In Defence of The Turbulent Priest
“Calvin is an uncommon warrior for truth, in stark contrast to the majority priests and pastors these days who have abandoned the Bible and spat in God’s face.”
Jesus: A Perpetual Refugee?
“To substitute Jesus’ experience with the modern notion of ‘refugee’, the story is unmoored from its Scriptural context.”
He Only Is the True King
“In the New Testament Christ is given the combined title ‘King of kings and Lord of lords’, in opposition no doubt to the blasphemies of the emperor cult. No human rule can challenge his authority.”
Christian Apologist Wesley Huff Appears on The Joe Rogan Experience
Joe Rogan chats with Christian Apologist Wesley Huff.
Abraham, Isaac, and the Misunderstood Sacrifice
“This was a test, but not to see if Abraham loved God so much that he had no love left in his heart for his own son. This was a test, but not to demonstrate that Abraham believed Isaac would die. This was a test that proved Abraham believed that Isaac would live.”
True Christianity Fosters Nationalism
“While immature and seriously uninformed Christians today argue online that Christianity has no connection to nationalism, missionaries of the past were leaps and bounds ahead of them in fostering nationalism as a direct result of their Gospel preaching.”
Caldron Pool Founder Launches Children’s Book Series
“If you’d like to see more content for children that promotes Christian morals, family values, and age-old truths, be sure to grab a copy.”
“Christians” Disowning Christ
“Here we have a ‘Christian’ university apologising for having a strong Catholic giving a strong Catholic speech. Um, what would they prefer?”
Pain Does Not Have to Define Us
“Just because we carry pain, we do not have to be clinically dysfunctional.”
Who is the “New Covenant” For?
Does the New Testament assert that all Christians, irrespective of ethnicity, belong to the true Israel and are therefore recipients of God’s promises?
Do All Roads Lead to God?
“Pope Francis, once again, has landed himself in hot water by stating that there are many roads to God – not just Christianity.”
What Do Theonomists Actually Believe?
“The basic function of law is to restrain, not to regenerate, and when the function of law is changed from the restraint of evil to the regeneration and reformation of man and society, then law itself begins to break down, because an impossible burden is being placed upon it.”
“Top-Down Christianity”: Critics of Christian Nationalism Have Spent Decades Compromising to Woo the Elite
“While these sorts claim to be championing justice, they’re doing nothing more than eroding the very foundations of it.”
Is God at Work Among the ‘Deplorables’ the Evangelical Elite Have Long-Deemed Unclean?
“When the shepherds are silent and compromised, God raises up faithful voices in the most unlikely places.”
Trump Says Rejection of Religion Is the Reason for Social Decay: “Without Religion There Are No Guardrails”
“I think the United States really was a much better place with religion.”
What Has Christianity Ever Done for the World?
“From the values that shape our personal moral frameworks to the institutions that support education, healthcare, and human rights, many of the things we take for granted today owe their existence to Christianity.”
Evangelicals Became Irrelevant Trying to Be Relevant
“In their pursuit of relevance with the world, contemporary evangelicals largely rendered themselves irrelevant to the world.”
The Book That’s Making Many Evangelical Leaders Squirm
“For the elites, the only thing worse than a hick evangelical is one of these whistleblowers.”
Big Eva Just Wants to Be Loved
“To make it into the good books of CNN and the NYT, they are happy to jettison or water down key biblical beliefs and values. Some are willing, in other words, to sell their souls for a bowl of porridge.”
The Enlightenment and the Dismantling of the Foundations of Truth
“Our neighbours, and many Christians, are likely more influenced by Hegel than they are by Christ.”