Category Archives: Abortion

On Wednesday, Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed into law, what many are calling, one of the worst and most extreme abortion bills ever. According to Life Site News, “the so-called Reproductive Health Act (RHA) codifies a ‘fundamental right’ to abortion, establishes ‘that a fertilized egg, embryo, or fetus, does not have independent rights under the law,’ and repeals numerous restrictions and regulations on abortion, including protections against taxpayer funding of abortion and protections for infants after failed abortions.” The legislation, which Pritzker praised as a “beacon of hope” for “women’s fundamental rights,” allows abortion up to the moment of birth,…

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Teen Vogue is now offering teenage girls advice on how to have an abortion behind their parents’ backs. In an article published last week, Nona Willis Aronowitz responded to a pregnant 16-year-old who wanted to get an abortion without requiring the permission of her pro-life parents. Aronowitz told the teen that she shouldn’t be ashamed of falling pregnant, despite being only 16-years old. “It’s only logical that if teens are mature enough to become parents, they are mature enough to decide whether or not they want to give birth,” Aronowitz said. “Having access to abortion should be your right, regardless…

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A Queensland couple are suing the medical staff at a Gold Coast ultrasound clinic for “wrongful birth” after failing to diagnose their unborn daughter with Down syndrome. The parents, who gave birth to their daughter back in 2015, said they would have aborted the now four-year-old girl if they had known of her condition. In 2014 the couple were allegedly told by both a doctor and a sonographer that the risk of a chromosomal abnormality was in the “low range” and advised that further testing was unnecessary. The parents have indicated they will seek damages for child-rearing costs, with the…

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The Pinterest insider who blew the whistle on big tech censorship, including Pinterest’s suppression of Christian and conservative content has been fired. In an interview with James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, Eric Cochran, a software engineer at Pinterest, revealed the company marked Christianity-related terms and Bible verses as “brand unsafe.” Cochran also revealed that such terms were also removed from Pinterest’s auto-complete search results, while other material was either hidden or silently removed. Terrisa Bukovinac, founder and executive director of Pro-Life San Francisco, has set up a Go Fund Me page in support of Cochran, who she described as a…

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Pinterest has permanently suspended pro-life advocacy group Live Action and accused the organisation of spreading “harmful misinformation” that could “have immediate detrimental effects on a Pinner’s health or public safety.” A whistleblower at Pinterest told Project Veritas the social media company were suppressing and censoring pro-life and Christian content prior to Live Action’s ban. After reviewing Pinterest’s “Sensitive Terms List”, Project Veritas discovered that Christianity-related terms like “Christian Easter” and “Bible verses” were marked as “brand unsafe.” The whistleblower explained that such terms are removed from Pinterest’s auto-complete search results, while other material is either “hidden” or “silently removed.” According to…

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Killing newborn babies is morally the same as abortion, a publication in The British Medical Journal argued back in 2012. According to the paper, authored by Monash and Melbourne University academics, the “moral status of the infant is equivalent to that of a fetus”. The authors, however, go on to suggest that “neither can be considered a ‘person’ in a morally relevant sense.” The authors argued that “after-birth abortion” can be justified on the basis that the baby is not missing out on a life he or she cannot contemplate. Furthermore, considering that one-third of infants with Down syndrome are…

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A Philadelphia mother has thanked her unborn twins for “choosing” her before beginning the process of chemically aborting them on camera. The woman, known only as Taryn, was part of a PBS Frontline documentary that originally aired in April under the title, The Abortion Divide. Taryn is filmed downing mifepristone, the first pill of a chemical abortion procedure, which according to the abortionist, “makes the pregnancy stop growing.” Taryn is instructed to take another pill 24-hours later designed to induce cramping and bleeding in order to help her body “push the pregnancy tissue out of her uterus.” You’ll notice pro-aborts…

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We often hear pro-abortion advocates use the slogan, “My body, my choice.” This commonly used mantra suggests two things: First, that a mother ought to have the “right” to kill her own unborn baby if she chooses because after all, it’s her body, not yours. And who are you to tell a woman what she can and can’t do with her own body, anyway? Second, the phrase, perhaps unintentionally, implies that if the baby inside the mother is not her body, then the choice as to whether the baby lives or dies is not hers to make. If it’s her…

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The Sydney Morning Herald has reported some Labor candidates have conceded their party’s federal election policy to liberalise abortion “lost them much needed votes.” Labor MP Susan Templeman said publicity campaigning against Labor’s abortion policy “had an impact”. She complained that it was inaccurate to claim Labor had an “extreme late-term abortion agenda.” However, Ms Templeman is one of more than ninety Labor MPs around Australia who belong to Emily’s List, an American lobby group which aims to change Australian laws to legalise abortion without restriction or restraint, including full-term abortion and full taxpayer funding. Labor laws passed in Victoria first and…

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In 1791 it’s estimated that about 300,000 people boycotted sugar produced by slaves, causing sales to drop by a third to a half. Thousands of pamphlets were printed encouraging people to join in the protest. The sugar boycott is one of the earliest examples of consumers using their purchasing power to reject unethical organisations. Two hundred years later, we may need to revisit this approach again. A number of US media giants have publicly stated they’ll “rethink” filming in Georgia if the new heartbeat abortion law comes into effect. According to the BBC, Disney, Netflix and WarnerMedia have all objected…

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Netflix are kowtowing to celebrity pressure regarding its investments in Georgia. The pressure comes after the American state voted to place significant limitations on abortion. The southeastern state of about 10.2 million people joins Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Ohio, and Utah in passing abortion restrictions under what is called ‘heartbeat bills’. The proposed legislation will prevent the violent interruption of a pregnancy, once a heartbeat is detected. Celebrities were quick to create a chorus of condemnation and took to social media to condemn the legislation. Much like the “Muslim ban” mislabeling applied to the Trump administration’s travel restrictions on…

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A mother in Ireland has aborted her healthy baby boy after initial testings suggested there was a “fatal foetal abnormality.” According to Life Site News, the unborn baby was killed at about 15 weeks’ gestation in March at the National Maternity Hospital, the biggest maternity facility in Ireland. It was thought the baby had Trisomy18, also known as Edwards Syndrome, but a series of genetic tests later revealed that was not the case. “A post-mortem analysis revealed that the baby did not have the genetic defect it was presumed to have,” Life Site News reported. “Subsequently, the parents called for…

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A nine-year-old boy has confronted Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego and local city council members, urging them to say NO to Planned Parenthood and YES to babies. “Mayor Gallego, I don’t understand. You had a baby. Knowing that abortions end the life of human beings, how do you say yes, and yes and smile and take pictures of others who say yes too? I know I’m just a kid, but that is exactly my point. These babies are kids just like me… “My mom was only seven months pregnant when I was born. In many states, my mom could have had…

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A professor at the University of California, San Diego, has allegedly highlighted the parallels between fetuses and cancers during a lecture titled “Biology of Disease.” A medical student in the class took a photo of one of the presentation slides and uploaded it to social media. The slide parallels the effects of the unborn baby on the pregnant mother’s body with the effects of cancer. “The fetus: a legitimate parasite: rapidly grows, invades, manipulates immunity of mother, reshapes blood vessels,” the slide states. “The cancer: crashes the party!!! rapidly grows, invades, manipulates immunity, reshapes blood vessels.” No joke, a friend…

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An elderly sidewalk counsellor has been hospitalised with a broken leg after an abortion clinic customer threw her to the ground for distributing pro-life literature. Donna Durning, a pro-life sidewalk counsellor of 23 years, was assaulted after she approached the young woman exiting Kentucky’s last abortion facility. Durning offered the young woman material that included the number for a pregnancy crisis centre. Durning told local news reporters, “I had a little card from Little Way Crisis Pregnancy Centre, and I just offered it to her. And I said, ‘Honey, if you need to talk to anybody, there’s a number on…

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A man in Florida has been accused of raping a young girl hundreds of times and forcing her to have at least seven abortions to cover his crimes. The girl was just 12-years-old when her accused rapist, Leon Norman Wiley Jr., 52, first raped her. Wiley would then go on to rape his victim “500 times” up to “three times a day”, the victim told police. According to the police report obtained by Live Action News, the victim “reported being impregnated approximately seven times during those incidents. Each time she would get pregnant Leon Wiley Jr. would take her to…

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Almost 100 clinic workers are seeking to leave the abortion industry after watching Unplanned, according to the film’s writer and director. Filmmaker Chuck Konzelman revealed during a congressional testimony last Wednesday that so far up to 94 abortion workers have reached out to Abby Johnson’s nonprofit, And Then There Were None, seeking help leaving their jobs. That accounts for about one percent of the abortion workers in the United States, Konzelman said. “After getting one look at them being portrayed on film… they have decided to change their lives and what they do for a living,” he said. Konzelman testified before…

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The pro-life movie ‘Unplanned’ has now been listed as a ‘Propaganda’ film by big tech Google. Anyone searching for the film on the platform will see the label, which the search giant defines as: “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view.” The film, based on true events, follows the story of former Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson, now a pro-life advocate fighting for the right of the unborn after witnessing an abortion first-hand. The film which premiered in theatres on March 29, has continued to surpass box office expectations,…

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Dr James White, the founder of Alpha and Omega Ministries, gave a powerful address in the Phoenix City Council Chambers last week, pleading with the city to avoid the infamy and cowardice of Weimar, the German city which did nothing to stop the horrors of the Buchenwald concentration camp. Dr White noted that when General Patton first toured the camp, what he saw was so horrific that he commanded the mayor, magistrates, and leading citizens of Weimar be forced to tour the camp to see what had been done right under their eyes for many years. History has not looked…

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It’s not out of character for the ABC to misrepresent Christianity. Unsurprisingly, the public funded organisation this week published an opinion piece by Dr Carol Portmann titled, ‘I’m a Christian doctor and I help women have abortions. Here’s how I reconcile that.’ This is called fake news. Dr Carol Portmann is not a Christian. In the piece, Dr Portmann claimed she could reconcile her professed Christianity with her practice of helping women kill their unborn children. Anticipating the obvious, Dr Portmann goes on to falsely state: “Only God can judge me.” I believe that I am doing the appropriate and…

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