Category Archives: Opinion

Convicted sex offender and wall street financier Jeffrey Epstein has died via ‘suicide’ in the Special Housing Unit of the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC) in New York. After being found unconscious at 6:30 am on Saturday, he was taken to a Manhattan hospital and pronounced dead shortly afterwards. The Federal Bureau of Prisons, which operates the facility, has at this point provided no statement. Epstein was being held without bail relating to fresh sex-trafficking charges pertaining to events between 2002-2005, after being arrested on July 6 this year at New Jersey’s Teterboro airport. Simultaneously, Police executed a search Warrant of…

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Television personality Oprah Winfrey is not someone anyone should look to for spiritual guidance, however, when recently asked why she thinks mass murders are occurring in the US, her response was quite unexpected. During an interview with Extra host Renee Bargh, Winfrey admitted that people no longer have the moral foundation they used to find at church. “I think what people are missing is a core moral center,” Winfrey explained. “Churches used to do that. It was the central place you could come to and there was a core center of values about a way of living and of being…

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I can’t think of a more pathetic display of non-leadership than that of Premier Gladys Berejiklian and her Deputy John Barilaro regarding the ‘Reproductive Rights Bill’ currently before the NSW Parliament. In fact, it’s nothing other than total political cowardice because neither person is going to speak in the debate even though they have both indicated that they will be voting for the Bill. As Linda Silmalis, the Chief Political Reporter for The Sunday Telegraph tweeted: The Premier choosing not to speak and now co-sponsors of the Abortion Bill plan to move amendments…what a mess #abortion #NSWpol — Linda Silmalis…

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It’s said that bias isn’t what you put in, it’s what you choose to leave out. Kristina Keneally has demonstrated at best a factual ignorance, and at worst, a deliberate attempt to use US tragedy’s as a means to score political points. In the past week, two mass-shootings, one in Dayton Ohio, the other in El-Paso Texas, rocked the United States. The Labor Senator and Home Affairs spokeswoman in a Sydney Morning Herald op-ed titled, We can’t bury our heads when it comes to right-wing extremism wrote: On Sunday a wave of sadness consumed me as I saw Dayton, Ohio…

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Award-winning Australian journalist, turned writer, Jana Wendt took a pounding on Twitter this week after the world was reminded of an interview Wendt hosted with the late African-American literary giant, Toni Morrison, in 1998. Desperate to keep the ‘we have a white supremacist crisis’ narrative alive following the Eco-Fascist mass shooting in El Paso, and the slogan’s quick demise after the mass shooting in Dayton by a Leftist Antifa supporter, many on the Left appear to be using the interview to keep their narrative alive. Their weapon of choice in an attempt to regain control of the discourse: the false…

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Kristina Keneally is hopelessly muddled about how freedom works, specifically freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I’m sure she’s had it explained to her before, but inexplicably comprehension yet eludes her – an alarming observation to make of a Federal Senator. I think leftists are often so mired in the prejudice of their anti-freedom propaganda they often end up shadow boxing, fighting against things no serious person believes. Take, for example, yesterday’s eleven-part Twitter challenge to the Prime Minister doubling down on her insistence that someone who tweeted something vile he then regretted, deleted and apologised for three years…

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Sometimes I think the abortion debate is like street crime – many people just don’t want to get involved. Some people seem uneasy with the idea of killing the unborn, but they are unsure about the “grey areas” around restricting the rights of others and “legislating morality”. Most of us don’t think that way about regular everyday murders, do we? If a dad kills his toddlers, we expect justice to be served. But if the same man coerced his partner to abort them it all becomes OK? Why is this permissible? Because we have been bombarded with the idea that…

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Democratic Candidate Tulsi Gabbard has been the victim of yet another deep state hit job, this time with Google suspending her campaign’s advertising account for six hours immediately after June 28th’s presidential debate. Her performance lead to a surge in internet traffic, with potential voters keen to hear more from the anti-interventionist war veteran. She grilled front-runner Kamala Harris, an alleged warrior for social justice, on her incredibly poor record as a California prosecutor, including locking up more than 1,500 individuals (disproportionately ethnic minorities) for marijuana-related convictions, and also refusing to release evidence that would exonerate an innocent man on…

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Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King Jnr came out swinging against Trump haters and manipulators this week when she took on the Leftist bureaucratic dragon’s fiery attempt to make the racist tag finally stick to Donald Trump. Calling Trump a racist has been part of the political narrative designed to remove him from office since 2016. This week the narrative resurfaced when the President used Twitter to call out Clinton supported, African-American ‘political adversary, Elijah Cummings D-Md’, for his biased party-line [ii] criticism of the Trump administration’s “America first”, border policies. Trump called Cummings a “bully,” then targeted…

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Incredible scenes from the left side of Australian politics. Shadow Home Affairs Minister Kristina Keneally spoke in the Senate on Tuesday night to illustrate why British born political commentator & former Breitbart editor Raheem Kassam shouldn’t be allowed to enter the country to speak at CPAC (Australia’s Conservative Political Action Conference.) Keneally spoke bluntly: We should not allow a career bigot — a person who spreads hate speech about Muslims, about women and about gay and lesbian people — to enter our country with the express intent of undermining equity and equality. Keneally’s calls come amidst a wash of Australian…

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A seemingly sacrosanct truth within prosperous western democracies is the need for a state-based antidote to corporate greed and avarice. Otherwise, we are unable to provide for those left behind by the machinations of supply and demand economics. It is argued that when left unchecked, markets become oligarchic or monopolistic, leaving the consumer and citizen with no power and unaffordable prices. It is the role of the government to thus ensure that these market failures, which in mainstream media take on a Machiavellian complexion, are resisted and expelled through legislation and bureaucracy. The problem does not dissipate however when the…

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A recent news headline reads, “Police raid elderly Australians over euthanasia drugs”, as police attempt to do their job, yet only so far as curtailing illegal importation and use of intentionally lethal poisons intended to kill persons. Suicide Safeguards Not Prosecuted Australian Federal Police have identified hundreds of traffickers and seized around 15kg of euthanasia drugs between 2007 and 2014 (enough to kill between 1500 and 2500 people) but less than a handful of people have been convicted over an importation offence (whether a minor fine or a suspended sentence). The federal penalty for importing suicidal poisons is up to 25 years…

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Last weekend, ‘thugs for hire’ terrorized the town of Yuen Long, Hong Kong, beating up anti-extradition, pro-freedom, pro-democracy protesters. Two days ago, University of Toronto professor, Lynette H. Ong in an article for the Washington Post, noted that there were reports the “thugs for hire” were connected to organized crime, however Ong said that there was evidence to suggest ‘that the attacks were orchestrated by pro-Beijing forces, with one pro-Beijing lawmaker reportedly congratulating the attackers.’[i] Whether from a plausible deniability angle or open allegiance, authoritarian governments are historically known for outsourcing organized 3rd party mobs to do their bidding. The…

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World swimming body FINA has levered podium protests at its Gwangju world championships as an opportunity to ban religious expression by competitors at all future FINA events. The new Code of Conduct provision entitled “rules of conduct during the competition” was enacted after an alleged drug cheat was snubbed at two official FINA medal ceremonies. The two new clauses, which could breach international human rights (ICCPR Article 18), effectively ban religious statements or behaviour “during competition” and appear to apply to all modes of communication, including social media. The new code of conduct, according to, reads: “The competitors shall…

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An article recently published by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age makes the claim that Israel Folau’s “controversial” Instagram post was a “misquote of the Bible.” The piece attempts to prove this point by suggesting Folau’s post was a citation of Galatians 5:19-21, a passage which makes no mention of “homosexuality” or even “hell” for that matter. “Note however, that Galatians 5:19-21 does not, in any translation, mention homosexuals,” the author said. “Folau and whoever wrote the original post have projected homosexuality into the promiscuous category. That is their bias.” “You will notice that there is nothing in the…

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There’s no question that China is a nation of rampant government surveillance. However, what you may not be aware of is that you are currently being watched if you are a WeChat user. In an era of countless social media applications, it’s normal to download whatever application is popular for communication without considering the ‘Terms and Conditions.’ So what’s the big deal with WeChat? It’s important to understand the history of WeChat in order to understand how it got to where it is today. Here’s a brief history of the company: January 2011 — Chinese company, ‘Tencent,’ debuts the messaging…

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An article in the Spectator Australia by Terry Barnes applauded Scott Morrison’s squishy love Gospel and harpooned Israel Folau’s fierce “fire and brimstone” Gospel. It juxtaposed the two Pentecostals as altogether different brands of Christianity: one of unforgiveness and damnation, the other of forgiveness and love. Naturally, having carefully crafted such a context for comment, Terry praised Morrison’s interesting as it is an ambiguous exhortation, “Wherever you are, be who God made you.” Barnes inferred from this a divine endorsement on the entire list of Scripturally prohibited behaviours which Folau quoted, contrasting the “heartless” footballer’s meme and the Prime Minister’s positivity.…

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In his book The Rage Against God, Peter Hitchens claims the current intellectual assault on God in the West is not necessarily a war on all religion, but a specific and targeted attack on Christianity, the true religion. This is highlighted by the fact that the Left is currently hostile towards Christianity while sympathetic with Islam. This is because Christianity is the religion of their homeland, Hitchens explains. Furthermore, Christianity is the form in which they have encountered the power of God in their own lives—and generally disliked and resented. To the Left, Islam is an exotic, distant creed which…

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“Love is love” is a slogan that assuages all sexual sin. If “love is love” is the new moral standard, then adultery, promiscuity, bestiality, and a number of other sexual sins are not only justifiable, they are permissible. This is because “love is love” falsely elevates sexual sin to a morally superior position, where anyone who stands opposed to the assumed “love is love” standard, is belittled as “unloving and immoral”. Heterosexuals who spout “love is love” know that in the current climate, “love is love” covers a multitude of sexual sin, so why not jump on the bandwagon? Especially…

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To criticise and insult people is a somewhat precarious activity. In fact, for one sinner to have the temerity to criticise another seems particularly galling, and liable to do more harm than good. Therefore, it is not altogether surprising that one should hear praise, especially at funerals, that a certain person ‘never said a bad word about anyone’. It reflects a sentiment which is not without truth, but there is also truth in Richard Baxter’s barbed comment, cited by J. C. Ryle in discussing the parable of the talents (Matt.25:14-30),  ‘To do no harm is the praise of a stone,…

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