Australian Senator’s Advocacy for the Wounded Shames Those Refusing to Sigh With the Wounded
When asked about his reasons for doing so, the Senator’s blunt reply was, “I can’t walk by the victims.”
Dan Andrews Once Lamented ID Cards: “Grotesque Kind of ‘Internal Passport’ That Split the Population In Two”
“On this, we can agree with Premier Andrews. This is, indeed, what happens to a country that completely loses its moral compass.”
Tenants Told to Get Double Vaccinated or Get Out
Further, if segregation is enforced by overzealous owners, acting on the arbitrary words of bureaucrats plastered all over social media, could tenants be facing a “get vaxxed or get locked out!” discrimination, or unfair eviction?
NSW Government Extends Emergency Powers Until 2023
“The emergency powers will allow the Health Minister to close parliament which removes all transparency and safeguards to our democracy and freedoms.”
‘Outrageous’: Melbourne Doctor To Sue Victorian Government After Surgery ‘Raided Without Warrant’
“All Victorians should be outraged that their medical records can be seized by the Victorian Government without a valid search warrant,” Dr Hobart said.
Brace Yourself, Australia, It Is Game on Against Segregation
“Life will be miserable without being vaccinated. You won’t be able to hide… you are going to have a very very lonely life,” warned Queensland AMA president.
Queensland Government Faces Legal Action Over Plans to Create Two-Class Society
“I will ensure these politicians are bureaucrats are held accountable for any losses and will legally make these individuals financially accountable for any damages,” Palmer said.
Senator Calls for Immediate Suspension of Vaccine Rollout for Children Following the Death of 14-Year-Old Girl
“If ever there was a reason when the precautionary principle should be applied, then the safety of our children should be it.”
QLD Government Says Vaccinated Will Be “Rewarded” With “Keeping Their Freedoms” For “Doing What We Asked”
What these politicians need to realise is that freedom is not a “reward” for “good” behaviour. Freedom is a God-given right. It’s not something the state can deny or withhold in order to blackmail or manipulate citizens to “do what the state asks of them.”
Thousands of Australians Gather to “Reclaim the Line” Against “No Jab, No Job” Authoritarianism
“As Caldron Pool has consistently warned against, and is now painstakingly pointing out: the line between warring against the COVID-19 virus and warring against the people has been dangerously crossed.”
QLD Government Says It’s Normal for Children to Masturbate: “Some Toddlers Touch Their Genitals to Self-Soothe”
“Regardless of your age,” masturbation is “a healthy way to learn more about your body,” the state government’s website claims.
“They’re Coming After Your Kids,” Warns Australian Academic and Author
“When you feed power-hungry technocrats you only ever create more of an appetite for power, because that rush, that dopamine rush that they get from seeing everyone fall in line becomes an addiction.”
Human Rights Legal Advocate’s Open Letter to WA Employers
“All employers in Australia need to educate themselves and think deeply about their next move.”
Dictator Dan Has Shown His True Colours With the Pandemic Management Bill
“For a proposed law to not be debated properly, to be rushed through parliament, for it to violate several individual human rights at the same time as being the harshest ‘pandemic response’ laws based on a ‘potential pandemic’- there is only one thing left: Federal intervention based on section 109 of the Constitution – inconsistency.”
Victorian City Councillor Rips Into Daniel Andrews Over Vaccination Segregation
“My creeping assumption is that this government and all other governments like it, need to be reminded that they exist to protect human rights, not blackmail us with them.”
Dictatorship For Life in Victoria?
“Western governments can very easily and very quickly descend into tyranny as they strip us of our most fundamental liberties. Any crisis – real or imagined – can serve as a pretext for more government power and control, and more politicians lording it over the masses.”
Popular Australian Cartoonist Axed for Criticising Mandatory Vax
“When the only allowable opposition is what the Left approves as opposition, we are no longer dealing with reasoned debate, but a manufactured narrative and its badly constructed religion.”
Australia’s Digital Identity Program: A Pathway to the Social Credit System?
The foundation of despotism has already been laid in our nation, all our government requires is a more effective and streamlined system to implement their regime – could the Digital Identity System provide that?
Jordan Peterson: “I’m Not Impressed by This Creeping Authoritarianism in the Name of Public Safety”
For Peterson, forced vaccination is a “sign of the failure of the ‘vaccine’ arguments. To use political and police force to insist is only going to increase distrust, and drive resistance.”
Petition Launched to Stop Mandatory Vaccines for Employees After Supermarket Giants Say Get Jabbed or Get Out
“If a team member chooses not to be vaccinated without a valid exemption, we’ll review their ongoing employment and it will likely lead to termination.”