Amnesty International’s goals for 2020: more same-sex relationships, no criminals killed, more babies killed
Amnesty International, whose stated mission is “to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights and demand justice for those whose rights have been violated” has said they have three goals for 2020. First, they want to make same-sex relations legal in all countries. Second, they want to make abortion legal in all countries. And third, they want to abolish the death penalty in all countries. In other words, they want to impose their morality on the world. Given the fact that Amnesty International has rejected a Christian view of morality, their ideas of “right” and “wrong” are entirely arbitrary.…
The Evolution of Social Justice Warriors
From Mao Xe-Dong’s genocidal regime in China, to the Third Reich’s extermination of the Jews, the history of Darwinian evolution is a path marked with human destruction. Various ideologies that surfaced during the nineteenth and twentieth century are evidence for the devastating effects of Darwinism when applied to society, and these continue to the present day. This has produced a new breed of social justice warriors, which has polluted the political waters creating turmoil and disunity. It stems from an acceptance of evolutionary theory, breaking down absolute truths, and replacing a moral compass with pluralism and the individual subjective experience.…
Cultural Marxism is a poison eroding the West from within and we need to know how to identify it
Headlines around the world claim the West has never been more divided. Tensions and frustrations increase as the gulfs between ideological, economic, environmental, cultural, religious and political positions grow wider and wider. It’s as though we are being pulled in very different directions all at once on just about every issue. As we look around ourselves, it’s hard not to see the cultural chaos. We’ve effectively thrown away the Bible as the basis for morality, law, justice, and truth. As a society, we now find ourselves wallowing in the incoherent pits of relativism without anything of any meaningful substance to…
Fall of the West, Rise of Islam
Francis Schaeffer in his book, “The God Who is There,” argues that relativism has destroyed the form of society by removing structure and morality. As a result people today have an internal void which causes them to look for some kind of stability. I believe this is what has given rise to the hedonistic culture we currently see in the West. Further, this change has also contributed to the rise of Islam. In an effort to fill the void, people embraced pleasure (sex, drugs, alcohol etc.) hoping to fill the emptiness within. These temporal pleasures, however, failed to deliver what…
Princeton University professor says, sex with dogs is harmless: ‘I know women who say it pleases them.’
Video has resurfaced, thanks to Mark Powell at The Spectator, of Professor Peter Singer, moral philosopher and ethicist from Princeton University, suggesting sex between humans and dogs is harmless provided the animal essentially consents. In 2010 Singer appeared on the ABC’s Q&A where he explained, “A woman has oral sex performed by her dog. I know women who have said this is something that pleases them. The dog is free to do it or walk away. There is no dominance over the dog. That seems to me harmless.” WATCH: When asked in another interview if he had similar thoughts regarding…