Category Archives: Australia

I can’t think of a more pathetic display of non-leadership than that of Premier Gladys Berejiklian and her Deputy John Barilaro regarding the ‘Reproductive Rights Bill’ currently before the NSW Parliament. In fact, it’s nothing other than total political cowardice because neither person is going to speak in the debate even though they have both indicated that they will be voting for the Bill. As Linda Silmalis, the Chief Political Reporter for The Sunday Telegraph tweeted: The Premier choosing not to speak and now co-sponsors of the Abortion Bill plan to move amendments…what a mess #abortion #NSWpol — Linda Silmalis…

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It’s said that bias isn’t what you put in, it’s what you choose to leave out. Kristina Keneally has demonstrated at best a factual ignorance, and at worst, a deliberate attempt to use US tragedy’s as a means to score political points. In the past week, two mass-shootings, one in Dayton Ohio, the other in El-Paso Texas, rocked the United States. The Labor Senator and Home Affairs spokeswoman in a Sydney Morning Herald op-ed titled, We can’t bury our heads when it comes to right-wing extremism wrote: On Sunday a wave of sadness consumed me as I saw Dayton, Ohio…

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Award-winning Australian journalist, turned writer, Jana Wendt took a pounding on Twitter this week after the world was reminded of an interview Wendt hosted with the late African-American literary giant, Toni Morrison, in 1998. Desperate to keep the ‘we have a white supremacist crisis’ narrative alive following the Eco-Fascist mass shooting in El Paso, and the slogan’s quick demise after the mass shooting in Dayton by a Leftist Antifa supporter, many on the Left appear to be using the interview to keep their narrative alive. Their weapon of choice in an attempt to regain control of the discourse: the false…

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Kristina Keneally is hopelessly muddled about how freedom works, specifically freedom of speech and freedom of religion. I’m sure she’s had it explained to her before, but inexplicably comprehension yet eludes her – an alarming observation to make of a Federal Senator. I think leftists are often so mired in the prejudice of their anti-freedom propaganda they often end up shadow boxing, fighting against things no serious person believes. Take, for example, yesterday’s eleven-part Twitter challenge to the Prime Minister doubling down on her insistence that someone who tweeted something vile he then regretted, deleted and apologised for three years…

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Victorian Police have back down on a $67,842.50 invoice issued to Axiomatic Events for the use of police resources after left-wing thugs attempted to disrupt a conservative speaking event. The event organisers were initially quoted $150,000 by Victorian Police to protect attendees from Antifa-style protesters who threatened to disrupt the 2018 event featuring Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux. After an invoice was issued to Axiomatic Events with a generous discount, event organisers informed Victorian Police that they refused to pay them to do the job they are already paid to do. Section 8 of the Victoria Police Act (2013) strictly…

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Below is a copy of my recent letter to my local member of Parliament, the Hon. Melinda Pavey, M.P, asking her to consider voting against the abortion bill, which is currently before the N.S.W parliament. This is an important issue and due to the rushed nature of the bill, it’s imperative that we give an immediate response in writing. If you’d like to reuse the main body of the letter below, first, copy and paste the text into an email. Next, address your own local M.P and sign off under your own name and town in the space provided. Finding…

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Incredible scenes from the left side of Australian politics. Shadow Home Affairs Minister Kristina Keneally spoke in the Senate on Tuesday night to illustrate why British born political commentator & former Breitbart editor Raheem Kassam shouldn’t be allowed to enter the country to speak at CPAC (Australia’s Conservative Political Action Conference.) Keneally spoke bluntly: We should not allow a career bigot — a person who spreads hate speech about Muslims, about women and about gay and lesbian people — to enter our country with the express intent of undermining equity and equality. Keneally’s calls come amidst a wash of Australian…

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It all starts to make sense now why the New South Wales government censored the bus ad’s stating the scientific fact that a heart beats at 4 weeks. They’ve been secretly maneuvering to rapidly introduce laws imitating those in Victoria and Queensland to liberalise abortion. The remarkable difference is there will be no referral to a Law Reform Commission, no community consultation, and no opportunity for critique. The laws are to be rushed through on Thursday with the full cooperation of the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian. Far-left MP Alex Greenwich who was a leader in the campaign to undefine marriage…

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What’s on the agenda for ‘social progressives’ after the redefinition of marriage? The decriminalisation of abortion. At least, that’s what Alex Greenwich MP—former Co-chair of Australian Marriage Equality—is now focused on. And quickly. With Parliament resuming this week, Greenwich is tabling a bill to decriminalize abortion in NSW, and to require doctors with conscientious objections to refer patients to those who will perform the grisly procedure. The Bill has the support of the Health Minister, Brad Hazzard and, Caldron Pool understands, Premier Gladys Berejiklian. However, of even greater concern than the issue itself is that the Bill will not follow…

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A South Australian council has scrapped an annual Christmas event because Christmas is too religious and not inclusive enough for Muslims and Sikhs. Adelaide’s Mitcham Council hosted ‘Carols By the Creek’ for more than twenty years before deciding to pull funding for the event this week. Councillor Darren Kruse told Nine News, the council shouldn’t be funding a Christmas event because it’s a “religious event” and not inclusive of non-Christians: “People of Muslim faith, and Sikh faith, and the multitude of other faiths we have in our community may not feel included,” Kruse said. MP Sam Duluk said it was…

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When the NSW State government approved a coal mine in the Central Coast last week, Greens-affiliated Leftist groups jumped into action. A “musical march against the Government” was promptly organized. Avi Yemini from TR News also attended the event to interview some of the protesters. And it basically went exactly as you would have imagined: from replacing coal with hemp, to creating a society without money. WATCH:  

The Victorian government, under the leadership of Premier Daniel Andrews, has donated $400,000 of taxpayer money towards the construction of Bendigo’s first mosque. Construction for the Bendigo Islamic Community Centre began this week with the first sod turning and a photo-op with Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews, Member for Bendigo East Jacinta Allan, Member for Bendigo West Maree Edwards, Greater Bendigo mayor Margaret O’Rourke and Bendigo Muslim community leaders. According to the Bendigo Advertiser, the mosque will include a two-story, multi-purpose building for activities, meetings, and educational events. The building will also feature a prayer hall, capable of housing 375 worshipers.…

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The Victorian Government has reintroduced a bill to Parliament which would make it easier for transgender adults and children to change the gender on their birth certificate to any gender descriptor of their choosing. Individuals wishing to change their gender can do so through a statutory declaration simply stating that they believe they are the sex they have nominated. If the person wishing to change their gender does not identify as either male or female, an option will be provided for the individual to mark “X”. “Equality is not negotiable,” Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews said. “And we are well known,…

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A scientifically accurate, pro-life billboard in New South Wales will be immediately removed after members of the community voiced outrage. The billboard was created by pro-life group Emily’s Voice, and depicts a pregnant woman along with the words: “A heart beats at four weeks.” Despite the fact that the claim is entirely accurate, Transport Minister Andrew Constance called the adverts “appalling,” after pulling the same graphic from buses last month. According to Nine News, a spokesperson for the billboard company said the ad was reviewed and not found to breach any of its advertising codes, however, following the backlash the…

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Activists trying to rally Australians around the idea of Indigenous Australian representation in Parliament have tied their argument in knots. Their message is vague, and their reliance on the simplistic slogan, “Indigenous voice” provides little clarity about what direction they’re advocating Australians take. As a result, the push for an “Indigenous voice” has been interpreted as one of two things: a) call for another advisory group, or b) a call for an entirely new governing body.[i] The latter can only be interpreted as a push for a ‘third branch of Government’, and the former, as a push to return to…

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An article recently published by The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age makes the claim that Israel Folau’s “controversial” Instagram post was a “misquote of the Bible.” The piece attempts to prove this point by suggesting Folau’s post was a citation of Galatians 5:19-21, a passage which makes no mention of “homosexuality” or even “hell” for that matter. “Note however, that Galatians 5:19-21 does not, in any translation, mention homosexuals,” the author said. “Folau and whoever wrote the original post have projected homosexuality into the promiscuous category. That is their bias.” “You will notice that there is nothing in the…

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An article in the Spectator Australia by Terry Barnes applauded Scott Morrison’s squishy love Gospel and harpooned Israel Folau’s fierce “fire and brimstone” Gospel. It juxtaposed the two Pentecostals as altogether different brands of Christianity: one of unforgiveness and damnation, the other of forgiveness and love. Naturally, having carefully crafted such a context for comment, Terry praised Morrison’s interesting as it is an ambiguous exhortation, “Wherever you are, be who God made you.” Barnes inferred from this a divine endorsement on the entire list of Scripturally prohibited behaviours which Folau quoted, contrasting the “heartless” footballer’s meme and the Prime Minister’s positivity.…

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The 2019 Synod of the Uniting Church of Victoria and Tasmania has recently voted to allow the practice of euthanasia in all of its health care facilities. As their website records: Today’s major order of business was to decide on the response to the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying legislation. Key points from the resolution included: There was a range of faithful Christian responses to voluntary assisted dying. Exploring, accessing and conscientiously objecting to voluntary assisted dying were all within the rage of faithful Christian responses to the Victorian Voluntary Assisted Dying Act 2017. To give permission within Victoria to UCA…

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Last month was Pride Month, so it’s a fitting time to reflect on the last decade and what made it such a revolutionary period in Australia’s history.  Consider just a few of the radical things that have happened… 2016-17 — The Safe-Schools fiasco 2017 — Same-sex marriage is legalised 2019 — The Australian Human Rights Commission releases its ‘Guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people’ When you look back, it is unthinkable that same-sex marriage would have been legalised even ten years ago! In fact, just read this 2010 statement from Labor Party’s Penny Wong: The party’s…

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There are well-substantiated rumours that Australian Rugby is seeking to produce a coffee table revision of the Christian Scriptures, to be called the New Rugby Revised Version (NRRV). Some of the contents have had to be changed. Sodom and Gomorrah are showered with blessings, and Lot’s wife is turned into a pillar of the PC establishment. No real place could be found for John the Baptist, who has been relegated to a footnote while Herod Antipas receives an unusually favourable press. But the enduring message remains the same: Christ Jesus came into the world to try to make people nice.
