Category Archives: Education

“Today, I’m calling for the abolishment of history classes in Illinois. We’re concerned that current school history teachings lead to White Privilege and a racist society,” Ford said.

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“The role of schools is to serve the family, not the other way around…Teaching kids that boys can be girls and girls can be boys is political indoctrination and it’s got to end.”

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AMNESTY International insists that Christian schools should be stripped of their right to prefer staff who practice Christianity because this is discrimination, and discrimination is not fair. At present, religious schools are allowed to preference job applicants who subscribe to their religious values. But Amnesty argues that this is not fair to applicants with different values. If people with values contrary to Christianity are unable to work at Christian schools then they will be left with no alternative but to seek work at one of several thousand public schools where their views are uncontroversial, and this would not be fair.…

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When I was in year 12 our school hired a trendy new Principal. She wore shapeless artsy clothes, a severe haircut and thick red-rimmed glasses. Her first act was to drag my entire year level out of their classes to a special assembly where she told us we were all “one big family”, then demanded we bow our heads, close our eyes and chant with her, “We belong at St Francis Xavier College”. I may have come from a broken home, and I may have been a depressive and moody teenager, but even I knew this woman was wrong: none of…

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A college in Ohio is teaching students that pedophilia is a “sexual orientation” that could be part of the “acceptance of diverse sexual identities.” A student from the college tweeted a photograph of a lecture slide titled, “Pedophilia as a Sexual Orientation.” “An actual topic we discussed in class at a State University after watching in 8 minute Vice News video showcasing self-identified pedophiles. This is going to be mainstreamed,” the student said. An actual topic we discussed in class today at a State University after watching an 8 minute Vice News video showcasing self identified pedophiles. This is going…

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A Victorian teacher who was allegedly unwilling to adhere to a Christian school’s Statement of Faith which defined marriage as a union “only between a male and female” is suing her former employer for discrimination. Rachel Colvin, a former teacher at Ballarat Christian College, has lodged a complaint with the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, alleging the school forced her to quit after she refused to adhere to the school’s policy opposing same-sex marriage. According to the Weekend Australian, the school updated its Statement of Faith following the legal redefining of marriage back in December 2017. The amendment outlined the…

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Elly Barnes, founder of Educate and Celebrate, describes her organisation as a “charity” that “transforms schools” into LGBTQ-friendly places. According to Barnes, that means the organisation is “predominantly training teachers” to be “confident in the language of gender identity and sexual orientation.” Like Caldron Pool on Facebook and Follow us on Twitter. The goal is to make sure LGBTQ ideology is an “every-day occurrence within the school.” But the “bottom line,” as Barnes puts it, is to train teachers to “completely smash heteronormativity.” Sarah Hopson, a primary school teacher from Warrington, is a perfect example. Last year, Hopson told the…

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Government school officials in California have horrified concerned parents after admitting to teaching students that pedophilia and pederasty is a “sexual orientation.” Stephanie Yates, founder of Informed Parents of California, confronted school officials during a parent-information meeting last month for the Brea Olinda Unified School District. “Answer me why you’re teaching pedophilia in school to 9th graders,” Yates asked Assistant Superintendent of Curricula, Kerrie Torres. Torres did not deny the claim but responded to Yates by saying, “this is really important for us to include.” “This is done because we’re talking about historical perspectives of how gender relations and different…

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My name is Aidan Green. I am a journalist and a proud alumnus of the University of Wollongong with a Bachelor of International Studies. Upon arrival to my degree, I was like everybody else, young, naive and left-wing. It is true what they say about the humanities faculties being taken over by the left. Throughout my three-year degree, I met only one politics lecturer who didn’t make it clear that they were left of centre. It was not until my second year where I began to think more critically and objectively, and it was not until my second year when…

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Albert Camus asserted any action which acts decisively against injustice and oppression, is to be considered as being part of what he called the ‘generosity of rebellion.’ This concept is largely summarised as being any action: “which unhesitatingly gives the strength of its love and refuses injustice without a moment’s delay. Its merit lies in making no calculations, distributing everything that it possesses to life and to living men and women. It is thus prodigal in its gift to the men and women to come.” While it is an overstatement, if used solely as a definition for homeschooling, I don’t…

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Ben Shapiro from The Daily Wire has warned, the Left want to take down Christian schools, and the mainstream media are leading the charge. “Prepare yourself,” Shapiro told his viewers. “If Trump loses in 2020, if Democrats take back the senate, there will be a push against religious people in this country worse than anything we have seen in the last several decades. It will be brutal.” Shapiro continued: “It will be an attempt to get rid of accreditation for religious schools. It will be an attempt to take away non-profit status for churches and synagogues. It will be an…

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As part of our home-school English curriculum this year, I decided to tackle Twain’s, ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn‘. I’ve read a few of the, for and against arguments on the internet, by writers who either have an higher opinion of themselves (than they do of Twain), or they raise Twain to a higher level, just because he’s Twain. My conclusion is this: forget all the, “I’m offended therefore ban ‘The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn’, because Mark Twain uses offensive language.” Then ditch the flip side which says, “I’m offended, because you’re offended, that Mark Twain didn’t consider your feelings, before…

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In 2010 Steve Tourloukis, a Canadian father of two, requested prior notification when his children, aged four and six, were to be taught about homosexuality, LGBTIQ issues and abortion in the classroom. The school denied Toutloukis’ request suggesting it was mandatory that his children be educated, or reeducated, on these issues. What followed was a seven year battle with the public school board, the Elementary Teacher’s Union, and lesbian, Premier Kathleen Wynne’s Liberal government. According to Life Site News, “Tourloukis made it clear in his 2012 legal challenge he did not object to his children being taught facts, or to…

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Western Australia imports extreme anti-masculinity ‘Respectful Relationships’ material from Victoria. The $1-million program teaches kids to reject gender roles in fairy tales, embrace same-sex parenting, and reject ‘gender bias’ phrases such as “good morning, princess”, “boys don’t cry” and “girls can’t play with trucks”. The deceptively named ‘Respectful Relationships‘ program was announced during the holidays to keep parents unaware of plans to sexualise and degender OUR kids. The Labor spokesman was unwilling to reveal the exact content, nor which content providers were getting the $1-million in funding, nor which schools would even use the program. This is NOT in the domain of principals…

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One of the more vicious stigmas attached to homeschooling, particularly by The Greens, is that homeschooling is the equivalent of child abuse. While this misconception and prejudice, isn’t shared by mainstream Australia, the view is reflected in the assumption that homeschooling is the equivalent of over parenting. Over parenting, however, is not the same as homeschooling. Over parenting involves doing everything for the child. Over parenting is the parent smothering the child in too much kindness. An old term for this is ‘’babying or pampering’’. This is a term more properly applied to the parents who refuse to let their…

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Andy Blom, an Executive Director for the American Principles Project, has revealed children as young as five are being taught about intercourse and homosexuality in U.S. state schools. “It’s a violation of the children’s innocents,” Blom told CBN News. “And it’s a severe violation of the parents’ rights. “These children are being used as pawns for a social agenda, to promote sexuality, to promote homosexuality and are being taught things that are confrontational to the parents’ values and the parents’ religious faith.” WATCH: In California a mother slammed Sacramento’s Board of Education, accusing authorities of sacrificing education for indoctrination. “Sacramento…

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“Once upon a time there lived a man and a woman. They were the happiest people on the planet. True, they were the only people on the planet, but they were still terrifically happy. Unfortunately, things didn’t stay happy and wonderful for long…” With Christmas just around the corner, it’s probably time we all start thinking about gifts. And if you’re like me, the bulk of your Christmas purchases will be primarily for the kids in your family. But whether they’re your children, your grandkids, or your nephews and nieces, knowing what to get the little ones isn’t always easy, so…

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“Let me control the textbooks and I will control the state.” This quote has often been attributed to Adolf Hitler. Whether or not he said it is beside the point. As sinister as it sounds, it’s widely held that, “he alone, who owns the youth, gains the future.” Educating children is an investment, and there are many fighting to invest in your children today in order to further their causes tomorrow. So, what are we allowing them to put into their textbooks? What sort of state, what sort of future, are we allowing them to create? And what are we…

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Alicia Gunn is an award winning public school teacher from Mississauga, Ontario. Gunn’s teaching methods are such a hit, her work has been endorsed by the Ontario government. She also happens to be a lesbian. At a pro-gay teachers’ conference in 2015, Gunn revealed how she teaches 9 to 10 year old kids to accept homosexuality without their parent’s knowledge or consent. “I can hide it a little bit in the math,” Gunn said. “And what I mean is I can say, ‘I’m just teaching your kid about division…’” LISTEN: As an example, Gunn presented her math lesson on triangles.…

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During her recent appearance on Q&A, Labor MP Terri Butler made two terrible arguments against religious schools being able to discriminate against homosexual teachers: 1) Doesn’t your religion teach you to ‘love your neighbour’? 2) Homosexual teachers don’t teach maths any differently to heterosexual teachers. In response: 1) Of course Christians are to love their neighbours. But what does it mean to love your neighbour? Terri Butler’s absurd idea of love would also mean that a Christian school should not discriminate against an atheist being employed as a teacher, because after all, aren’t Christians called to love them? Indeed we are…

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