1657 search results for "twitter"

Planned Parenthood, an organisation that performs a third of all abortions in the United States, has taken to Twitter to lament “white supremacy.” A post on the organisation’s official Twitter page says: “We’re devastated, grieving, and outraged by violence against Black lives. We must continue to demand accountability, justice, and an end to the inequality that continues to define every moment of life for Black America from the racist institutions that uphold white supremacy.” We're devastated, grieving, and outraged by violence against Black lives. We must continue to demand accountability, justice, and an end to the inequity that continues to…

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A reporter has been assaulted live on air by a man, allegedly armed with a screwdriver, who was shouting “allahu akbar”. Australia’s Channel 9 Europe Correspondent, Sophie Walsh, was broadcasting to Adelaide live from London when the assault took place. Although the attack wasn’t captured, Walsh could be heard screaming during the assault. According to the network, the man shouted “allahu akbar” and made stabbing motions. Camera operator Jason Conduit chased down the man who was soon after allegedly arrested for threats to kill and for possessing a weapon. “Thank you for your messages,” Walsh tweeted following the incident. “The…

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An NBA basketball announcer of over 30-years resigned on Tuesday after tweeting “All Lives Matter.” Grant Napear of the Sacramento Kings resigned after responding to a tweet from former Kings star DeMarcus Cousin asking for his take on the Black Lives Matter movement. “Hey!!!! How are you? Thought you forgot about me. Haven’t heard from you in years. ALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE!!!,” Napear said. Hey!!!! How are you? Thought you forgot about me. Haven't heard from you in years. ALL LIVES MATTER…EVERY SINGLE ONE!!! https://t.co/DfzKl3w0jm — Grant Napear (@GrantNapearshow) June 1, 2020 Bonneville Sacramento, operator of sports radio station…

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To anyone who thinks that the recent race riots in the US is about racial justice and not police brutality then watch the following video: A woman in Baltimore just punched a cop in the face twice. Don’t think she was expecting to get clocked in the head from behind… pic.twitter.com/XQMCLL3RHe — Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) May 30, 2020 To anyone who thinks all—or even majority of—cops are racist against all blacks, then read Roland Fryer’s, African American Professor of economics and sociology at Harvard University, study on proportionate police violence and brutality between races. To anyone who thinks that the…

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An unmistakable optimism has returned to countries like Australia as lockdown restrictions begin to ease. Even the news cycle has begun to focus on issues other than the coronavirus, to our collective relief. For several months there was blanket news coverage of the pandemic. Media outlets kept feeding our insatiable appetite to know more about a crisis that so directly impacts our health, our livelihoods, and our loved ones. I remember seeing early reports suggesting that the death toll could approach 68 million. It is a relief, then, that as infection rates flatten in most countries, the death toll has been only…

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Most of us would remember the popular Christian arm bracelets with the acronym ‘WWJD?’ The initials stand for What Would Jesus Do? It was a question that was supposed to remind people to deal with every situation the way Jesus would. One comical response to the question was to suggest that “flipping over tables and chasing people with a whip was within the realm of possibility.” That is, after all, something Jesus did, right? But is it licence for us to do likewise? Is it OK for us to destroy other people’s property in the name of social justice? It’s…

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A car has ploughed through a police line in New York, seriously injuring a state trooper and an officer. The shocking moment, which was captured from multiple angles, shows an SUV-type vehicle driving over the top of the officers as they formed a line outside the Departments E-District headquarters on Bailey Avenue in Buffalo. The driver fled the scene, however, according to reports the driver and passengers of the vehicle have been found and taken into custody. WATCH:  BREAKING: A trooper and an officer were hit by a car that blew through a line of officers at the protest…

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President Trump on Sunday said the United States of America will be designating Antifa as a Terrorist Organisation. The United States of America will be designating ANTIFA as a Terrorist Organization. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 31, 2020 The announcement comes after the President blamed Antifa and the radical left for the violent protests taking place across the country, supposedly in response to the death of George Floyd. Social media has been flooded with shocking videos of rioters viciously beating people on the streets. BREAKING: man critically injured at Dallas riots It appears he attempted to defend a shop…

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A video has gone viral on social media showing law enforcement yelling “Light ’em up” before firing paint rounds at Minneapolis residents who were standing on their front porch. The video, which has been viewed more than 20 million times, shows military-style personnel walking down a residential street. “Look at this, they just keep coming,” the woman filming said. “Go inside,” the officers can be heard yelling. “Get inside!” “Get in your house now, let’s go!” one officer yells to the woman and her family on her front porch, before another officer is heard saying, “Light ’em up!” Officers then…

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A group of protesters in Louisville have formed a human shield to protect a police officer after he was separated from his unit. Images circulating on social media show several black men linked arm-in-arm as they form a human barricade around the lone officer. The men put their own lives in danger as they placed themselves between a growing hostile crowd and the police officer. The officer was allegedly being threatened by rioters after he found himself separated from his squad during violent protests in the area. More than 170 businesses have been damaged or lotted and dozens of fires…

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George Floyd’s fiancée has said George would not want protesters responding to his death with anger and hatred, but with grace. Speaking with a local news outlet, a tearful Courtney Ross suggested her fiancé would not condone the violent and destructive riots that have taken place across Minneapolis in response to Floyd’s death. “You can’t fight fire with fire,” Ms Ross said. “Everything just burns. And I’ve seen it all day today. People hate. They’re hating, they’re hating, they’re hating. They’re mad. And he would not want that. He wouldn’t! “He wouldn’t, he would give grace. He would. I stand…

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The tragic death of George Floyd was primarily about law enforcement’s abuse of deadly force. All the evidence suggests racism was not a motivator. Yet, many in the Leftist mainstream media, along with their celebrity sycophants, and some well-meaning community leaders jumped straight to the “it’s racist” button, using George’s death as an excuse to once again impose their vacuous ideological paradigm on the rest of us, as they parade their own self-righteous virtue all over social media. The majority of images, and comments, from “kill whitey”, to those laden with white guilt, and self-hatred, weren’t altruistic. They weren’t about…

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A CNN reporter and his crew have been arrested live on air while covering the Minneapolis protests early Friday morning. According to CNN, correspondent Omar Jimenez was reporting live on recent events in the area when police asked Jimenez and his crew to move. Jimenez responded saying: “We can move back to where you’d like. We can move back to where you’d like here. We are live on the air at the moment. This is the four of us. We are one team. Just put us back where you want us. “We’re getting out of your way,” Jimenez continued. “So,…

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White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany on Thursday slammed big tech bias after Twitter attached a “fact-check” warning on two of President Trump’s tweets. The President, on Tuesday, posted on Twitter warning about the dangers of mail-in ballots, saying: “There is NO WAY (ZERO!) that Mail-In Ballots will be anything less than substantially fraudulent. Mail boxes will be robbed, ballots will be forged & even illegally printed out & fraudulently signed. The Governor of California is sending Ballots to millions of people, anyone….. “….living in the state, no matter who they are or how they got there, will get one.…

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Video shared on social media allegedly shows visitors inside a UK hospital being forced to wait while NHS nurses perform a dance routine for the video-sharing platform Tik Tok. “What are they doing?” the woman filming the incident can be heard saying, after noticing hospital staff lined along both sides of a corridor with mops in their hands. “I’m really curious,” she added. “That’s why we’ve been waiting so long. They’re going down here with a bunch of mops,” she said. “They are mugging the system,” another witness said. “We’ve been in the hospital, what?” the woman filming said. “Is…

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Bolstered by the apparent reluctance of the Morrison federal government to answer growing concerns over the Victorian government’s secretive ‘belt and road’ deal with the Chinese Communist Party, China’s Communist propaganda machine went full Hanoi Hannah, in an attempt to stir up fear of a potential American withdrawal from its long-standing partnership with Australia. In response to what America thought about the deal, U.S. Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, a frequent whipping boy of China’s Global Times, told Sky News that he didn’t know the ‘nature of the projects’, but asserted that the United States will do everything it can…

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Jackie Trad is one of the most aggressive, personal politicians in the nation, not only behind the scenes and in the halls of power, but also in front of the camera and online. It’s odd then she is now complaining about feeling a little bruised by the gladiatorial nature in which she has played the game of professional politics. In her first interview since resigning from her role as Deputy Premier, Treasurer and many other portfolios of power due to the latest integrity scandal involving her, she seems surprised to explain “her outspoken progressive views – including a successful push to reform abortion…

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New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has urged New Zealanders to dismiss any information relating to COVID-19 that has not come from her government. “I’ve been watching for some days and this is not unique to New Zealand, that in the midst of what is a global issue, as you would expect, there are a number of rumours that circulate,” Ardern told reporters. “I am present on social media, I see it myself. I cannot go around and individually dismiss every single rumour I see on social media, as tempted as I might be. “So instead, I want to send…

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There’s a big difference between politicians doing something, and politicians making it look like they’re doing something. What looks good for us isn’t always what’s good for us. The image we are sold can often be dissimilar to the product we end up with. For instance, social distancing laws have created an image of police protecting politicians, instead of the police protecting the people. Look at how famously the police have broken their own social distancing rules while enforcing the will of the political class. Another example is the sleight of hand when it comes to taxation, the important social…

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Just how ‘tolerant’ is the homosexual movement? That’s the question many are currently asking since the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) used rainbow flags during COVID-19 to rally people’s morale. Apparently, the furore all started because an older gentleman flew a rainbow flag outside his window in support of the NHS and refused to acknowledge that it meant he was supporting people who are LGBTIQ. All of which led to his homosexual grandson tweeting: My grandad who is a staunch "I've got nothing against them, but I don't want to know about it" has put this up out front and…

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