Passive Man, Wicked Woman
“…passive men are more common than abusive men. Far more common. It is like a plague in our society today.”
Hindsight Is Not Good Enough
“Hindsight is not good enough. Foresight should be the specialty of the church.”
What Created Western Civilisation?
“Christianity is not just responsible for helping create Western civilisation, it is also responsible for creating the nations of Europe and giving them their sense of national, rather than simply tribal, identity.”
What Ended Western Civilisation?
“Christianity was not dethroned to enable a secular utopia, in reality, Christianity has been dethroned to create a vacuum and that vacuum is being filled by the ancient pagan ideas our society once rejected.”
Rejecting the Family Outright?
“To say you should not care about the nation because you are part of the people of God is precisely the equivalent of saying you should not prioritize your family because you are part of the family of God.”
The Potential Evils of Specialization
“Blind trust in the experts, simply by virtue of the fact that you are not one of them, is a primary mechanism for allowing society-wide evil to happen…”
Child Sacrifice and Impending Defeat
“No nation which sacrifices its children in large numbers as we do can expect to stand for long against populations with larger numbers and more traditional family structures.”
If Pagans Can Do It
“Imagine what the highly capable European peoples of the western world could achieve if freed from the massive weight of the burden of debt around their necks?”
Familiarity Breeds Contempt
“Jonah understood the grace of God, mostly, but he had forgotten the most important part: ‘But for the grace of God, there go I.'”
A National Identity in Limbo
“Australia has always struggled to assert its own identity on the world stage…”
Nothing Is Truly Our Own
“Knowing all that you have is a gift creates in your life a sense of thankfulness…”
Globalism Is Evil, Not Nationalism
“Globalism may have been sanctified by many in the Church, but its fate tells us how wrong these people are.”
Old Feminists Are Reaping Their Reward
“The end result of feminism is inevitably big government, because, in reality, all the women did with woman’s suffrage was replace their husbands with the state…”
The Dangerous Message of the “Strong Female Protagonist”
“Young boys and girls are being shown a completely unrealistic view of the sexes and their physical capabilities, and this will cause harm.”
The Progressive Mindset and Why It’s Dangerous
“The minstrels promised utopia and the crowds fell under their sway, as surely as if they were children listening to the Pied Piper.”
Advice for the Liberal Party of Australia
“Pass policies which make life easier for Australians to have large families and this will have a positive impact on this nation for generations.”
It’s the Vibe of the Thing
“A lot has been said and written about the past which is either not correct, or is taken out of context to make Australians seem far worse than they actually were. This is a common modern agenda.”
Jesus Revolution: A Spoiler-Free Review
“It’s not just one of the best Christian movies I have seen in a while, it is one of the best movies I have seen in a while.”
The Sins of COVID
“We were being asked to do something which is not in step with the gospel and which Paul would have condemned. He would have opposed us for segregating the Churches.”
Judeo-Christianity? Should This Term Be Used?
“It is notable that traditionally the West was referred to as Christendom, not Judeo-Christendom, or Islamo-Christendom.”