Category Archives: Opinion

Some people feign shock at the claim #DragQueensAreNotForKids. CONTENT WARNING: Although every effort has been made to maturely avoid needless sensationalism, the following article includes references and links to adult sexual concepts which some readers will find offensive. If you are not an adult, ask your parents for permission to read any further. The “Australian Adult Entertainment Business Awards” has the following categories among others: Adult Party (e.g. Party, Drag Show, Swingers Party…) Escort Directory Brothel Adult Retail Store Drag Queen/King​ Fetish and Fantasy Provider Male/Female Stripper Transgender/Male/Female Escort Porn/Cam Star – Male/Female/Transgender Well on Sunday just gone the Brisbane City Council…

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It was only a few years ago, during Australia’s same-sex marriage debate, that a group of LGBTQ protesters stormed the stage at a Coalition for Marriage meeting in Melbourne. The protesters were chanting, “Crucify the Christians”, while waving a banner that read, “Burn churches, not queers.” Many same-sex marriage supporters saw the protest as a brave and courageous stand for love and equality. A month later the slogans, “Crucify ‘No’ Voters” and “Bash Bigots” was painted across the side of a Baptist church in Wheelers Hill. At the time, Lyle Shelton, former head of the Australian Christian Lobby and spokesman…

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The Daily Mail Australia is reporting Wilson Gavin died after suffering critical injuries in suicide about 7am this morning at Chelmer Railway station. I am, was, friends with Wilson. He has nothing to apologise for and is a hero we all should take notes from. He hated no one, and dearly loved his Roman Catholic Church, taking his religion very seriously. He loved the Queen and our Commonwealth, and passionately advocated for conservative principles as the best ideas for all of his fellow Australians. Like the stranger in the parable of the Good Samaritan, he thought it his Christian imperative to practically…

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Dr Michael L Brown offers incisive commentary on the pathological hatred of the American President. This article was first published on his website, Dr Brown will be touring New Zealand and Australia at the end of February as part of the not-to-be-missed Church And State Summit. Trump Takes Out a Terrorist: Good News or Bad? Dr Michael L Brown It’s not every day when major voices as disparate as Piers Morgan and Rush Limbaugh agree. But when it comes to Democratic (and, more widely, liberal) reaction to Trump’s killing of Iranian General Soleimani, Morgan and Limbaugh are singing the…

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Amnesty International, whose stated mission is “to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights and demand justice for those whose rights have been violated” has said they have three goals for 2020. First, they want to make same-sex relations legal in all countries. Second, they want to make abortion legal in all countries. And third, they want to abolish the death penalty in all countries. In other words, they want to impose their morality on the world. Given the fact that Amnesty International has rejected a Christian view of morality, their ideas of “right” and “wrong” are entirely arbitrary.…

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From Mao Xe-Dong’s genocidal regime in China, to the Third Reich’s extermination of the Jews, the history of Darwinian evolution is a path marked with human destruction. Various ideologies that surfaced during the nineteenth and twentieth century are evidence for the devastating effects of Darwinism when applied to society, and these continue to the present day. This has produced a new breed of social justice warriors, which has polluted the political waters creating turmoil and disunity. It stems from an acceptance of evolutionary theory, breaking down absolute truths, and replacing a moral compass with pluralism and the individual subjective experience.…

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Round one of consequences for the mass slandering of the Covington Catholic schoolboys may have seen The Washington Post skip past go with a get out of gaol free card when a judge dismissed the lawsuit last year. Cable Network News (CNN) didn’t get off as easily. The media giant has decided to settle with Nick Sandmann after a defamation lawsuit was also brought up against the organisation. The Washington Post’s, Paul Farhi, noted that L. Lin. Wood, lead lawyer for Sandmann, was also lead lawyer in the lawsuit filed by Richard Jewell against CNN after he was “vilified by journalists”,…

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If you’re a subscriber on Netflix, you may have recently come across the film The First Temptation of Christ. It is a Netflix Original (it premiered on Netflix) and was produced by a Brazilian comedy troupe, Porta dos Fundos. The film is centred around Jesus Christ’s 30th birthday and portrays Him as a homosexual. It mocks God the Father as if He were a seductive player, and ridicules Jesus’ family and disciples in the most unbelievably sacrilegious ways. Since its release, nearly 2.5 million people have signed a petition to remove the movie from Netflix, and its disapproval can be…

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It’s become quite fashionable with the advent of social media for rank amateur theologians to posture as experts on Christian living, doctrine and to even claim confidence of what the historical Jesus Christ would support or oppose. Ironically many personally reject any authority or validity of Scripture in their personal lives – it’s just something they pretend has authority when they ignorantly assume it supports their position. The most common example is easily people who quote the first two words of Matthew 7, “Judge not”, without reading the rest of that very chapter or Gospels or Bible which teaches Christians…

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Headlines around the world claim the West has never been more divided. Tensions and frustrations increase as the gulfs between ideological, economic, environmental, cultural, religious and political positions grow wider and wider. It’s as though we are being pulled in very different directions all at once on just about every issue. As we look around ourselves, it’s hard not to see the cultural chaos. We’ve effectively thrown away the Bible as the basis for morality, law, justice, and truth. As a society, we now find ourselves wallowing in the incoherent pits of relativism without anything of any meaningful substance to…

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There are those amongst us who present themselves as heroes, often view themselves as heroes, and expect others to account them as heroes. Movies are made about these people. News articles talk about them as if they were the great liberators of the modern age. Actors and Actresses in Hollywood lionize these people. Who are they really though? They are the intersectional “heroes”. Tearers-down of power structures and they are obsessed with power politics. What do I mean by this? Intersectional thought is a realm of discourse that deals with people’s intersecting identities and ranks people’s access to power and…

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Senator Pat Dodson, an Aboriginal from Broome, WA has scathingly criticised Christians working in the Kimberley region with local indigenous people who are embracing Christianity and abandoning traditional Aboriginal spiritism. “They are a type of virus that has really got no credibility,” he said. According to the locals they have experienced results such as freedom from tobacco addiction and no longer living in a culture with lots of fear and retribution all the time. One African missionary there describes the revelation of the personal love of God impacting local Aboriginals in such a way that they decide on their own…

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Back in 2012, The Australian published an article warning that by 2020 there would be hardly any more snow in Australia due to the catastrophic effects of climate change. According to Professor Katherine Pickering, from the Griffith School of Environment: We’ve predicted by 2020 to lose something like 60 percent of the snow cover of the Australian Alps. Well, that sure didn’t age well. The increase in climate alarmism seems to mimic a growth in the number of younger generation protestors, with the 16-year-old Greta Thunberg leading from the front. Following on from this, climate strikes are growing in number…

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An article in The Australian titled, “Amended religious freedom bill ‘deeply flawed’, says Law Council”, reports the Law Council of Australia president Arthur Moses SC is highly critical of the second exposure draft of the Religious Discrimination Bill (RDB2). The planned legislation is an attempt at the fulfilment of promises by the Turnbull Government which undefined marriage without building in the necessary protections for those whose deeply held convictions were suddenly at conflict with the official, novel beliefs about marriage. That failure is in a legal environment where radical fringe activists have increasingly sought to weaponise anti-discrimination tribunals against people…

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The recent bushfires across the eastern coast of Australia have been a national tragedy. They have claimed many lives, destroyed hundreds of houses, and have decimated literally hundreds and thousands of hectares of bushland. Everyone agrees that we are overwhelmingly indebted to the fire-fighters who have been tirelessly waging war against nature — they have done a tremendous job, in the face of a seemingly insurmountable task. Whilst the cataclysmic nature of the inferno is unanimous, there seems to be a chorus of Australians who have hastened to the conclusion that global warming is the cause, and CO2 emissions are…

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Here’s how a committee meeting between Herod and his advisers might sound if such a meeting were to take place in a Western context today. “This baby! This Jesus, his mother and father, is a threat to us! Committee members, you are asked to agree with Herod’s call for the genocide of all newborn male Hebrew children. For by this child’s very existence, all the power structures that surround him stand unprotected. This so-called, “Prince of Peace”, is a threat to safe spaces, our glorious goal of perpetual revolution and the power of its leaders.” “This child’s birth is nothing…

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Who wants ‘ten lords a-leaping’ or ‘six geese a-laying’ for Christmas! Would your ‘true love’ remain your true love for giving such bizarre gifts? Has a loved one ever given you a gift that you didn’t like? Ever have to ask, “What do I want with that?” At Christmas, a gift was given. But many people today wonder what they are supposed to do with it. The gift was the birth of the Saviour, Jesus Christ. If we read the Gospel of Luke (a biography of Jesus), we would see that on the night Jesus was born in Bethlehem there…

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I love Christmas carols. They are the soundtrack of the season. As great as carols are, it’s possible to make it through the whole month of December, hear these tunes, and yet not tune in to what the carols are really saying. On closer inspection, Christmas carols make some audacious claims. Consider just a few lines from Hark the Herald Angels Sing: Veiled in flesh, the Godhead see, Hail, the incarnate Deity. Pleased as man, with men to dwell, Jesus, our Immanuel. What an absurd idea. God being limited to one place at a time? God learning how to walk? God……

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The ABC employee who said he wonders if he would “hate f*ck” Christian MP’s who opposed same-sex marriage, has offered us yet again another lesson in civility. Benjamin Law, champion of tolerance and acceptance, on Sunday, tweeted: “Back at home and discussing politics with Mum. Given English is her second language, she’s now asking me why she’s heard so many people call the prime minister a ‘sh*tc*nt’ lately.” Calls the PM a sh*tc*nt while his hand is out for taxpayer funding. This foul mouthed grub is paid by the ABC. If it wasn't for low standards the ABC would have…

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If Christianity Today is to remain at the top of its game after their recent support for the full impeachment of Donald Trump, on what is already widely agreed to be manufactured political maneuvering by Leftists, they’ll now need to give voice to a broader theological critique. Australia’s Eternity News also seemingly plopped itself onto the bandwagon, defending what looked like its own giddy, veiled applause with the dismissal that “reporting the news is not the same as supporting the contents of it.” This is despite individuals calling the article “brave.” Readers of both Eternity News and Christianity Today would…

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