Sounds Like Double-Mindedness To Me
“Many of the evangelical leaders who once refused to accept the state’s redefinition of God-ordained institutions were now complying at every point that the civil government imposed itself on the church, transgressing its God-defined limitations.”
To Be Ashamed Of God’s Law Is To Be Ashamed Of God
“For too many, those parts the modern world has deemed most unacceptable have been the parts most ignored. As a result, we have professed Christians selectively blending the Bible with culturally acceptable sins.”
No, It’s Not ‘Forced Pregnancy’
“What the debate comes down to is whether a woman’s supposed ‘right’ not to be pregnant trumps another person’s right not to be murdered.”
When ‘Gospel-Centeredness’ Becomes a Cover for Idolatry
“By facilitating and encouraging a low view of what Paul called ‘holy, righteous, and good,’ church leaders have left their congregations with an incomplete view of God, and an inability to meaningfully resist the progressive ‘love is love’ tidal wave.”
Christian Schools In Victoria Banned From Firing or Refusing to Hire LGBTQ+ Staff
“Fundamental to the Christian faith is the belief that Jesus is Lord over everything, not just Biblical studies. Math, history, science, biology, art, and everything else, are all grounded in this basic, long-held Christian confession.”
Over the Rainbow
“It’s been dubbed ‘Rainbow Capitalism,’ and an increasing number of folks, even within the LGBTQ+ community, are beginning to recognize it for the disingenuous, virtue signalling, money-grab that it is.”
Where Is the Humble Apology?
“Here we are, two years later, listening to politicians, medical experts, and the media now echoing the very thing you would have heard from the stage at almost any of the ‘infamous’ anti-mandate rallies.”
A Call for Peace
“It’s one thing to associate yourself with the “other” you consider your equal, but it’s quite another to expect a toleration, and even an association with those we consider dishonourable.”
Conservatives Not Welcome: Liberals Expel Pro-Life MP
“This is a clear message to conservative voters that the Liberal Party doesn’t want them,” Finn said.
‘Adult Female Person’ Is Not Enough
“We’re not here because society decided to wage war on the dictionary. We’re here because society is at war with the Bible…”
State-Sponsored Immorality: A Weapon for Political Power and Control
“The promulgation of the idea that sexual and moral irresponsibility is liberty is thus the usual and necessary prelude to the destruction of liberty and the rise of statism.”
Australian Senator Warns WEF Is Penetrating Governments Around the World, Subverting Western Values, Introducing Marxist Authoritarianism
“Antic warned the Senate that the organised and well-funded WEF, which promotes globalist issues, including climate change, so-called systemic racism and sexism, and online digital identities, is really an anti-capitalist, anti-free market organisation that seeks to subvert Western values and political processes.”
Hollywood Is Full of Hypocrites and the Circus Is Just a Distraction
Smith, of course, went on to receive a standing ovation from his peers. But are we really surprised by the hypocrisy? Hollywood reeks of it. We can all imagine the pearl-clutching and feigned outrage if Rock was assaulted by a white actor. But this sort of selectivity has become standard.
New Bill Decriminalizes Infanticide Up to 28 Days After Birth
“The barbarous bill illustrates once again, that the more a society seemingly ‘progresses’ from traditional Christian values, the clearer that society’s regressive trajectory becomes.”
A Never-Ending Fear Campaign Is Being Used to Manipulate and Control the Public
Fear, when it takes hold, has a tendency to blind us to reality.
Unvaccinated Parents Banned From Seeing Their Sick Children In Hospital
What we’re talking about here is “confronting,” “shocking,” and “challenging” people during one of the darkest and most terrifying periods a parent could ever endure.
Jordan Peterson’s Recent Realization About the Bible
“So, it isn’t that the Bible is true, it’s that the Bible is the precondition for the manifestation of truth. Which makes it way more true than just true. It’s a whole different kind of true. And I think this is not only literally the case, factually, I think it can’t be any other way.”
Let Earth Receive Her King
“There is not one square inch in the whole [of creation] over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: Mine!” – Abraham Kuyper
Steyn: “In the Last Two Years, There Has Been a Great Absence of the Church in the Life of the Nation”
“You would think a society in the slough of despond, in and out of lockdown for almost two years, would be a grand opportunity for Christian ministry. Instead, the church meekly accepted their designation as non-essential.”
Freedom Isn’t a Threat to the People, the Politician Who Says Otherwise Is
“They need the people to believe that the only solution to the current ‘crisis,’ whatever it may be, is wearing the shackles of the state. But this cannot be accomplished without a relentless propaganda campaign, designed to instil enough fear that people start begging for the safety of slavery while rejecting the risks of freedom.”