Category Archives: Atheism

“When the atheist appeals to concepts of ‘justice’ to argue against Christianity, he’s acting as a moral parasite. His argument is based on borrowed ethics that are incompatible with his own worldview.”

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“Once all the rage, the new atheists seem to have lost some of their lustre over recent years. It appears that many folks are now rejecting atheism, just as once many were rejecting Christianity.”

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“A young man who wishes to remain a sound Atheist cannot be too careful of his reading.”

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“If I did not believe in God, I should still want my doctor, my lawyer and my banker to do so.”

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RENOWNED English novelist Ian McEwan lamented the fact that atheists don’t speak out more about the value of their philosophy. The implication being that their silence is evidence of apathy or even fear of persecution. McEwan, whose book Atonement was turned into a major motion picture nominated for six Oscars, told The New Republic: I think it is important that people with no religious beliefs speak up and speak for what they value. It is a bit of a problem, the title ‘Atheist’ – no one really wants to be defined by what they do not believe in. But it…

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Atheist Richard Dawkins has been slammed on social media after suggesting that while a eugenics policy would be “bad”, it would “work” to improve the human race. On Sunday, Dawkins tweeted: “It’s one thing to deplore eugenics on ideological, political, moral grounds. It’s quite another to conclude that it wouldn’t work in practice. Of course it would. It works for cows, horses, pigs, dogs & roses. Why on earth wouldn’t it work for humans. Facts ignore ideology.” The tweet quickly attracted more than 8,000 responses, many scolding the outspoken atheist for suggesting a practice adopted by Nazi Germany would “work”.…

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Doug Wilson once said, there are two tenets of atheism: 1. There is no God; and 2. I hate him. Last week at the University of Utah, Associate Professor, Dr Greg Clark perfectly proved that point during a fiery debate about the existence of the Christian God. The debate, which took place on October 3, saw Dr James White, of Alpha & Omega Ministries, and Jeff Durbin, of Apologia Church, debate Dr Greg Clark and Dan Ellis, the past President of the Utah Atheists, now State representative for American Atheists. Things were off to a good start with Jeff Durbin…

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“All sides are anti-science.” I’m watching psychologist professors Jonathon Haidt and Jordan Peterson on YouTube discussing polarisation and the left-ward bias of our Universities. Haidt says that an anti-science trend emerged among conservatives in relatively recent times. “To be anti-evolutionary… is actually what’s happening on the left now, too,” Peterson adds. His prediction is that having taken the humanities, those leftist ‘neo-Marxists’ will be targeting the biology school next. He quotes Brett Weinstein, “evolutionary biology has something in it to offend everyone.” It was a unique experience for me as I read A. N. Wilson’s (2017) biography of Charles Darwin,…

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A study conducted by the University of Kent revealed most atheists and agnostics believe in supernatural powers. According to The Times, the Understanding Unbelief program surveyed thousands of self-identified atheists and agnostics from six countries – Britain, the United States, Brazil, China, Denmark and Japan. Researchers found of those interviewed, only a minority rejected all of the supernatural beliefs put to them. The findings aren’t surprising, really. The atheist says there is no God, but according to Romans 1, God says there are no atheists. In Romans 1:18 onwards, the Apostle Paul talks about people who, because of their sin,…

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Is it obvious that God exists? Richard Dawkins does not think so: ‘The universe we observe has precisely the properties we should expect if there is at bottom, no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference.’ Sam Harris is of the same ilk: ‘nature offers no compelling evidence for an intelligent designer and countless examples of unintelligent design.’ Yet the Bible regards it as so obvious that from the creation we should know that there is a Creator that it declares that if we do not see this, we are without excuse (Rom.1:20). The…

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“Your question, ‘Where did God come from?’ obviously displays that you’re thinking of the wrong God,” Dr. Hovind replied. “Because the God of the Bible is not affected by time, space, or matter. If he’s affected by time, space, or matter, he’s not God.”

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Over 1,000 distinguished scientists from around the world have signed a statement casting doubt on Darwin’s theory of evolution. Experts from institutes such as Harvard, John Hopkins, the British Museum and MIT’s Lincoln Library, signed the document titled, A Scientific Dissent From Darwinism. The statement reads: “We are skeptical of claims of the ability of random mutation and natural selection to account for the complexity of life. Careful examination of the evidence for Darwinian theory should be encouraged.” According to the organisation behind the statement, during recent decades, new scientific evidence from a variety of scientific disciplines has caused scientists to…

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The atheist says, ‘I don’t believe in God.’ God says, ‘I don’t believe in atheists.’ Here’s why: The atheist presupposes the basic reliability of the senses. But on what basis? According to the atheist, there is no standard to appeal to outside of our own senses to validate our experiences. For all he knows, he could be merely experiencing the sensation of thinking true thoughts. C.S. Lewis once said, if there is no intelligence behind the universe and no creative mind, then nobody designed the human brain for the purpose of thinking. Lewis expands on the implications of that: It is…

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Economics tells us that the value of a thing is nothing more or less than what someone is willing to pay for it. The most amazing painting, the rarest antique, the most ingenious book… none of these have any value if no-one wants them. What, then, is the value of a person? If this question were asked in eighteenth-century Britain, the answer would be something like “three guineas, maybe four. Does he have all his teeth?” At that time, the slave trade treated humans as a commodity within a capitalist framework. The economics definition applied:like gold, oil and toilet-paper, a…

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The proof of Christianity is the absurdity of the contrary. That is to say, whatever alternative you offer in place of the Christian worldview it will ultimately lead to a self-refuting conclusion. Take for instance the argument that there is no God. One can’t argue for atheism without refuting atheism in the process. Often, atheism is presented as the scientific man’s philosophy. But if atheists were consistent to their worldview, science would be entirely impossible. Science is about the discovery of truth, and in order to learn anything there are certain things that need to be true first. First, the…

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Those who like to think that they are rational often go back to repeat David Hume’s essay against miracles, written in 1748. Here Hume wrote: ‘A miracle is a violation of the laws of nature; and as a firm and unalterable experience has established these laws, the proof against a miracle, from the very nature of the fact, is as entire as any argument from experience can possibly be imagined.’ This is then used as an argument against God’s being the creator of the world. Philosophically speaking, Hume’s statement contains as much assertion as argument, and is certainly vulnerable at…

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Video of an atheist being obliterated by his own words is allegedly being censored by Facebook. While the original video was not removed, individuals who attempted to share the clip have said they later received a notification from Facebook informing them that their post was deleted. The nine minute clip was taken from a debate between apologist Sye Ten Bruggencate and atheist Matt Dillahunty. The offending video can be viewed below. WATCH:

Have you ever etched something into the trunk of a tree? I wonder about the people who come along at a later date and attempt to decipher our primitive code language for who hearts who. Suppose you stumbled across a tree etching, a simple straight line for example. Now, you might conclude that it was an unintentional mark, a random scratching from an animal’s claw perhaps. Now suppose that line was followed by a love heart. The likelihood of that etching being the result of a random wild creature decreases drastically. There is an obvious level of intentionality behind that…

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It’s Christ or absurdity. Here’s why.

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Where does atheistic driven science lead? Maybe you don’t want to know. I fear the model in this image will haunt me in my dreams. No, it’s not the next installment of Avatar… or Lord of the Rings… or Alien… It’s apparently the “perfect” human body according to an evolutionary biologist in the UK. Borrowing from the animal kingdom, Professor Alice Roberts took characteristics that would make the perfect superhuman. “Inspired by dogs, cats, cephalopods, fish, swans and chimps, my model has a better heart with more arteries than a human being, lungs that are more efficient, eyes with no…

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