Almost half of your income tax is given to welfare
According to new data obtained from the Treasury through Senate Estimates, the average taxpayer pays $11,427 in income tax, and almost half of that is given to welfare. Senator Eric Abetz said: With more than half the budget being spent on health and welfare, it is clear that our current fiscal situation is unsustainable and we need to see if we can deliver the same outcomes while spending less money. Further, the fact that each taxpayer is paying $474 towards interest on our national debt once again highlights how important it is to reduce the debt burden on future generations.…
The Notable Quotes Series
The Caldron Pool has started a Notable Quotes series on Facebook. Like our page and share your favourite quotes with your friends. We’ve shared a sample below. If you have a quote worth sharing, let us know in the comments.
LGBTQ history mandatory in primary schools
California has become the first state to approve LGBT-inclusive textbooks for use in primary schools. Ten textbooks for kindergarten through to eighth-grade, were approved by the California State Board of Education last month. The Fair, Accurate, Inclusive, and Respectful Education Act is a California law which mandates the inclusion of the political, economic, and social contributions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people into educational textbooks and social studies curricular in California public schools. The California State Board of Education also rejected two textbooks published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. The textbooks were rejected because they failed to address the sexual orientations…
Which is more rational, God or Atheism?
Atheism is often presented as the most rational of all positions. According to the atheist, we cannot see God, so belief in God requires blind faith, and that kind of wishful thinking is not easily embraced by the rational thinker. But what if believing in God isn’t irrational at all? In the following video, Peter Kreeft, Professor of Philosophy at Boston College, suggests belief in God is actually more rational than atheism. 
“Not all refugees are terrorists, but most terrorists are refugees”
In Miranda Devine’s latest piece, she argues, “It is time for honesty about the source of the terrorist threat in this country, and the make-up of our refugee intake. There are plenty of Christian and Yazidi refugees in the world to help, without offering to share our home with people who want to kill us.” Mark Steyn made a similar call in response to the recent attack in Melbourne, stating, “Instead of attempting to ring-fence every potential target – i.e., everything and everyone – with Diversity Bollards, we could try installing bollards where they matter – around the civilized world.”…
Moderate Islam: Not what you think
Military instructor and researcher Hussein Aboubakr explains: “After every new Jihadist attack against the West, politicians reassure us that the atrocity does not represent the true nature of mainstream Islam. Of the 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, they constantly reassure us, the overwhelming majority are as law abiding as any members of any other monotheistic faith. Only a tiny fraction engage in terror. And Islam is a religion of peace. Furthermore, we are told, the great majority of Muslims hold moderate views.” But what does “moderate” mean? How moderate are moderate Muslims? According to the Pew Research Center, 88%…
Hilarious: Tucker Carlson’s #100RacistThings
Tucker Carlson presents: 100 Racist Things! In these dangerous political times, it’s important you know what is and is not racist. So, here’s a list! 1. Tamarisk trees in Palm Springs, California. — Tucker Carlson (@TuckerCarlson) December 22, 2017
Multiculturalism: A denial of the reality that some cultures are objectively superior
During the panel discussion at ‘The Collapse of Europe?’ conference, Mark Steyn spoken on multiculturalism and its impact on the West. The following excerpts are taken from that speech. Multiculturalism is the slipperiest ‘ism’ because it doesn’t invite an argument, it says, there’s no point to having an argument. It says basically, if everything is of equal value what the hell is the point of talking about any of it? And that is what makes it such an elusive enemy to get a hold on… Almost every Western country has signed up to full-blown multiculturalism. And I say just every Western…
Jihad and the “Religion of Peace”
It’s reported that since 2001, Islamic terrorists have carried out more than 32,000 deadly attacks. Just in the past month there have been 133 attacks in 20 different countries, causing 2,013 deaths and 1,123 injuries. Yet often, whenever an Islamic terrorist attack takes place, many are quick to defend Islam by insisting violence fundamentally contradicts the Muslim faith. So, if Islam is a Religion of Peace, why are so many terrorist attacks committed by Muslims? In the following video, David Wood explains: Muslims in the West are quick to point to passages such as Quran 109:6 (“You shall have your religion…
Grown ups believe in Santa too, they just call him by a different name
The idea of a big, benevolent man in red, distributing gifts to all free of charge, is not limited to the imaginative minds of children. This is a fantasy held by many adults too. Only, they don’t refer to him as Santa Claus, but the Government – and Ron Paul is Ebeneezer Scrooge. In a Christmas post on Facebook, Paul shared a pictured that said, “Before you make fun of children for believing in [Santa], remember there are adults who believe in benevolent governments.” The former presidential candidate went on to say, “Government is not Mother Teresa. It’s not ‘caring,’ or…
Mark Steyn: We Are the Bollards
Commenting on the recent events in Melbourne, Mark Steyn writes: One of the problems with bollarding off pedestrians behind a wall of Diversity Bollards is that they still occasionally have to emerge from behind the bollards to cross the street, and it’s hard to bollard off a pedestrian crossing. In this case, the non-terror-related Australian citizen simply waited until the little green sign indicated it was safe for pedestrians to cross the street and then floored it. In an amusing touch, his car eventually came to a rest against a bollard. What’s the solution? Maybe automobile manufacturers could replace airbags…
Father Christmas is offensive: Calls to rename Santa “Person Christmas”
The TODAY Show claimed there have been controversial calls for Father Christmas to be renamed “Person Christmas” to make the icon gender-fluid. Some suggest the calls were initially a joke, but many have also voiced their support of Santa’s castration. Joke or not, it honestly wouldn’t surprise us in the least. 
Australia betrays the United States and Israel
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has dismissed a United Nations vote to reject US President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. The resolution condemning the Trump administration’s move was passed with overwhelming support on Thursday. A total of 128 countries voted in favour of the resolution, while only nine voted against it. There were 35 absentions, including Australia. Rowan Dean took to Twitter to express his disappointment in Australia’s betrayal, stating: Every Australian should hang their head in shame today. By abstaining at the U.N. our govt has betrayed an ally we promised to support only months ago (Israel)…
Depictions of traditional mothers and hopeless fathers to be banned next year
Next year, a new rule will be introduced in the UK Advertising Codes, banning “harmful and outdated” gender stereotypes. A review by the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) suggested, “harmful stereotypes can restrict the choices, aspirations and opportunities of children, young people and adults. These stereotypes can be reinforced by some advertising, which therefore plays a part in unequal gender outcomes…” Depictions which are likely to be problematic include, “family members creating a mess while a woman has sole responsibility for cleaning it up or an ad that features a man trying and failing to undertake simple parental or household tasks…
What Christians believe in 90 seconds
Christianity is the most prominent religion in our nation, yet we often find many are unable to accurately articulate what Christians truly believe. Can it be done in just 90 seconds? Watch the video below and judge for yourselves. If you found this helpful, don’t forget to share it.
Not a single person in the world could make this pencil
Milton Friedman argues, capitalism fosters harmony and peace: “Literally thousands of people cooperated to make this pencil. People who don’t speak the same language, who practice different religions, who might hate one another if they ever met. “When you go down to the store and buy this pencil, you are in effect, trading a few minutes of your time, for a few seconds of the time of all those thousands of people. What brought them together and induced them to cooperate to make this pencil? There was no commissar sending out officers, sending out orders from some central office. “It…
Cultural Marxism Explained: The End of the West
What is Cultural Marxism? You may have never heard the term before, but you’ve certainly been exposed to the ideology. Andrew Breitbart said, “we experience [Cultural Marxism] on a day to day basis, by that I mean a minute by minute, second by second basis. It’s political correctness and it’s multiculturalism.” Where Classical Marxism was concerned with the class warfare between the wealthy and the working class, Cultural Marxism shifts the focus to the conflict between an oppressive, privileged majority, and oppressed, under-privileged minorities. Whether an individual is oppressed or an oppressor depends on certain aspects of that individual’s identity,…
Transgender activist wants compulsory gender-neutral toilets
All they seem to talk about is genitals, sexuality, toilets, and educating your children. And it’s creepy! Now, the Daily Mail reports: Norrie, a 56 year old, transgender activist, wants “gender-neutral toilets introduced at all major venues across Australia.” Norrie, who was born a man but identifies as neither a man nor a woman, told Daily Mail: “Every now and again, maybe once in a hundred times now, nowadays I walk into the ladies’ loos and someone wants to pick a fight with my gender… My plumbing is nobody’s business really even when I’m in the toilet.” During the 2017 Marriage Equality…
Down Syndrome man is told what he costs society
How much does a person with Down Syndrome cost? That question was posed by a television show in the Netherlands called, The Last Downer. You might answer that question by saying, “You can’t put a price on a human life.” Well, according to the Dutch National Institute for Public Health and Environment (RIVM), you can – and they have! The video below begins with the host stating: “RIVM has, at the request of The Last Downer, calculated what the costs are to care for a ‘Downer.’ And that has not happened before. Today, Sjoerd and I will hear the result.” Sjoerd, of…
Safe Schools in every school, public and private: “It didn’t start with marriage, and it won’t end with marriage…”
We’re told, it didn’t start with marriage and it won’t end with marriage, and neither should our efforts to protect our children. Marriage Equality Rally, Sydney 2017: “We are on the verge of winning this, and then we can pour our energy into other pressing things, like making sure transgender rights in the military are not rolled back, and that Safe Schools becomes a reality for all school children, in every state, public or private schools. It didn’t start with marriage, and it won’t end with marriage – but still, what a sweet celebration that promises to be.” 
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