Arbitrary arguments for abortion allow the strong to destroy the weak, vulnerable, and defenseless.
Arguments in favour of abortion often fall into one of four categories. These categories can be summed up with the acronym SLED: Size, Level of development, Environment, and Degree of dependency. But do any of these arguments justify the murder of the unborn? Can human value be measured by any of these four categories? Size: This argument implies human value can be measured by the size of the human. The smaller the human, the less value that human has. Which is worse, murdering a 16-year-old or murdering a 2-year old? The 16-year old and the 2-year-old are both equally valuable.…
Preborn babies suffer excruciating pain during an abortion, doctors say.
U.S. Senator Ben Sasse explains: “As early as 20 weeks post-fertilization, which is about halfway through the pregnancy, scientists and our doctors now tell us that this unborn baby can feel pain.” “In fact, it’s becoming routine procedure of late, for us to give unborn and premature infants anesthesia for their fetal surgeries. Why?… It’s because we have new scientific evidence that they feel pain. It turns out that babies that are 20 weeks along in gestation are pain-capable inside mom’s uterus.” As Dr. Kanwaljeet Anand testified before Congress: The human fetus possesses the ability to experience pain from 20…
Oprah encourages women to boast about their abortions.
If you’re looking for inspiration, best steer clear of the “Inspiration” section in the latest edition of Oprah Winfrey’s “O” magazine. The July 2018 issue is promoting the ‘Shout your Abortion’ campaign. The online movement encourages women to boast about their abortion experiences without “sadness, shame or regret” for the purpose of “destigmatization, normalization, and putting an end to shame.” In the article titled, “How One Woman Became an Activist With the Hashtag #ShoutYourAbortions,” Amelia Bonow describes how she broke down in tears in 2015 after hearing news that U.S. House of Representatives had voted to defund Planned Parenthood. According…
Researchers say: ‘discrimination against women starts in the womb.’
A phenomenon of “missing girls” could be afflicting Victoria, Aisha Dow at The Age has reported. “A study of more than a million births suggests some parents could be aborting unborn female babies or undergoing embryo selection overseas in order to have sons.” According to researchers, the findings indicate “systematic discrimination against females starts in the womb.” Lead researcher Dr Kristina Edvardsson from Melbourne’s La Trobe University said, “We believe that some women may be terminating pregnancies after discovering they are expecting a girl and in other cases are travelling overseas to access non-medial sex selection services through assisted reproduction.”…
Argentina defeats bill to legalise abortion: Pro-Life activists rejoice; Pro-Abortion activists riot, set fires and assault police.
Argentina chooses life as members of the senate reject bill that would legalise abortion in the first 14-weeks of pregnancy. Lawmakers voted 38-31 against the measure, leaving abortion in Argentina only available in cases of rape, severe disabilities or if the mother’s life is in danger. Hundreds of thousands of pro-life supporters rallied in the streets to hear the decision. Footage shared on social media shows crowds erupt in celebration and fireworks after the result was revealed. And Life won over Death. #ArgentinaEsProvida — Obianuju Ekeocha (@obianuju) August 9, 2018 Pro-abortionists also took to the streets in protest following…
Watch: Amazing Footage of a Baby in the Womb
According to Mission Pre-Born, up to 80% of women won’t follow through with an abortion after viewing an ultrasound. The ministry, which provides ultrasounds for women seeking abortions saved 7,912 babies in 2017. Science and technology are proving to be an effective weapon against the abortion industry. Now more than ever mothers have an opportunity to see their “clump of cells” (i.e. baby) and to hear the heartbeat. Below is incredible footage of detailed scans of babies moving in the womb. WATCH:
Queensland to decriminalise abortion, punish pro-life doctors, and imprison sidewalk counsellors
Queensland’s Labor state government is set to decriminalise abortion, in an effort to “bring Queensland into the 21st century,” according to Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk. Currently abortion is only legal in Queensland if the mother’s mental or physical health is in serious risk. The new laws will allow women to abort their babies up to 22 weeks, no questions asked. Doctors may refuse to perform abortions, but they must refer the patient to another practitioner. Also to be introduced is a 150-metre safe access zone around abortion clinics that could see pro-life protesters and sidewalk counsellors facing up to one year…
Matt Walsh: Abortion is not a women’s health issue, it’s a parenting issue
Matt Walsh: “It is an indictment on us, conservatives, that the Left has been so successful in framing the murder of children as a matter of choice or health care or women’s rights. It is our failure that so many people in our country would say of a child without his own being, and with his own life, and his own DNA and his own genetic code, ‘Well, he’s not really a person.’” “The fact is that the Left has been able to have so much success on this issue and take so many lives and rack up such an…
WATCH: With one question Dinesh D’Souza eviscerates leftist who thinks the government should pay for her birth control and abortions
With one simple question Dinesh D’Souza eviscerates a popular leftist argument during the question-and-answer portion of a recent event hosted by the Young American’s Foundation. A young woman in the audience asked D’Souza how Republicans can be in favor of small government, while at the same time opposing subsidizing birth control and abortion. “How can you explain the deregulation that the Republican Party supports, for smaller government, and simultaneously the hundreds, if not thousands of bills passed by Republican officials since 2011 that have policed the woman’s body and limited female access to contraceptives and to abortion?” D’Souza’s reply is…
Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade Says, ‘My Case Which Legalized Abortion on Demand Was the Biggest Mistake of My Life’
McCorvey never did have an abortion.
WATCH: One simple question leaves late-term abortionist speechless
In the following clip, taken from a 1996 BBC documentary, a late-term abortionist describes abortion as “killing defenseless fetuses.” The interviewer then asks him a simple question which stuns him into 30-seconds of dead silence. Watch:
At least 100 jihadis who joined terror groups in the Middle East to return to Australia
At least 100 foreign fighters who joined terror groups in the Middle East are expected to soon return to Australia, and most likely, Sydney. But why? Why bring them here at all? To quote Senator Cory Bernardi, “We’ve got enough Islamic nutcases at work in this country already.” Watch:
Women who abort their babies are not victims. Here’s how the pro-life movement undermines their own cause
Jeff Durbin from Apologia Studios explains, “Legislators have to legislate based on issues of justice, morality, and if a woman who has an abortion is ultimately a victim, as much a victim as the baby – as some people say in the Pro-Life movement – then she’s not guilty of a crime. And if it’s not a crime, it doesn’t need to be criminalized.” Watch:
Horrific: 27 babies left to die after failed abortions, some potentially as old as 34-weeks
AT LEAST 27 babies were born alive and ‘left to die’ without medical treatment after failed abortion procedures in Western Australia. Some of the babies were potentially as old as 34-weeks, parliamentary questioning revealed. More than 7,000 people called for an inquiry to investigate the ‘systemic failures’ that allowed at least 26 [at the time of the petition] Western Australians to be left to die, WA Today reported. The petition was tabled by pro-life parliamentarian Nick Goiran who wants the deaths to be thoroughly investigated, especially after it was revealed there was “no record of medical intervention or resuscitation.” Mr Goiran…
Eight babies saved outside abortion clinic
A Brisbane based pro-life group says eight babies have been saved since the launch of their ministry several months ago. The group, known as Project 139, took to their Facebook page yesterday revealing parents made the decision to follow through with their pregnancy as a result of a conversation with a counselor outside an abortion clinic. “We are there to give them another choice, to show them how abortion is not their only option,” the group said. The ministry also extends support once a family make the decision not to abort their baby. “We have been able to give to…
“180” Full Movie: Abortion. Is it a woman’s choice? Or is it murder?
“180” has been called a half-hour of “video adrenaline,” an “emotional rollercoaster,” and “mind-blowing.” This riveting, award-winning documentary carries a unique message in which you will see eight people change their minds on abortion in a matter of seconds… because they were asked one question. Watch:
What they really mean by “pro-choice” is “no-choice”
Don’t you find it ironic that the same people who pride themselves in being “pro-choice” are now essentially advocating no-choice by pushing for pro-life exclusion zones around abortion clinics? Just take a look at the abuse sidewalk counsellors from We Support Women have copped on Twitter simply for ensuring women fully understand their choice. All in the name of love, of course. Watch:
This video should be the end of abortion and atheism
In Psalm 139 verses 13 and 14, David wrote, “You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.” This passage has been the tagline for many organisations and groups in the pro-life movement, and for good reason. Life comes from life, and all life ultimately comes from the author of life itself. The video below offers a truly amazing glimpse at what that actually looks like, from fertilisation to birth. Watch:
A tale of two photos
In order to drive home something of the horror of the Nazi regime in Germany (1933-1945), it is fairly commonplace in textbooks and presentations to include graphic photos of Nazi brutality. One of the most piercing is this one of a Nazi soldier shooting a Ukrainian Jew, with the attendant picture of a mass grave. We have all seen photos of Belsen and Auschwitz, as well as horrors from the Burmese railway project supervised by the Japanese. One of the few films I have sat through was one based on Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. The…
Watch: Allie Stuckey brilliantly nails it at CPAC: Human dignity starts in the womb
The Conservative Millennial, Allie Stuckey absolutely nailed the issue of abortion at CPAC: We look at disgust at Hitler’s Germany, for example. It’s the same exact principle of having a subjective standard of human worthiness and exterminating anyone who doesn’t meet that standard. That has literally been the mark of every dictatorial and depraved regime and nation since the beginning of time. And we look back at history in shame on those crimes against humanity, but why today do we not look in shame at where we are right now in 2018, in the United States of America — not…
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