Category Archives: Education

A school in the U.K. is teaching children as young as six about LGBTQ relationships in an effort to make them more “accepting” of sexual diversity as adults. A video featured on the BBC shows six year old children participating in an exercise where they’re told to write a love letter from a prince to his male servant. “They’re going to go out into that world and find this diversity around them and they’ll find that at a young age as well,” the teacher explained. “And the more they can be accepting at this age you’re not going to face…

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A teacher speaking at the UK’s 2018 Labour Party Conference has claimed children “brought up properly” would not embrace center-right political views. Sion Rickard claimed that children are not born “bad” or “evil”, so a “proper education” would reduce the number of Tories. “I’ve never met a bad four year old,” Rickard said. “I’ve never met a four year old that was evil, so every child has a chance, and if we give them a proper education, we’ll empty our prisons… we’ll have much less problems with the NHS, social issues, we’ll probably not have any Tories, because we’ll have…

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PragerU says: Dangerous people are filling the heads of young people with dangerous nonsense. Who are these people? They are what Jordan Peterson calls “the post-modernists:” neo-Marxist professors who dominate our colleges and universities. And here’s the worst part: we are financing these nihilists with tax dollars, alumni gifts and tuition payments. Time to wise up. Post-modernists don’t believe in individuals. You’re an exemplar of your race, sex, or sexual preference. You’re also either a victim or an oppressor. No wrong can be done by anyone in the former group, and no good by the latter. Watch:

A recent study out of the University of Lincoln has found the Mr Men and Little Miss book series to be sexist. The findings are based on 47 Mr Men and 34 Little Miss books published between 1971 and 2014. The study found that throughout the series male characters were given more words than female characters. While females were given an average of 54.5 words per story, males were given 61.5. So, if males talk more it’s sexism, but if females talk more it’s a gender stereotype. In 51.5 per cent of cases, Little Misses were saved by another character,…

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According to Life Site News, California is set to implement new sex education lessons which help promote abortion, transgenderism and homosexuality to children. While parents were previously given the option to remove their children from such lessons, one school district has told parents they will not be granted the choice. In a memo to the Orange County Board of Education, OC Department of Education general counsel Ronald Wenkart said the law’s opt-out provision “does not apply to instructions, material, or programming that discusses gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, relationships, or family and does not…

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Lest you think academics are the bright ones… This, from Tucker Carlson, not the Onion. Universities are rolling out rules on gender-neutral pronouns. Do you know how to use ‘Ze’, ‘Zer’, ‘Xie’ and “Hir’ in sentences? Did ze enjoy zerself at the party? Ze cooks dishes using ingredients ze has grown in zer yard. Yo better leave now if yo want to make yo’s flight on time.

“The biggest illusion is that sending your kids to a government school is free. It’s the most costly thing you could ever do.” R.C. Sproul Trigger warning! Is it time to give up on public education? Should Christians be offering a more affordable alternative? Jeff Durbin from Apologia Church has offered seven reasons why he thinks public schools ought to be abandoned. What would you add to the list? 1. Public schools specifically teach a worldview that is antithetical to the Biblical worldview. 2. Public schools indoctrinate children with a perspective on origins, ethics, art, truth, math, logic, and history…

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What’s this? It’s the victim card. What’s that? It’s the fabrication of victimhood to justify one’s own poor behaviour. And it was recently played by the ABC in response to the backlash they received for their racist ‘Privilege Song’ video. “It was just a kid’s show,” they cried. “What sort of grown man gets upset about a children’s program?” Well, on the off chance that anyone out there still buys their garbage, here’s one more glimpse at the “kid’s show” they just can’t comprehend anybody finding objectionable. There are many different sexualities… The word Queer hasn’t always been a positive or…

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If you haven’t already heard, ABC ME recently removed their entire Facebook page. The decision to pull the page came in response to the backlash they received from a video titled, ‘The Privilege Song.’ The clip, originally aired during a program on ABC ME, was designed to introduced children to “white privilege.” Yesterday, the ABC responded to the whole incident again. This time with another rap video, even worse than the first. The sequel/spoof, called ‘The Internet Song,’ follows the original video by comparing two stereotypical characters. The first is a woman named Carol. Like all women, Carol uses the internet to…

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Verum Media: What are the schools teaching your kids? A WARNING from Santa Sabina – must watch for all concerned parents. Radical left wing ideology has highjacked our education system – all parents need to be awake to the threat of indoctrination their child faces.

How much does a person with Down Syndrome cost? That question was posed by a television show in the Netherlands called, The Last Downer. You might answer that question by saying, “You can’t put a price on a human life.” Well, according to the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM), you can – and they have! The video below begins with the host stating: “RIVM has, at the request of The Last Downer, calculated what the costs are to care for a ‘Downer.’ And that has not happened before. Today, Sjoerd and I will hear the result.” Sjoerd, of…

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“Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state.” This quote has often been attributed to Adolf Hitler. Whether or not he said it is beside the point. As sinister as it sounds, it’s widely held that, “he alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” Educating children is an investment. And there are many trying to invest in your children today. So, what are we allowing them to put into their textbooks? What sort of state, what sort of future, are we allowing them to create? And what are we going to do about it?   The…

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