1631 search results for "twitter"

An elderly Christian street preacher has been arrested in the U.K. for ‘disturbing the peace’ with his Christian message. The man was preaching outside Southgate tube station in London when two police officers ordered him to leave. “What are you doing here?” the officer asked. “I’m preaching,” the man replied. “You’re preaching,” the officer said. “I’m going to require you to go away or I will arrest you for breach of peace. Plain and simple.” “What breach of peace?” the man asked. “It’s what you’re doing at the moment. You’re causing problems. You’re disturbing peoples’ days. And you’re breaching their…

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Photobomb fail! Footage circulating on social media purportedly shows a group of Syrian rebels being blown up after one of their own attempts to take a selfie with a bomb trigger-phone. The group of men can be seen huddled in front of a camera when another individual joins the group. Spotting a phone on the floor, the man attempts to take a photo of himself, seemingly unaware that the device was set up to trigger the explosive. The video clip has not yet been verified and it’s not known whether any of the men were killed in the blast. WATCH…

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Media reports are confirming what many have speculated over the past week. American actor, Jussie Smollett has been charged with staging the anti-LGBT, race-hate attack, which he claimed to be a victim of back in January. As this was breaking, Twitter users were worked up into a frenzy over snippets of a John Wayne interview with Playboy magazine in 1971. This resurfacing of Wayne’s, “racist, anti-LGBT remarks”, strangely coincided with the breaking news about Jussie Smollett. While some of the criticism is defensible, the timing of the “news”, and the “viral” reaction to it is a convenient red herring. Why…

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In what could be labelled, the Left devouring its own, seven U.K. Labour members broke with the party yesterday over concerns about Brexit and what ex-Party member, Luciana Berger called, “institutional antisemitism”. Berger stated that she was “embarrassed and ashamed” of what the U.K Labour Party had now become. According to The Australian’s, Greg Sheridan, the seven M.P. Labour-exit is not unwarranted. Sheridan’s aptly titled piece, ‘Stinging rebuke to a Marxist takeover’,[note]Greg Sheridan, The Australian, Wednesday 20th February 2019 (p.9)[/note] backed Berger and her reasons for the seven M.P. exit. ‘ Jeremy Corbyn, the thirty-six year political veteran, and Socialist,…

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Adam Bandt yesterday gave his supporters a small taste of what Australian life would be like under their filthy Communist dictatorship. The Greens MP for Melbourne, who endorsed teaching schoolgirls as young as 12 how to safely share nude photos and ‘sexy snaps’, posted a ‘campaign kick-off’ invite on his official Facebook page along with a bizarre threat to all who fail to attend. “You better be there,” Bandt said. “If you don’t attend our campaign kick off on March 1, to hear about how our strategy to hold Melbourne and fight the old parties on climate change, racism and…

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Daily Mail: Tennis star Martina Navratilova has claimed transgender women in sport are ‘cheating’ unless they have irreversible surgery to change their anatomy. The nine-times Wimbledon champion, 62, says she is happy to address transgender athletes by whichever pronoun they desire, but would not be happy to compete against them unless they have fully transitioned. This is the second time Navratilova has spoken out on the subject, following a furious Twitter row with transgender female cycling champion Rachel McKinnon at the end of last year. Read the full story.

People smugglers are preparing for business again, with a former smuggler saying he’s been asked by his employers to return to Indonesia and begin gathering passengers willing to travel to Australia illegally by boat. It comes after Labor and the Greens passed new laws making it easier for doctors to order medical evacuations of illegals held in offshore processing facilities. Since passing the new medivac legislation last week, up to 300 refugees and asylum-seekers on Manus Island and Nauru have obtained recommendations from doctors to enable them to transfer to Australia. Peter Dutton, Minister for Home Affairs, said: “The Bill…

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LiveAction: Both the Mississippi House and Senate passed ‘heartbeat bills’ on Wednesday, bills which would ban abortion after a heartbeat is detected in a preborn child, at approximately six weeks. The bill reportedly contains no exceptions for cases of rape, incest, etc. Other states considering similar legislation are, according to the Associated Press, Florida, Kentucky, Ohio, South Carolina and Tennessee. Mississippi previously passed a 15-week abortion ban, which a judge struck down late last year. The state plans to appeal that decision to the Fifth Circuit. Read the full story. I’ve often said I want Mississippi to be the safest place for an unborn child in…

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U.S. President Donald Trump, also known as Troll-Master Trump, has tweeted a hilarious video poking fun at heartbroken Democrats. The video is a compilation of reactions he received during his State of the Union address and is backed by R.E.M’s ‘Everybody Hurts.’ Predictably, Leftists are angered by the tweet. “It’s alarming,” Vox states. “In the past, presidents have tried to keep at least a bit of an appearance that they respected and were willing to work with the other party…” Oh, the irony. WATCH: pic.twitter.com/BliAo5YDqb — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 15, 2019

Sydney Morning Herald reports: Sonia Kruger vilified Muslim people when she called for Australia to close its borders to those of the Islamic faith during a segment on the Today show, but did not engage in racial vilification because Muslim people living in Australia are not a race, a tribunal has found. In a decision on Friday, the NSW Civil and Administrative Tribunal said Kruger’s “vilifying remarks” in July 2016 “amounted to a stereotypical attack on all Muslims in Australia” and had the capacity to “encourage hatred towards, or serious contempt for, Australian Muslims by ordinary members of the Australian population”. Read…

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Today’s front page of NT News: “One year ago today a two-year-old girl was raped in Tennant Creek. Despite the outrage, new figures show the annual number of abuse and neglect notifications for NT children has increased to 24,743. That equates to one every 21 minutes.” What the hell is your government doing @CPaech @dalesuzi ?! Why aren’t our babies being saved?! Do they not deserve the same kind of upbringing as you had? The same kind of upbringing the children in your family have? pic.twitter.com/XbAOrP1bnj — Jacinta Nampijinpa (@JNampijinpa) February 14, 2019

Australian Labor and the Greens, together with crossbench MPs have passed new laws making it easier for Leftist doctors to order medical evacuations of illegal immigrants held in offshore processing facilities. Prime Minister Scott Morrison slammed the move in a press conference, calling it “proof positive that Bill Shorten and the Labor Party do not have the mettle, do not have what is required and do not understand what is necessary to ensure that Australia’s border protection framework and broader national security interests can be managed by the Labor Party.” Our border protection framework works. We stopped the boats, stopped…

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News that an all new, all-girl, [Boy] Scout group celebrated its first meeting in Wooster, Ohio, has met with justifiable criticism online. The news comes almost a year after the Boy Scouts organization, under pressure from activists, dropped the gender-specific prefix, allowing girls to join. Popular, meme-heavy, Facebook page, Ron Paul’s Bat noted: So you fought to become part of the Boy Scouts, just so you could start you own girl only troop and do things separate from boys? That sounds like girl scouts with extra steps. Comments on Twitter are making the same observations: “Congratulations you’ve made it all…

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Actress Ellen Page has targetted Chris Pratt, following his recent appearance on the Late Show With Stephen Colbert. During his appearance, Pratt opened up about his “spiritual side”, prompting Page to suggest the Guardians of the Galaxy star should have to address his church’s “infamously anti lgbtq” position. “Oh. K. Um. But his church is infamously anti lgbtq so maybe address that too?” Page tweeted in response to the episode. Oh. K. Um. But his church is infamously anti lgbtq so maybe address that too? https://t.co/meg8m69FeF — Ellen Page (@EllenPage) February 8, 2019 Why? Because like most of the vocal…

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They say those who won’t learn from the past are doomed to repeat it. And narcissistic, selfie-obsessed millenials are proof to the veracity of that claim. Almost two-thirds of individuals born between 1981 and 1996 view Socialism in a positive light. .@carolinemarcus: Close to two-thirds of millennials in Australia view socialism in a favourable light. I’m a little bit shocked by the sheer number of people. They’ve obviously become so complacent about how good we have it. MORE: https://t.co/ykweMevBOK #thefridayshow pic.twitter.com/JTY5HnaVbK — Sky News Australia (@SkyNewsAust) February 8, 2019 Meanwhile in the U.S. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Ed Markey have introduced…

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American conservative media organization, PragerU, is facing an uphill battle against an increasing trend towards censorship of conservative content. Founded by Dennis Prager in 2009, and currently run by CEO, Marissa Streit, PragerU provides commentary and information on a wide range of subjects, from prominent thinkers and doers. PragerU also considers themselves to be a platform for the preservation of Judeo-Christian values, and “the concepts of freedom of speech, a free press, free markets and a strong military to protect and project those values.” (PragerU ‘What We Do’) In an official Facebook post from January 26th, 2019, PragerU admins wrote:…

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Daniel Andrews, the Premier of Victoria, has announced ‘conversion therapy’ will be against the law in the state of Victoria. In a post on Facebook, Andrews announced: “Gay, bi and trans people don’t need to be ‘cured’ – because there’s absolutely nothing wrong with them. And if you think otherwise, maybe there’s something wrong with you. “‘Conversion therapy’ destroys lives,” he went on to say. “It creates shame and stigma. And soon, it will be against the law in Victoria. This is an Australian first. And it’s the right thing to do. Because bigoted quackery has no place in this…

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CNN host Chris Cuomo has suggested businesses should be allowed to ban people for wearing MAGA hats because it’s like wearing a shirt that says, “I hate black people.” “How is this any different to the baker with the cake? Well, that was about refusing service to a group of people that should be a protected class,” Cuomo said. “And unless you could argue that Trump supporters should be a protected class, I don’t think you have much of an argument on that.” Cuomo continued: “If people were wearing shirts that said, ‘I hate black people,’ would he be OK…

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A ‘refugee’ on Manus Island has won a Victorian Premier’s Literary Award despite not being an Australian citizen or a permanent resident. Behrouz Boochani, a Kurdish journalist, took out the non-fiction section, scoring $25,000, before going on to win the $100,000 Victorian Prize for Literature, which is said to be the most valued literary award in the country. Conditions for entry stipulate that authors must be Australian citizens or permanent residents, however organisers decided to make an exception for Boochani. .@BehrouzBoochani’s book No Friend But the Mountains: Writing from Manus Prison (@picador_aus) wins the Prize for Non-fiction. https://t.co/ItWrk9C6Jt #vpla2019 pic.twitter.com/3fkyOuTBu5…

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Virginia Democrats are pushing to loosen restrictions on late-term abortion. A new bill proposed in the Virginia legislature by Democrat Kathy Tran, would make it easier for women to kill their babies during the third trimester of pregnancy. Presently, Virginia law only allows for abortions during the third trimester if three doctors agree that continuing the pregnancy would result in the mother’s death or “substantially and irremediably” impair her mental or physical health. The new legislation would reduce the three-doctor-approval requirement to only one doctor. The bill further seeks to remove the words “substantially and irremediably” when referring to the…

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