1628 search results for "twitter"

The NSW Police Force announced on Monday that they have so far taken legal action against more than 180 people for more than 200 bushfire-related offences in the past two months. A statement released on the NSW Police Force website reads: “Since Friday 8 November 2019, legal action — which ranges from cautions through to criminal charges — has been taken against 183 people — including 40 juveniles — for 205 bushfire-related offences.” Police have taken legal action against 183 people for more than 200 bushfire-related offences since November last year.https://t.co/WzoxRigKPL — NSW Police Force (@nswpolice) January 6, 2020 Police…

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Ricky Gervais returned for the fifth time to host the 2020 Golden Globes and true to form the British comedian pulled no punches. Addressing the room packed with Hollywood elites, the controversial host slammed his audience, telling them they know nothing of the real world and that they’re in no position to lecture the public. Would you consider supporting our work? Visit our support page to help keep us online! Thank you. “A superb drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China,” Gervais said. “So well, you say…

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It’s become quite fashionable with the advent of social media for rank amateur theologians to posture as experts on Christian living, doctrine and to even claim confidence of what the historical Jesus Christ would support or oppose. Ironically many personally reject any authority or validity of Scripture in their personal lives – it’s just something they pretend has authority when they ignorantly assume it supports their position. The most common example is easily people who quote the first two words of Matthew 7, “Judge not”, without reading the rest of that very chapter or Gospels or Bible which teaches Christians…

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Back in 2012, The Australian published an article warning that by 2020 there would be hardly any more snow in Australia due to the catastrophic effects of climate change. According to Professor Katherine Pickering, from the Griffith School of Environment: We’ve predicted by 2020 to lose something like 60 percent of the snow cover of the Australian Alps. Well, that sure didn’t age well. The increase in climate alarmism seems to mimic a growth in the number of younger generation protestors, with the 16-year-old Greta Thunberg leading from the front. Following on from this, climate strikes are growing in number…

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Former Greens leader Christine Milne has urged Australians to “stand up for separation of Church and State”, suggesting Christian politicians are “dangerous” and have no place in politics. In a tweet posted on Boxing Day, the Global Greens Ambassador said: “Australians need to stand up for separation of Church and State. A PM whose worldview is dominated by The Rapture is dangerous.” Australians need to stand up for separation of Church and State. A PM whose worldview is dominated by The Rapture is dangerous. #auspol — Christine Milne (@ChristineMilne) December 26, 2019 Is Milne suggesting that Australia has violated the…

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At least 10 Christian hostages in Nigeria were murdered by Islamic State terrorists on Christmas Day. The slaughter was reportedly carried out by the Islamic State West African Province (ISWAP), who claimed the killings were to avenge the deaths of their leaders Abu bakr al-Baghdadi and Abul-Hasan Al-Muhajir in Iraq and Syria. Video released on Wednesday shows 13 hostages in total, 10 are believed to be Christian and three, Muslim. It was reported that one of the hostages was shot in the head while the rest were beheaded. In an earlier video, the hostages pleaded with the Christian Association of…

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Boris Johnson has used his first Christmas message as Prime Minister to promise to defend persecuted Christians around the world. The message began with Mr Johnson’s acknowledgment that Christmas is primarily a Christian celebration that focuses on the birth of Jesus Christ. “Christmas Day is, first and foremost, a celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a day of inestimable importance to billions of Christians the world over,” he said. Mr Johnson went on to say: “Today of all days, I want us to remember those Christians around the world who are facing persecution. For them, Christmas Day…

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Here’s how a committee meeting between Herod and his advisers might sound if such a meeting were to take place in a Western context today. “This baby! This Jesus, his mother and father, is a threat to us! Committee members, you are asked to agree with Herod’s call for the genocide of all newborn male Hebrew children. For by this child’s very existence, all the power structures that surround him stand unprotected. This so-called, “Prince of Peace”, is a threat to safe spaces, our glorious goal of perpetual revolution and the power of its leaders.” “This child’s birth is nothing…

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The ABC employee who said he wonders if he would “hate f*ck” Christian MP’s who opposed same-sex marriage, has offered us yet again another lesson in civility. Benjamin Law, champion of tolerance and acceptance, on Sunday, tweeted: “Back at home and discussing politics with Mum. Given English is her second language, she’s now asking me why she’s heard so many people call the prime minister a ‘sh*tc*nt’ lately.” Calls the PM a sh*tc*nt while his hand is out for taxpayer funding. This foul mouthed grub is paid by the ABC. If it wasn't for low standards the ABC would have…

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This real-world scenario is a great thought experiment to test our thinking on religious freedom. Do we believe the radical secularist view that there should be freedom from religion and zero tolerance of public expressions thereof, do we believe that someone should be able to do absolutely anything if a sincerely held religious belief, or if somewhere between those extremes: exactly where? An elderly couple had just won a Christmas ham in a raffle at their local club where they’d gone out for the night, and responsibly booked an Uber to take them home at about 10pm. The Muslim driver asked them…

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The belief that people cannot change their biological sex is “not worthy of respect in a democratic society”, an employment tribunal has ruled. Maya Forstater, a researcher at the Centre for Global Development, was fired from her job after she was accused of using “offensive and exclusionary” language on Twitter. Ms Forstater had taken to social media to question government proposals to reform the Gender Recognition Act to allow people to self-identify as the opposite sex. In October 2018, Ms Forstater tweeted: “What I am so surprised at is that smart people who I admire, who are absolutely pro-science in…

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From the day Donald Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, I was sceptical. He was a mogul from liberal New York, unfaithful in marriage, divorced twice, and verbally ruthless towards his opponents. None of that has changed. And while there is still lots to dislike about Trump’s persona, his performance has surprised me. I’ve lived in America for the last six months. I’ve heard lots of perspectives on Trump, and I’ve kept a close eye on the media. I’ve explored Washington DC, visited the Capitol Building, and I even got to see Trump speak at a live event. For a…

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Diversity Council Australia is urging businesses to stop using the word “Christmas” because it might offend and discriminate against non-Christians. According to The Herald Sun, employers are being told to drop the Christian terminology from their end-of-year celebrations, and instead use more inclusive language, such as “holiday greetings.” Lisa Annese from Diversity Council Australia told The Herald that Christmas celebrations should effectively be less Christian by being more inclusive of other religions. There's a push to scrap the word "Christmas" from festive celebrations at Aussie businesses for fear of upsetting non-Christians. Do you agree? #9Today pic.twitter.com/YgetVXrB1A — The Today Show (@TheTodayShow)…

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LGBTQI+ advocacy group Equality Australia has released a video on social media, essentially warning the public that the Coalition’s ‘Religious Discrimination Bill’ will give people a licence to express a Christian view of sexuality, leaving LGBTQ people vulnerable to diverse ideas. The video, featuring an LGBTQ activist who said he sometimes wonders if he’d “hate-f*ck all the anti-gay MPs in parliament” just to get the “homophobia out of their system,” warns the bill will “take away your rights at work, at school, and in hospitals…” How will the bill accomplish this? According to the video, your “rights” will be taken…

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It was once said that if there is no God, everything is permitted. Every day, our post-Christian culture is demonstrating that to be true. The reason for this is because, without God, our culture has no moral ‘oughts’ and ‘ought-nots’. Actions and behaviours have no meaningful moral basis to conform to if concepts such as ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ only exist within our minds. If there is no God, then we are merely an unintentional and meaningless chemical by-product of time and chance working on matter. ‘Morality’ is ultimately incompatible with such a worldview. What one chemical does to another is…

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A primary school in Austin, Texas invited a drag queen to spend the day with the school’s young children, despite having a criminal conviction for male prostitution. According to the Family Research Council (FRC), Blackshear Fine Arts Academy allowed David  Richardson, drag name “Miss Kitty Litter ATX”, to visit the elementary school and spend time with the young students fully aware of the fact that Richardson had a criminal record. Internal communications between Richardson and the school librarian Roger Grape show Richardson admitting that he might not pass the school background check. “The guidelines for submission automatically disqualify me if…

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The gender-neutral, non-binary pronoun “they” has been announced as Merriam-Webster’s 2019 “Word of the Year”. The company made the announcement on Monday in a post on Twitter, saying, “The word ‘they’ – was looked up 313% more this year than last. – had a new sense added in September. – is increasingly common in both public and personal communication. ‘They’ is our 2019 #WordOfTheYear.” The word ‘they’– was looked up 313% more this year than last.– had a new sense added in September.– is increasingly common in both public and personal communication. ‘They’ is our 2019 #WordOfTheYear.https://t.co/i7QlIv15M3 — Merriam-Webster (@MerriamWebster)…

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Many conservative Catholics are deeply concerned with a moment of unfettered pagan idolatry at their Youth Festival in Perth in recent days. I recently interviewed Mark Powell about his article regarding the use of indigenous protocols in Christian services and events and the danger of mixing Aboriginal religion with worship of the One True God. Little did we know such an explosive example of the worst kind I have ever seen would happen so soon following our discussion. This wasn’t at a government or secular event where ignorant obeisance to political correctness can be expected and maybe even suffered in silence…

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UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson just released a new election advertisement parodying the 2003 British rom-com ‘Love Actually.’ In the video, Johnson imitates Andrew Lincoln’s character by holding up cards encouraging a woman, imitating Keira Knightly’s character, to vote conservative on December 12. Johnson posted the video to social media on Tuesday along with the caption, “Brexit, Actually.” So, what do you think? Cheesy or brilliant? WATCH: Brexit, actually. pic.twitter.com/4ryuh19c75 — Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) December 9, 2019

British public broadcaster Channel 4 sent an adult entertainer to a school in the UK to talk with young children about homosexuality and cross-dressing. Reuben Kaye, whose own website describes his act as “filthy-humoured”, took to Twitter on Monday to promote the video and mock Christians in the process, tweeting: “The wonderful people at Channel 4 sent me back to school to ask kids how they feel about drag. Me, a gay man talking to kids and God didn’t turn up and send us all to hell!! She must be busy.” According to Kaye’s website and promotional copy, his adult-only…

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