
Vote Albo, Get a Joe Biden

"Yesterday’s inaction, when action was required, negates Albanese’s promise of action today."

Australians are set to vote in May and it is more than self-evident if Australians vote in Anthony Albanese, they’re likely to get a Joe Biden.

Like his incompetent American counterpart, “Albo” hid during COVID.

He never provided effective opposition to vicious “no jab, no job” mandates.

He kept quiet when the jab killed off informed consent, and the Labor leader walked in the shadows on the excessive use of lockdowns.

The leader of the opposition failed to earn his stripes.

His now-infamous – first week of the campaign – gaffes, exhibit the same disinterest in offering Australians genuine representation in Canberra.

Measuring “Albo” on this alone suggests a Labor-led Albanese government is unlikely to govern in the interests of the Australian people.

Add onto this, two years of tight-lipped “yes, sir, no sir, three bags full sir,” as Albanese played a backseat to Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s dubious, National Cabinet.

Recall how the opposition “leader” relegated himself to the peripheral of federal politics, as the totalitarian COVID cabinet pushed onto the Australian people a globalist, therapeutic authoritarian agenda, then guillotined all those who opposed it.

“Albo” was nowhere to be seen or heard then. His actions offer no good reasons to herald him as a leader now.

The current opposition leader has proven himself to be anything but leadership material.

Had he exercised any leadership gumption, Albanese would have begun his election campaign in the middle of 2020.

The Labor opposition had the opportunity to be the calm in the chaos.

Had Albanese embraced this moment as his time to shine, the opposition leader could have defended civil liberties and informed consent.

Had he any semblance of concern for being a good leader, overseeing good governance, Albanese would have led the Freedom marches and opposed the nudge state’s further slide into a nanny state socialism.

Had he been the kind of leader Australia needs, he would have led opposition to invasive government mandates, and the slaughter of the patient-doctor relationship.

Albanese’s election campaign would have made the populist left’s #kevin07 win look like a cocktail party for the bureaucratic caste’s champagne socialists.

Instead, Albanese refused to stand and be recognised.

As a consequence, the current opposition leader is best relegated to a footnote at the very bottom of Australia’s political history.

The Labor leader failed to advance on middle management Morrison’s “hand-over” of Australia to State premiers who functioned by default as dictatorial Prime Ministers during the COVID crisis.

The optics are bad, and they taint Albanese’s current electioneering.

Labor offers worse than what we’ve already got.

Yesterday’s inaction, when action was required, negates Albanese’s promise of action today.

For the observant Australian voter, the current opposition leader is unfit for office.

Anthony Albanese not leading an effective opposition proves he is not capable of leading an effective government.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison’s many, many flaws aside, the bottom line in this election is who gets the balance of power.

God help us, if Labor, and the radical Left win it.

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