Google encourages businesses to publicly list themselves “LGBTQ-friendly”, tells customers to find places that celebrate the LGBTQ lifestyle.
Google has introduced a new “LGBTQ-friendly” business attribute to encourage customers to “find the people and places that celebrate” the LGBTQ lifestyle. The tech giant is also urging businesses to “be an ally” by publicly listing themselves under the rainbow flag as “LGBTQ-friendly” and “safe spaces” for transgender people. More bizarre than that, Google went on to claim that LGBTQ+ people have had difficulty finding businesses willing to serve them in Australia. “While marriage equality has been legal in Australia for over a year, finding businesses that are open to everyone hasn’t always been easy for members of the LGBTQ+…
Netflix gets primary school teachers to promote series about MINORS having sex at school.
Netflix is promoting their latest original series, Sex Education. The sexually explicit program tells the story of a teenage boy and his high school classmates teaming up to create an underground sex therapy clinic at school. And what better way is there to promote a series about minors having sex than by getting a group of primary school teachers to sit down and laugh about it. “We showed some primary teachers Sex Education” the official Australian Netflix Facebook page said. “It went exactly as expected.” WATCH (Warning: Sexual Content):
WATCH: Tommy Robinson’s ‘Panodrama – An Exposé of the Fake News BBC’
Social media giants are deleting Tommy Robinson from the internet, but why? Within 24-hours of posting his latest documentary online, Robinson was permanently banned from both Facebook and Instagram. There’s obviously something that Robinson is saying that they don’t want us to hear, but is it just mean words, ‘Islamophobia’, or some vague idea of ‘hate speech’? Why is there such a concentrated effort to ‘take down Tommy Robinson’? WATCH:
UK Police celebrate after winning diversity achievement at ‘The British Muslim Awards’, the same police force that failed a multitude of Muslim grooming gang victims
West Yorkshire Police have celebrated winning the ‘Diversity Champion of the Year’ award at the 2019 British Muslim Awards. “We only went and won. We are diversity champions of the year 2019!” the official West Yorkshire Police Twitter account boasted. We only went and won. We are diversity champions of the year 2019! #Diversity #PositiveAction @WYPDeeCollins @WYPAngelaWill @WYPJohnRobins @WYPositiveActn — West Yorkshire Police (@WestYorksPolice) February 20, 2019 “This is the same police force that failed a multitude of vulnerable girls who were repeatedly beaten, drugged and raped by grooming gangs,” Rita Panahi said on Sky News. “The grooming gang…
Is activist journalism and social media hindering due process and the right to a fair trial?
Regardless of whether the recently convicted George Pell, is innocent or guilty, there is a precedent in the latest Pell case (verdict) that should send a shudder along the spine of every citizen in Australia. Greg Craven, lawyer and columnist for The Australian, explains why. Craven asks whether social media and the MSM had an influence on the juror’s view of Pell. His question is a good one. Is bias in media reporting, and among some officials, responsible for Pell having been convicted of the crime, in the minds of his jurors, before he was even brought to trial? The police and…
Woman, 27, Left Infertile After Having 17 Abortions in Just Six Years.
A 27-year-old woman from China, known as Xiao Ju, has reportedly had seventeen abortions in just six years. That’s an average of three abortions per year since the age of 21. Dr Zhao Qin from Shiyan Maternity and Child Health Care Hospital, who treated Xiao Ju during her seventeenth abortion, pleaded with the woman to reconsider the procedure and keep her child because it would likely be her last chance at being a mother. The internal damage to Xiao Ju’s uterus was so progressed that the membrane may not be thick enough for a fertilised egg to properly implant. Doctors…
Elderly Christian man arrested for preaching ‘Islamophobic’ Christianity says police took him to an unfamiliar location and left him there without enough money to get home.
The elderly Christian street preacher who was arrested for allegedly ‘disturbing the peace’ with his Christian message has said police took him to an unfamiliar location and left him there without means of getting home. According to Christian Concern, “Our legal team have now spoken to street preacher Olu who was arrested at Southgate tube station on Saturday. After being unnecessarily arrested, he was dropped off in an unfamiliar suburb without enough money to get home.” Metropolitan Police reportedly told Premier that an arrest was made “to prevent a breach of the peace.” “The man was then de-arrested and no…
Tommy Robinson BANNED from Facebook and Instagram after Muslim activist meets with media giant: “If you promote hate towards Muslims… we will not remain silent.”
Tommy Robinson has been permanently banned from Facebook and Instagram after the social media giant accused him of repeatedly breaking the platforms’ policies on hate speech. A statement released yesterday by Facebook claims: “Tommy Robinson’s Facebook Page has repeatedly broken these standards, posting material that uses dehumanizing language and calls for violence targeted at Muslims. He has also behaved in ways that violate our policies around organized hate. As a result, in accordance with our policies, we have removed Tommy Robinson’s official Facebook Page and Instagram profile. This is not a decision we take lightly, but individuals and organizations that…
Democrats block vote that would require doctors to provide medical care to infants born alive after an attempted abortion.
National Review: By a vote of 53-44, the Senate has failed to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would have required doctors to provide medical care to infants born alive after an attempted abortion procedure. The bill — sponsored by Senator Ben Sasse (R., Neb.) and cosponsored by 49 of his fellow Republican senators — needed 60 votes to overcome the legislative filibuster. Just three Democratic senators crossed the aisle to vote with Republicans in favor of the legislation: Bob Casey Jr. (Pa.), Joe Manchin (W.Va.), and Doug Jones (Ala.). All six of the Democratic senators currently running for…
Transgender LGBTQ activist and Citizen of the Year burns down her house with pets inside ‘because she was annoyed there was no prejudice to campaign against’
An LGBTQ activist and Citizen of the Year has burned down her own house and killed her pets because she was ‘annoyed there was no prejudice to campaign against,’ according to police. Law enforcement charged Nikki Joly, a 54-year-old transgender man from Jackson, Michigan, after she allegedly set her house on fire, killing five of her pets who were inside at the time – two German Shepherds and three cats. The blaze was initially investigated as a ‘hate crime’, but police quickly turned their attention to Joly after they discovered she had bought $10 of gas at a local Marathon…
Professional soccer players required to wear the LGBTQ rainbow: “Players who decline have been harassed, now risk disadvantaged careers”
A number of football clubs in the UK are now requiring players to wear the LGBTQ flag as part of their official uniform. The wardrobe update coincides with the Football v Homophobia campaign, which is designed to “challenge discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and expression at all levels in football.” Ian Senior, the designer of the rainbow uniform said, “The response we have had really has been amazing. It beggars belief. We have sold between 400 and 500 shirts across the world in just over one week. It has made such a statement. It has sent out a…
Transgender athletes win gold and silver at girls indoor track championships, set record time for female sprinters
Two transgender sprinters have finished in first and second place at the Connecticut girls indoor track championships. According to the Washington Times, transgender woman Terry Miller won gold in the 55-meter dash after setting a girls state indoor record of 6.95 seconds. Transgender woman Andraya Yearwood came in second place, finishing in 7.01 seconds. Coming in third place was a biological female who finished in 7.23 seconds. The two transgender athletes also topped the 100-meter state championships last year, and Miller won the 300 this season, the Washington Times reported.
What a contrast! Video shows how UK Police treat an abusive Muslim preacher compared to a peaceful Christian preacher.
What’s the difference between an abusive Muslim preacher and a peaceful Christian preacher? Well, for starters, it appears the Metropolitan Police will only tolerate one. Leave.Eu have put together the following video comparison after an elderly Christian man was arrested outside Southgate tube station in London for “disturbing people” with his Christian message. WATCH: The internet is a glorious invention!!! Watch this video that was put together by @LeaveEUOfficial. See how the UK police treat Muslim preacher vs how they treated our Christian preacher. Dear @metpoliceuk pls be better. Thanks @LeaveEUOfficial for this! — Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju) February 24, 2019
Opting out is ILLEGAL: Children as young as FIVE will be taught about homosexuality and transgenderism in primary schools.
Children as young as five will be taught lessons on homosexuality and transgenderism after the UK “Conservative” government finalized a new curriculum. According to RT, the lessons, set to roll out across UK schools next year, will be mandatory for all students, making it illegal for parents to remove their children from the classroom for the lessons in secondary school. Over 100,000 signatures have been gathered in a petition opposing the move, demanding the choice to opt-out of the lessons be retained for the length of the child’s school education. “We believe it is the parent’s fundamental right to teach their…
WATCH: Elderly preacher arrested for disturbing people with his “Islamophobic” Christian message: “You should have thought about that before being racist.”
An elderly Christian street preacher has been arrested in the U.K. for ‘disturbing the peace’ with his Christian message. The man was preaching outside Southgate tube station in London when two police officers ordered him to leave. “What are you doing here?” the officer asked. “I’m preaching,” the man replied. “You’re preaching,” the officer said. “I’m going to require you to go away or I will arrest you for breach of peace. Plain and simple.” “What breach of peace?” the man asked. “It’s what you’re doing at the moment. You’re causing problems. You’re disturbing peoples’ days. And you’re breaching their…
Baby Sarah was born alive after an abortionist injected her brain with poison. She died from her injuries five years later.
In July of 1993, a 15-year old mother was brought to Women’s Health Care Services to abort her little girl in the late stages of pregnancy. In fact, so far advanced was the pregnancy that the baby was already in position for delivery. Not having yet perfected his induction method of abortion, according to accounts, Tiller “injected the baby’s head, in two places, the left side of her forehead above the eyebrow and at the base of the skull, with Potassium Chloride, leaving permanent burn marks and needle track scars.” When the young mother returned the next day for the…
Elderly Christian florist dragged through courts after Attorney General spots a post on social media suggesting she would not design floral arrangements for her gay friend’s wedding.
Barronelle Stutzman, a Christian florist from Washington State, said Rob Ingersoll is one of her favourite customers. Rob had been one of Barronelle’s customers for close to a decade. To Barronelle, Rob was more than a customer. He was a friend. But when Rob asked Barronelle to design the floral arrangements for his upcoming same-sex wedding, Barronelle had to politely decline because of her Christian convictions. Barronelle said she would gladly sell him any of the prearranged flowers, or any of the loose flowers, but as much as she loved Rob, she couldn’t create something to celebrate an event that…
Facebook suspends Franklin Graham for sharing biblical ‘hate speech’… two-years ago!
CBN News: Evangelist Franklin Graham has revealed that he was recently suspended from Facebook for taking a stand for his biblical beliefs. The temporary ban lasted 24 hours, and while the censorship itself is shocking enough, it was also surprising that the ban was retroactive, resulting from a comment he made two years ago. “Well, now we know. Facebook has a secret rulebook for policing speech. I was banned from posting on Facebook last week for 24 hours. Why? Because of a post from back in 2016 about North Carolina’s House Bill 2 (the bathroom bill),” Graham explained in a…
WATCH: Man attempts to take a selfie with a bomb trigger phone, accidentally blows up himself and everyone in the room.
Photobomb fail! Footage circulating on social media purportedly shows a group of Syrian rebels being blown up after one of their own attempts to take a selfie with a bomb trigger-phone. The group of men can be seen huddled in front of a camera when another individual joins the group. Spotting a phone on the floor, the man attempts to take a photo of himself, seemingly unaware that the device was set up to trigger the explosive. The video clip has not yet been verified and it’s not known whether any of the men were killed in the blast. WATCH…
Christian funeral home hit with a lawsuit after refusing to allow a male employee to dress as a woman while dealing with grieving families.
A Christian-owned funeral home has been hit with a lawsuit after they refused to allow a male employee to dress as a woman while interacting with grieving families and their guests. In 2007 Harris Funeral Home hired Anothy Stevens who, at the time of his employment, agreed to comply with all company policies, including the sex-specific dress code. The funeral home’s manager, Shannon Kish said, “All of the policies and procedures at Harris Funeral Home are all focused towards serving the grieving family and taking their needs first.” Seven years later, Stevens decided he no longer intended on wearing a…