophobe?
Who leads the way in Australia when it comes to hating on Christians and Christianity – someone who does so regularly, habitually, and as a matter of course? One could think of plenty of likely candidates here.
If Twitter Can Deny Service to a Customer, Why Not Christian Bakeries, Florists and NGOs?
The lessons provided this week by the unjustified social media ban of Donald Trump, along with the industry-wide cancellation of Parler are dangerous precedents.
Lockdowns, Tyranny, and the Empty Promises of World Leaders
Rather than confronting the CCP for its deceitful and malicious practices both domestically and abroad, mainstream media outlets, celebrities, and politicians in the West have repeatedly attacked Donald Trump as the archnemesis of international relations.
Five Things Trump Should Do After Conceding
Trump has conceded the 2020 election to Joe Biden. In his speech, the President first condemned the ‘heinous attack on the Capitol’ saying he was ‘outraged by the violence, lawlessness and mayhem.’
No Referendum, No Change to the National Anthem
Earlier this month, Australian Prime Minister, Scott Morrison announced that his Government had made the surprise unilateral decision to adjust the Australian national anthem by replacing the phrase “for we are young and free,” with “for we are one and free.”
Why the Unrest in the West?
It was a year for the history books. Each of us has a story to tell about how the events of 2020 impacted us.
Love at the Edge of the Abyss
While Socialism might masquerade as a social force for good, it stalks through the world devouring the most important, sacred parts of civilisation.