Category Archives: Culture

“This is not progress. We will need something greater than the sum of our parts to pull us back together.”

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Society doesn’t need to ingest poison to know that poison kills.

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Nobody expected the Transgender Inquisition! Nonetheless, it is well and truly underway.

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Apparently looting is only fun, free and harmless when you’re the one doing it.

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President Trump recently took the courageous step of banning the use of ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘White Privilege’ training for all U.S. federal agencies.

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The United Nations – having eradicated the evils of sex slavery and child marriage – has turned its attention to gender equality in the computer gaming industry.

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These days dads are typically portrayed as dumb. Think Homer Simpson (doh!) or Daddy Pig or Raymond.

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Is it a coincidence that after rejecting God, then dismantling the kings, that the western nations are now losing their countries?

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Despite the outrage, the streaming-service decided it would not remove the film from their library.

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Without forgiveness, our future looks bleak indeed.

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Actress Octavia Spencer has said only disabled actors should play disabled people.

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Silencing political opponents is the mission of the Left. And the silenced majority only shows the extent and effectiveness of their conquest. Now is the time, not only to take risks and speak the truth, but also to defend to the death all those who do.

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Bari Weiss’ resignation last week raised eyebrows, ruffled feathers, and furthered speculation about the existence of an internal war being waged between the traditional Left and radical Leftists within modern liberalism. This “civil war” isn’t new. What has been emerging from a series of high-profile defections and protests over the past decade, is evidence of an unstable hegemonic power purging itself of the rational in order to exalt the radical. Wiess’s protest exit adds to a growing list of intellectuals walking away from Leftism and its corrosive “convert, pay a tax or else” culture. The late Roger Scruton was exiled…

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Australian TR News contributor, Avi Yemini masterfully illustrated how toxic intersectionality is to mental health. If intersectionality can’t find oppression, it’ll apply cognitive distortions to “find” oppression where none existed or exists. Yemini wrote on Twitter: “I’m half white. Meaning half of me is responsible for the oppression of the other half. I finally grew the bollocks to confront myself. I demanded an apology from my oppressive half. He refused. Selfish pr**k.” Jonathon Haidt explains in ‘The Coddling of the American Mind‘, that the concept of intersectionality follows directly on the heals of Herbert Marcuse’s 1965 essay, ‘Repressive Tolerance’.  Marcuse, ‘the father of…

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Vladimir Putin has mocked the United States Embassy in Moscow for flying the rainbow flag in celebration of LGBTQ+ “Pride Month.” The Russian President said on Friday the embassy’s decision to raise the rainbow flag “reveals something about the people that work there.” Putin made the remarks following a nationwide vote on constitutional reforms that included amendments to affirm God and enshrine the definition of marriage specifically as a union between man and woman. “It’s no big deal though. We have spoken about this many times, and our position is clear,” Putin said. “Yes, we passed a law banning the…

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At a time when actors are repenting of playing characters with a shade of skin colour darker than their own, Michael Jackson’s 22-year-old daughter has been cast as Jesus Christ in an upcoming film titled Habit. According to Entertainment Weekly, Paris Jackson will star opposite Bella Thorne, who plays a “street-smart girl with a Jesus fetish masquerading as a nun while trying to escape the consequences of a violent drug deal.” The announcement of the film has been met with outrage online, with close to 300,000 people signing a petition to prevent such “Christophobic garbage” from being distributed. The petition…

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What do Germaine Greer and J. K. Rowling have in common? Until recently, an obvious answer was that they are strident feminists. But more recently, these two have another claim to fame: they’ve been ‘cancelled’ by mainstream culture for not being radical enough. In a 2015 interview, Germaine Greer refused to describe men who underwent sex-change surgery as ‘women’. For that, she was deplatformed, publicly shamed, and even accused of inciting violence against transgender people — an accusation she describes as ‘absolute nonsense’. In previous decades, Greer was rightly seen as radical for her feminist views. But now as she holds the line defending…

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Over the last month, global protests have been drawing attention to the unjust treatment of minority communities. As an organisation and as a slogan Black Lives Matter has captured the world’s attention. In America particularly, police departments are facing serious scrutiny in an effort to root out racial bias and corruption. The Minneapolis Police—whose officers were responsible for George Floyd’s unjust death—is even being disbanded. Many have suggested an unbroken link between systemic injustice today and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade to which most black Americans trace their roots. But for all the talk about a slavery that was outlawed 150 years ago,…

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Eric Abetz (LNP) is proving to be no mediocre politician. His speech from July last year remains relevant, making it one of the best ever entered into the Australian senate’s Hansard.[i] This year the Senator for Tasmania provided us with a sequel. Speaking about ‘Political Discourse’ Abetz went head to head with cancel culture and the Left’s double standards. The speech highlighted Queensland University Law professor, James Allen’s piece for The Australian on the June, 16. He gave a long list of examples where people were being bullied into submission, and their livelihoods cancelled because of a small, boisterous percentage…

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