
ABC Terrified As Scary Christians ‘Infiltrate’ Politics

"The influx has gotten the left faction Liberals so spooked that 'someone' leaked the ABC over three years of internal correspondence between Gippsland Liberal Party officials, the state director and state president about these scary Christians having the temerity to engage with the political process."

Liberal Party left faction activists from eastern Victoria have run crying to their friends at the ABC complaining that (gasp) actual real live Christians are joining their party!

This shocking situation was taken deathly seriously by the national broadcaster, who labelled the act of citizens choosing to freely join a political party in a democracy an “infiltration” somehow inspired by a nefarious foreign Malaysian pastor Jonathan David, as if Australian Christians had never joined a political party before those darn foreigners came over and stirred them up.

Local Liberal Party left faction activist Peter Wilson mewed pathetically to the ABC like a dog begging for a treat, whining:

“Our current membership is ageing, unable to recruit younger members, and therefore leaves a door open for the sorts of things that’s been happening”.

It becomes clear from the remainder of the article that the “sorts of things” Mr Wilson is talking about consist of a surge in membership from Pentecostal and other faith-based communities over the course of the last three years. So much of a surge in fact that the daughter of Sale pastor Brian Heath has been pre-selected for the Liberal Party’s Upper House ticket for Eastern Victoria in this year’s election.

The influx of new Christian blood has been so significant that Mr Wilson bellyached in a panicky fashion to his ABC friends that:

“They’ve completely taken over South Gippsland. They’ve completely taken over Morwell. They’ve completely taken over the Gippsland federal electorate”

The influx has gotten the left faction Liberals so spooked that “someone” leaked the ABC over three years of internal correspondence between Gippsland Liberal Party officials, the state director and state president about these scary Christians having the temerity to engage with the political process.

Up to a dozen, current and former Liberal party left faction members contributed to this ABC report, most commenting anonymously out of “fear of reprisal in the community”. This is the same ABC who endlessly smeared Tony Abbott and Scott Morrison for being Christian, whose reporting shows nothing but contempt for Christianity, and whose journalists helped orchestrate the obviously false charges against Cardinal George Pell.

With friends like that, who needs enemies?

Looking at the course of the last nine years of wasted government by the Liberals where conservatives were hamstrung and backstabbed by the “moderate” left faction at every turn perhaps its fitting that left faction activists are getting a bit scared at the prospect of a Noahide flood of Christian members signing up.

After all, even in their degenerated secular state the average Liberal Party left faction apparatchik probably vaguely recalls seeing a picture somewhere of Jesus chasing some shady looking people out of a building with a whip.

Hopefully, that recollection becomes a premonition.

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