Islamic judge tells abused child bride, if you obeyed your husband he wouldn’t have to beat you
Aynaz Anni Cyrus was born and raised in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Before she reached 15-years of age, she’d endured hundreds of lashings and was imprisoned close to 14 times. Her crimes included wearing nail polish and singing too loudly in public. But that wasn’t the worst of what Aynaz suffered in her young life. Aynaz was also repeatedly raped by family members, police officers and prison guards until, at 13-years of age, her father decided to sell her off in marriage. He pocketed $50USD in exchange for his daughter. According to Aynaz, her new “husband” soon took to…
University professor sentenced to death after insulting Islam on Facebook
A university professor has been sentenced to death by a court in Pakistan after being found guilty of blaspheming Islam on Facebook. Junaid Hafeez, a 33-year-old lecturer at the Bahauddin Zakariya University in the central Pakistani city of Multan, was accused of posting derogatory comments about Muhammad on social media in 2013. Prosecutors also charged Hafeez with “liking” a blasphemous Facebook page. On Saturday, a court in Multan found Hafeez guilty and sentenced him to death after a lengthy trial. Since 2014, Hafeez has been held in solitary confinement due to security concerns, after his lawyer was shot dead for…
More than 1,000 Christians slaughtered this year by Islamic militants in Nigeria
More than 1,000 Christians in Nigeria have been slaughtered by Islamic militants since January, a report by the Humanitarian Aid Relief Trust (HART) revealed. The report, Your Land or Your Blood, was presented at the International Organisation for Peace and Social Justice crisis conference in London last month and found more than 6,000 believers have been murdered in the region in the last four years. According to the Church Times, “Since January, there have been five serious attacks in Kaduna State, in the center of the country, resulting in an estimated 500 deaths. There were at least another five attacks…
Islamic militants massacre 14 Christians during church service, five young boys among the dead
Islamic militants have shot dead 14 Christians during a Sunday morning church service in Komondjari Province, south-east Burkina Faso. According to the Barnabas Fund, the December 1 attack left 14 members of the Ouba family dead, including five boys, 16-years and younger. The pastor of the church, Tchitchiéba Ouoba, was also killed. It was reported that the jihadist attackers slaughtered all but one male member of the congregation, while several women, and possibly young children, were said to have been left wounded. The Barnabas Fund said the leader of the church’s denomination, Tambougou Adjima, cried uncontrollably for ten minutes while…
WATCH: Jeremy Corbyn says, convicted terrorists should ‘not necessarily’ serve their full prison sentence
UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has told Sky News that convicted terrorists should “not necessarily” serve their full prison terms. The comments come after two civilians were brutally murdered by convicted terrorist Usman Khan, who was released halfway through a 16-year prison sentence for plotting to bomb the London Stock Exchange. Speaking to Sophy Ridge of Sky News, Corbyn said, whether or not convicted terrorists should serve their full sentence depends on the circumstances of their imprisonment. Following the attack, Prime Minister Boris Johnson vowed to end early prison release for terrorists, proposing instead a 14-year mandatory sentence. “This system…
Propaganda: Organization working with Hollywood to “change the narrative of Islam”
The Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) says it’s working with creatives and decision-makers in Hollywood to “change the narrative of Islam” through film and television. In a video posted to social media, MPAC director Sue Obeidi said the organisation’s Hollywood bureau is engaging with the film industry to increase positive portrayals of Islam and Muslims in an effort to change hearts and minds in the Western world. In a 2017 piece penned for Variety, Obeidi said, we’re beginning to see a shift in the entertainment industry, but the “normalization” of Islam needs to “speed up”. “It’s going to take a…
UK newspaper says: ‘Muhammed had British value’ so we must ‘teach more Islam in schools’
Being a British Muslim is the most natural thing in the world because Mohammed had British values, according to the popular British newspaper, The Independent. In a non-satirical piece titled, The Prophet Mohammed had British values – so the only way to combat extremism is to teach more Islam in schools, Sajda Khan argues that if we want to stop people from joining Islamic terrorist groups like Isis, British children must be taught Islamic theology. “This is a golden opportunity to develop within our schools a curriculum based upon the biography of Prophet Muhammad, which clearly demonstrates and embed what…
Ilhan Omar says: “I’m beyond excited for a President who will fight against Western Imperialism”
Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar said she is “beyond excited” for a President who will “fight against Western Imperialism.” Omar made the remarks during a rally in Minnesota on Sunday for communist-sympathizer, and Democratic presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders. “I am beyond honored and excited for a president who will fight against Western imperialism and fight for a just world,” Omar said. “And I am excited for President Bernie Sanders.” Daily Wire’s Ryan Saavedra summed up Omar’s comments, saying: “In essence, what excites Omar about Sanders is the fact that she believes that he will essentially shrink the United States’ role and…
Muslim man brutally executes his wife in broad daylight, Police say they will arrest anyone who shares video of the incident
A Muslim migrant in Limburg, Germany, has brutally executed his wife in broad daylight, hitting her with his car, dragging her 30 meters, and hacking off her head with an ax. Frankfurter Neue Presse said a 34-year-old man of Tunisian descent was driving a black Audi when he intentionally hit his 31-year-old wife while she was walking on the sidewalk. The woman was then dragged under the car for about 30 metres. Witnesses claim the man then climbed out of the car, opened the trunk, and pulled out an ax. He then struck the woman five times in the head,…
Islamic militants film the execution of two Christian aid workers captured after trying to build shelters for displaced and homeless people
Islamic militant group Boko Haram released video last week of the execution of two Christian aid workers in Nigeria. The video, which was posted on September 22, shows Lawrence Duna Dacighir and Godfrey Ali Shikagham kneeling in front of three masked executioners before being shot dead from behind. One of the masked men then vowed to kill every Christian they capture in revenge for the Muslims killed in past conflicts. According to Christianity Today, the two young men had travelled to Maiduguri to help build shelters for people displaced by Islamic extremist violence. Pastor John Pofi, a cousin of the…
Christian father tortured to death by Muslim police in Pakistan, officers urinated on his face and mocked his Christian faith
A Pakistani Christian man has been tortured to death by Muslim police in Lahore after he was falsely accused of theft. Amir Masih was detained by North Cantt police late last month before being taken to an undisclosed location where he was severely tortured in an attempt to force a confession for a crime he did not commit. The 28-year-old gardener was one of multiple employees who had been investigated for theft, however, according to Sunny Masih, the victim’s brother, police released all but Amir after discovering he was a poor Christian. Amir, who had only 14-days earlier welcomed his…
School children instructed to bow to Islam and say “Allahu Akbar”
Video of school children being instructed to perform an Islamic prayer and chant “Allahu Akbar” under the supervision of their teacher has left parents in Denmark furious. The footage shows a Sudanese third-grader, dressed in Muslim clothing, leading his classmates in a prayer session to Allah. The boy’s mother recorded the prayer and later uploaded the video to social media, despite being instructed by the school not to do so. “She had been explicitly told not to,” the school’s principal told Danish television TV 2. “If she had to take pictures, then it would only be of her own son.”…
Mufti reads from Quran at Westminster Abbey: “Royal Cathedral bows to Islam”
A Grand Mufti was approved to read from the Quran at Westminster Abbey last Tuesday during a memorial service for a British politician. According to columnist Rev Dr Jules Gomes, the Grand Mufti of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Husein Kavazović, was invited to read a portion of the Quran from the cathedral lectern during a Service of Thanksgiving for the life of Paddy Ashdown, a diplomat who served as Leader of the Liberal Democrats from 1988 to 1999. Rev Dr Gavin Ashenden, the former chaplain to the Queen, said the reading repudiates Jesus by validating Islam and asserting the legitimacy of…
Butcher accused of vilifying Muslims with “Non-Halal Certified” sign says: “The sign won’t ever come down!”
The South Australian butcher accused of vilifying Muslims with a “Non-Halal Certified” sign has refused to remove the signage from the shopfront window. The Advertising Standards Community Panel ruled earlier this month that the Adelaide-based business breached the Advertisers Code of Ethics by informing customers that their food products were not halal certified. According to the Ad Standards Panel, the sign incites hatred and contempt of Muslims and would have been less likely to breach advertising standards if the message said, “Unfortunately, non Halal.” The panel also took issue with the fact that the wording was accompanied by imagery of…
Burger King drops “ham” from “hamburgers” because it’s disrespectful to Muslims
Burger King in South Africa is removing the word “ham” from “hamburgers” in an effort to accommodate Muslim customers and “be more respectful” of Islamic beliefs. According to Business Insider: “On Friday the chain confirmed it has changed the names of three of its products. What was previously known as a ‘Double Spicy Hamburger’ will now just be a ‘Double Spicy Burger’; the ‘Triple Hamburger with Cheese’ becomes the ‘Triple Burger with Cheese’, and ‘Hamburger King Jr’ on the kid’s menu will now be just a ‘Kids Burger’.” Despite the fact that hamburgers don’t actually contain pork products, the chain…
Australian vloggers arrested in Iran were trying to break the “stigma around countries that get a bad rap”
An Australian-British couple, have been arrested in Iran for allegedly flying a drone near Tehran, without the required license. Jolie King and Mark Firkin have been imprisoned for 10 days without trial, with no sign there’ll even be a trial. The couple were vlogging their attempt to drive from Australia to Britain. As Ben Doherty and Kate Lyons of The Guardian reported, ‘diplomatic efforts, to keep their cases from public attention [failed] when the pair was named overnight on social media.’ Doherty and Lyons said that the Australian Government has been ‘quietly negotiating their release since they were arrested.’ What the Guardian…
Butcher’s “Non-Halal Certified” sign vilifies Muslims, Ad Board suggests sign should instead read “Unfortunately, Non-Halal”
A butcher in South Australia has breached the Advertisers Code of Ethics by marking non-halal approved food products as “Non-Halal Certified,” according to the Advertising Standards Community Panel. The panel was in agreement with a complaint that argued the sign, which appeared on the shopfront window, “pokes fun” at Muslims and “perpetuates a culture of vilification towards religious minorities, that results in harm towards them.” The Adelaide-based business said the sticker was not intended to offend, but to inform shoppers that their food products are not halal certified. Responding to the complaint, the business said: “The sign is only stating…
Teachers suspended for sharing ‘Islamophobic’ quote from victim of radical Islamist attack
A Melbourne TAFE has suspended a number of teachers for sharing an ‘Islamophobic’ quote that left a Muslim student feeling “disempowered.” The offending quote appeared on a lecture slide from a subject on diversity and was taken from American conservative author Brigitte Gabriel, who had suggested that while “most Muslims are peaceful”, up to “300-million people are radicals who want to destroy and murder us.” Ms Gabriel was raised in Lebanon until, at the age of ten, radical Islamists blew up her house, burying her under the burning rubble. Miraculously, Ms Gabriel survived the attack but spent the next two-and-a-half…
Taxpayer funded Islamic propaganda forced on teachers: “Islam was glorified, Christianity disparaged, and America bashed”
A nonprofit public interest law firm has reportedly uncovered evidence of a well-orchestrated Islamic indoctrination campaign aimed at teachers in the school system throughout several U.S. states. The Thomas More Law Center (TMLC) filed a Freedom of Information Act request for documents after concerns were raised about a two-day mandatory teacher-training seminar on Islam conducted by a Muslim consultant who was hired by Michigan’s Novi Community Schools District. Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of the Law Center said: “We found that the teachers were subjected to two days of Islamic propaganda, where Islam was glorified, Christianity disparaged, and America…
Bible translator butchered by Muslims, wife’s arm hacked off
A Bible translator was among seven people butchered to death in Cameroon by suspected Muslim herders during an attack carried out in the early hours of Sunday morning. Efi Tembon, of Oasis Network for Community Transformation, told The Christian Post, Angus Abraham Fung was cut to death with a machete, while his wife, Eveline, had her arm hacked off. A local source told Tembon that up to five homes were hit during the attack which began on Saturday night and carried into the next morning. “They went into houses and pulled out the people,” Tembon explained. “They attacked in the…
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