513 search results for "human rights"

Just weeks away from what’s sure to be a roiling State Council meeting, the realisation is dawning that Gladys Berejiklian is not the party leader Liberals are looking for. Anger is also growing, especially amongst socially conservative members, with the feeling they were deceived into helping her get elected only to implement radically ‘progressive’ policies much of the party opposes. It was not the leadership of Gladys Berejiklian which remarkably wrested likely government from the New South Wales Labor Party at that election. Far more significant was a simple question from Senator Eric Abetz which resulted in the resignation of Labor Leader,…

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I like Twitter because there’s a much higher concentration of people with opposite views to me, compared to the opportunity for engagement beyond like-minded people on my Facebook page. I subscribe to the philosophy that my ideas are only as strong as the strongest criticism I expose them to. Sincerely wanting to pursue Truth and share what I have – as opposed to simply scoring ego points – I enjoy the arguments while they remain civil. It comes as no surprise to anyone that there’s also plenty of opportunity for wasting time engaging people completely devoid of sincerity with absolutely…

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It’s my fault killing babies is legal in Australia. I am responsible for the fact abortion on demand has been legally available for so long in Australia, and I’m sorry. The first Australian liberal abortion legislation was passed in the South Australian Parliament in 1969. Attorney General Robin Millhouse was the architect of the radical abortion laws. Forty-five years later he admitted great regret for laws which were [predictably destined to be] interpreted too widely resulting in abortion on demand. That legislation received the assent of the Governor and came into effect on January 8, 1970. However, the first legalisation…

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It all starts to make sense now why the New South Wales government censored the bus ad’s stating the scientific fact that a heart beats at 4 weeks. They’ve been secretly maneuvering to rapidly introduce laws imitating those in Victoria and Queensland to liberalise abortion. The remarkable difference is there will be no referral to a Law Reform Commission, no community consultation, and no opportunity for critique. The laws are to be rushed through on Thursday with the full cooperation of the NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian. Far-left MP Alex Greenwich who was a leader in the campaign to undefine marriage…

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World swimming body FINA has levered podium protests at its Gwangju world championships as an opportunity to ban religious expression by competitors at all future FINA events. The new Code of Conduct provision entitled “rules of conduct during the competition” was enacted after an alleged drug cheat was snubbed at two official FINA medal ceremonies. The two new clauses, which could breach international human rights (ICCPR Article 18), effectively ban religious statements or behaviour “during competition” and appear to apply to all modes of communication, including social media. The new code of conduct, according to News.com.au, reads: “The competitors shall…

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Activists trying to rally Australians around the idea of Indigenous Australian representation in Parliament have tied their argument in knots. Their message is vague, and their reliance on the simplistic slogan, “Indigenous voice” provides little clarity about what direction they’re advocating Australians take. As a result, the push for an “Indigenous voice” has been interpreted as one of two things: a) call for another advisory group, or b) a call for an entirely new governing body.[i] The latter can only be interpreted as a push for a ‘third branch of Government’, and the former, as a push to return to…

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The transgender activist who is suing ‘transphobic’ beauticians for refusing to wax his male genitalia is now organizing a parent-free topless swim session for children as young as 12-years-old. Jonathan Yaniv, now known as Jessica, made headlines recently after filing multiple complaints with the Human Rights Council in British Columbia, accusing numerous female-only beauticians of discrimination after they refused to provide him with a ‘Brazillian wax.’ Yaniv, last week, shared the ‘Youth All-Bodies Swim event for LGBTQ2S+ Youth and Their Allies,’ tweeting, “I’m going to get this party RESTARTED.” The event, which allows girls as young as 12-years-old to go…

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A Canadian transgender activist has accused more than a dozen female-only beauticians of discrimination after they refused to wax his male genitals. Jessica Yaniv, born Jonathan Yaniv, has reportedly filed multiple complaints with the Human Rights Council (HRC) in British Columbia accusing the women of denying him service based on his gender identity, The Post Millennial reports. “The people that discriminated against me are forcing their beliefs on society,” Yaniv claimed during the tribunal hearing, who also equated the denial of service to neo-Nazism. Two of the women who refused to touch Yaniv’s genitals have already been forced out of…

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In his book The Rage Against God, Peter Hitchens claims the current intellectual assault on God in the West is not necessarily a war on all religion, but a specific and targeted attack on Christianity, the true religion. This is highlighted by the fact that the Left is currently hostile towards Christianity while sympathetic with Islam. This is because Christianity is the religion of their homeland, Hitchens explains. Furthermore, Christianity is the form in which they have encountered the power of God in their own lives—and generally disliked and resented. To the Left, Islam is an exotic, distant creed which…

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Last month was Pride Month, so it’s a fitting time to reflect on the last decade and what made it such a revolutionary period in Australia’s history.  Consider just a few of the radical things that have happened… 2016-17 — The Safe-Schools fiasco 2017 — Same-sex marriage is legalised 2019 — The Australian Human Rights Commission releases its ‘Guidelines for the inclusion of transgender and gender diverse people’ When you look back, it is unthinkable that same-sex marriage would have been legalised even ten years ago! In fact, just read this 2010 statement from Labor Party’s Penny Wong: The party’s…

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Like Australia’s Israel Folau, Felix Ngole from the UK, is a litmus test regarding freedom of religion, as well as freedom of speech, in the Western World. And for all those concerned about the future of freedom of speech in this country, it couldn’t have come at a more opportune time. As John Steenhof, the managing director of Human Rights Law Alliance Limited, wrote in The Sydney Morning Herald: Britain’s second-highest court handed down a decision on religious freedom yesterday that will send chills down the collective spine of Rugby Australia. In contrast, Israel Folau and his team will be…

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Since the re-definition of marriage, no one is denying the validity of the “slippery slope” argument anymore. Instead, they’re simply shaking their heads and wondering, “Has the world  gone mad?!” It seems as though the world is hurtling down the slope faster than the Gadarene swine. According to The Australian, even Gillian Triggs, the former head of the Human Rights Commission, has accused the corporate sponsors of Maria Folau’s netball team of “bullying”. Media pundits, business leaders, as well as current—and former—sporting heroes all seem to be in front of the pack but, as Andrew Bolt rightly points out, one…

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You know that things have really spiralled downward when Princeton atheist and bioethicist — Peter Singer — is defending Israel Folau and his freedom to express his Christian convictions. Singer writes: [Folau’s] post no more expresses hatred toward homosexuals than cigarette warnings express hatred toward smokers. The only rational reason that anyone would get so upset about Folau’s post is if you actually believe that he is speaking the truth about heaven and hell. Singer continues: [Folau’s beliefs] do not trouble me, because there is, in my view, no god, no afterlife, and no hell. Nor do I differentiate, ethically,…

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In a recent interview with Andrew Denton, Madonna has said that she wants to challenge the Pope regarding the Catholic Church’s opposition to abortion. Not only that, but she double-down and said that Jesus would support a woman’s right to choose. Is it just me, or is Madonna looking and sounding like the product of a computer-generated deep fake? But there’s a fundamental problem with her approach here, and it’s that it betrays the underlying feminist rhetoric of #NoUterusNoOpinion. Because both the Pope and Jesus are men. So, doesn’t that mean that their opinions should be automatically excluded? For example,…

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Teen Vogue, who this year told their young audience that abortion is safer than giving birth, and offered advice on obtaining abortions without parental consent, is now encouraging teenage girls to become prostitutes. The online teen magazine published a defence of prostitution, suggesting sex work is just as legitimate a career choice as being a doctor. In the piece titled, Why Sex Work Is Real Work, Dr Tlaleng Mofokeng outlandishly claimed being a sex worker is essentially no different to being a doctor with a medical degree. “I am a doctor,” she said, “an expert in sexual health, but when…

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As of May 2019 persons who suffer transgender dysphoria or gender identity issues will no longer be referred to by medical practitioners worldwide as persons with a mental or behavioural disorder. The International Health Classification for ‘Transgender persons’ has officially been rebranded by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in an attempt to remove the stigma and negativity that can follow with labelling someone as having a mental disorder. According to WHO‘s recently updated International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), “The ICD is the foundation for identifying health trends and statistics worldwide and contains around 55,000 unique codes for injuries, diseases and…

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Germany’s commissioner against anti-Semitism has issued an ambiguous warning to Jews living within Germany. Felix Klein is reported to have told Funke Media group that he “cannot advise Jews to wear yarmulkes (traditional cap) everywhere, all the time, in Germany.” CCN interpreted Klein’s warning as being the result of ‘social disinhibition (lack of restraint) and coarseness’, stating that his comments were in response to the ‘rise of attacks against Jews’ across Germany. Quoting Horst Seehofer, Germany’s interior minister, CNN said that ‘physical attacks against Jews rose from 37 in 2017 to 62 in 2018’. CCN attributed Seehofer as saying, that…

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It is slowly starting to dawn on some Labor voters that Australians with a traditional Christian worldview are feeling somewhat targeted. Entirely unremarkable beliefs consistent with the last few millennia of Christian doctrine have somehow become as repulsive as racism. Instead of debating our ideas, self-described ‘progressives’ attribute a diagnosis of phobia, a pathological mental disorder. Labor frontbencher Chris Bowen belled the cat, warning that religious Australians believe the ALP has abandoned them, according to a report in today’s The Australian. “I have noticed as I have been around during the election campaign, and even in the days since, how…

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The senate ballot paper can be daunting. This year, in SA, there are forty-two candidates, most of whose names you have never heard of before. Six of them will end up sitting in the Senate, deciding Australian Legislation for the next six years. That’s an important job, so we should look closely and think about who we will vote for. This article is, hopefully, a good starting point to work out how you will vote if you happen to be a South Australian. I’m going to introduce all the parties/candidates and the basic propositions that they represent. I’ve grouped them…

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There are good reasons for rejecting the diagnosis that the problem with religion is that it discriminates, and the proposed cure that it not be allowed to discriminate any longer. 1. The whole approach is putting Australian law on a radically different basis. Christianity teaches its followers to think in terms of right and wrong, but the Australian Human Rights Commission, naturally, thinks in terms of rights. In Christianity, it is a sin to bow down to idols, to murder, to commit adultery, to steal, to be covetous or proud, and so on. The basic law is summarised in the…

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