Academic Freedom Test Case to Be Decided in the High Court Tomorrow
“Should a scientist with over 30 years working on the Great Barrier Reef be able to say that work coming from other reef science organisations was subject to insufficient quality assurance, and was thus not trustworthy? Or should he be fired because it was discourteous and disrespectful?”
The Death Of Science In Our Day
“Science, as a method that has aided in the advance of the modern Western world ahead of any previous civilization, only flourished because of the strict Christian framework behind it. And this is important: it needs that framework for it to continue to flourish.”
Anthony Fauci Is Funding Experiments on Aborted Baby Scalps and Livers
“These shocking revelations form part of an ongoing trend taking place in the once-Christian West. We have abandoned our conviction that every precious life is made in the image of God, and instead believing that unborn babies don’t have the same moral status as the rest of us.”
Scientist Fired For Free Speech Reaches High Court GoFundMe Target
Fear easily separates a fool from his or her money, and the well-oiled (no pun intended) marketing machine that is today’s fashionable “climate emergency,” is big business.
“Follow the Science?” Obedience to Authority vs. Personal Conscience
“Ordinary Americans are about as willing to blindly follow orders to inflict pain on an innocent stranger as they were four decades ago.”
Nobel Prize-awarded scientist retracts peer-reviewed research
I considered calling this article, “Philosophy is more important than science,” because without the moral imperative for honesty in reproducing and reporting the results of experiments discoverable through the discipline of philosophy, science would be completely unreliable. That’s also why scientists shouldn’t be delegated any more authority than a plumber to determine public policies which have broader effects than any scientist’s field of expertise. People who consider “peer-reviewed science” alone or give it disproportionate weight when considering public policy are unhelpfully naive about the dynamic nature of science. They pour scorn on anyone questioning “peer-reviewed science” as a solid foundation…
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