16 search results for "david french"

“Where’s David French, and Beth Moore, and Tim Keller and all these people who are defending Christianity as actual Christians are being arrested for being Christians? Hm, not a word.”

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“Prayer is a revolt against the disorder of the world.”

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“Oster would have hit a better tone if she acknowledged that for many victims, solutions start where restitution begins.”

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“The fundamental values of the liberal tradition were in fact exemplified, formulated, and wrought into the texture of Western society by Christianity, not only as a school of thought but as a way of life and feeling: as a religion, in short.”

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“The Enlightenment, with its impious view of human perfectibility, was a collective manifestation of the sin of pride – an ‘insurrection against God’. The violence of the Revolution was entirely what must be expected, when people attempt to deny the reality of original sin and take their destiny into their own hands.”

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“The progressives quite fittingly have dusted off the original usage of the word racism and applied it to western peoples today to suppress their desire to defend their nationalities.”

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“The unforgivable failures on so many levels means the world is still in the dark about the precise turn of events that sparked this pandemic, and this of course leaves the world vulnerable to whatever comes next.”

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Trusting too much in government is un-Christian and it always results in oppression and tyranny.

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“I am genuinely surprised at how far we have been willing to go to obey the government and I think it is critical to ask the question: ‘At which point will I disobey?'”

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Is it ever right to disobey the state? If so, when and why? Is there a right to rebel against authority?

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“Sexual promiscuity should be seen as the civilisation destroying force that it is, not just as a lifestyle choice.”

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Author and historian Eric Metaxas has said a hatred for God is at the root of the current civil unrest that has moved from attacking American monuments to defacing Christian statues and churches. The best-selling author spoke with Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on Monday about recent attacks on churches, along with anti-Christian rhetoric from Former Democratic National Committee head and former presidential candidate Howard Dean. On July 11, Dean tweeted: “Unfortunately Christians don’t have much a reputation for anything but hate these days thanks to Franklin Graham and Jerry Falwell and other trump friends. AJC gets no points for this.”…

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Gene Veith once wrote, ‘secularists are genuinely unable to tell the difference between art that has aesthetic merit and art that has none.’ His words were part of both a critique and lament of the ‘State of the Arts’ and what the world of art has become. Calling art ‘the plaything of the rich’, ‘art is now considered to be whatever the artist does.’ Art has become a slave to the post-modern mind. Under the foppish, vain lordship of the unhinged, vague emptiness of moral relativity, art has lost all meaning. An ‘impersonal, dehumanised’ and desensitised public, is no longer…

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The opening sentence of Jacques Ellul’s, ‘Islam and Judeo-Christianity: A Critique of their commonality’, reads, ‘For nearly a decade, French intellectuals, generally speaking, have been seized with an excessive affection for Islam.’ (p.3) What follows is a ninety-four-page treatise on the reasons for why this excessive affection is not only dangerous but misguided. Ellul acknowledges the existence of a disproportionate tolerance of Islam. He then compares that to the disdain of how French intellectuals have been interacting with Judeo-Christianity (Biblical Christianity), since the 1960s’. The reason for this excessive affection is due to Islam’s proximity to Marxism (“scientific” socialism). Roger…

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