What If We Were Wrong About Free Speech?
“So here is my mea culpa on free speech, I was wrong to ever defend it.”
Thousands Join March for Life Queensland in a Stand for Good Government Against Lethal Legislation
On this firm basis, good government should push to emphasise curing disease, not killing people. Good government should seek to ease their suffering, not erase their humanity, nor the humanity of genuine healthcare providers.
Christian Leaders Face Six Years In Prison For Quoting the Bible on Homosexuality
Rather than reaffirm the legitimacy of their arguments, I’m more convinced than ever that “love is love”, was, and still is a lie. Their goal was domination, not “equality.”
EXPOSED: Media Silent On CCP’s Influence in Australian Universities
“The Australian Government must wake up and face this national security threat, lest we continue to witness the demise of our national sovereignty, and the escalation of foreign interference.”
Lyle Shelton Replaces Fred Nile as Head of the Christian Democratic Party
With Nile handing the CDP baton to Lyle, along with John Anderson returning to the fold, a new and interesting era in Australian politics has begun.
Over 56k Australians Sign Petition Opposing Vaccine Passports
Federal MP George Christensen voiced his support for the petition on social media, warning that digital vaccine passports may be used to deny service and employment to Australians because of their private and personal medical decisions.
Cancel Culture Can Only Be Stopped By Courage Culture
Heed Chavura’s call, because he’s right: “Courage is the only way forward.”
Politician Shut Down for Asking a Question London’s Mayor Couldn’t Answer: “Can Some Men Give Birth?”
“This is not Cancel Culture,” Sadiq Khan said. “What’s happened is, a combination of Conservatives, Labour, and Greens have sought to educate the ignorance spewing from that members mouth.”
Batman vs Mao: Australian Gallery Removes Artwork Criticising China Because ‘That’s Racist’
China’s new ‘thing’ is to accuse the West of racism every time it attempts to criticise humanitarian violations and breaches of international law.
The Death of Democracy in Western Australia
“As a refugee child from a communist dictatorship regime, I will not stop fighting to preserve the rights and freedoms of Australia’s constitutional democracy, founded upon the Christian heritage and principles of love to our fellow man. I will continue to do so in the future.”
Parents Are Aborting Babies That Are Not Their Preferred Gender
A Queensland IVF clinic receives two to three inquiries about gender selection every week, and some patients report killing their 10-week-old preborn baby after a blood test revealed the baby was the “wrong sex”. Queensland Fertility Group director Dr David Molloy said that dozens of IVF patients support his legal push for IVF gender-selection, in a legal framework that already permits genetic-based abortion. “I think couples come to me because they know I have always been an advocate of gender selection, but the National Health and Medical Research Council upheld the ban on non-medical gender selection in its 2017 review,”…
Washington’s Unheeded Warning
Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports.
Why Does the WA Election Matter?
Polling prior to the March 13 Election in WA suggests that the incumbent Labor government will retain government, largely due to the single-beat media drumming for months on COVID-19 and overlooking other fundamental freedom issues.
The Self-Centred Use of Censorship Is Barbaric Discrimination: “Christian Conservatives Need Not Apply”
Most honest, level-headed people on both sides of the political aisle would agree that the unrestrained, self-centered use of censorship as a weapon, is barbaric discrimination.
Woke World Council of “Churches” Declares War On Israel
World Council of “Churches” (WCC) Commission moderator of International Affairs, Frank Chikane, equated Israel with demons in a recent online address.
Facebook Deplatforms Australia
Facebook has banned not only Australians from sharing or viewing local and international news, but also international users from sharing or viewing Australian news content.
By Corrupting Birth Certificates, You Can Destroy A Nation
Modern courts destroy birth certificates for the same reason that inferior dictators burn books.
Questioning Lockdowns BECAUSE of the Science
Behind every number is a person, a real person, being affected in real ways.
Trump’s Resignation From the Screen Actors Guild Is Anti-Fascism Proper
If the attempt to try Donald Trump reveals anything, it’s not Hollywood’s anti-Nazism, it’s Hollywood’s fascination with fascism.
Victoria’s Apostasy Laws: It’s Now Illegal to Help LGBTQ People Who Want to Change
Those found to have engaged in forbidden practices, such as counselling and offering prayer, could face up to 10 years in prison or up-to $10,000 in fines.