626 search results for "good government"

“During war, the con man is given his best possible market: a populace that frowns upon critical thinking, along with governments and media that together stoke up hatred for the enemy and a spirit of ‘Let’s just do something,’ because nothing is worse than not doing something, so doing something becomes doing anything, and certain businesses just happen to be able to find a way to monetize those somethings and anythings.”

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“You may immediately think: what relevance does the ministry of Jesus have to this whole situation with Ukraine? If you are a Christian, then let me tell you, this is precisely the problem with how we engage in world affairs as Christians.”

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Fear, when it takes hold, has a tendency to blind us to reality.

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“Don’t be fooled by legacy media and their paymasters in politics trying to use Ukraine as the fall guy, hoping that the link between the economic crisis and two years of crazy COVID policies magically disappears.”

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“…when Christian leaders refuse to speak up about the things that matter, then God may very well raise up secular stones to get the job done.”

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“We tell each other lies about the fight for free will and independence, but we don’t really want that. We want to be told how to live. And then die when we are not looking.”

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“Vaccination certificates will therefore have to go—and will be gone at least from our free schools. The form of tyranny hidden in these vaccination certificates is just as real a threat to the nation’s spiritual resources as a smallpox epidemic itself.”

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“New battle lines are being drawn around these issues, and Christians who stand on the wrong side should no longer be seen as being ‘for Christ.'”

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There is one thing that will always be with us: those who want to tyrannically rule over others. But there is also this: those who will resist such tyranny. 

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A generation that refuses to apply the political implications of the Gospel to their society will be a generation that quickly watches their nation return to its pagan roots. It’s not a coincidence that we are seeing this happen in our day, because many people have forgotten just how the Gospel affected change in the West.  

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“So many of the things we said but were rejected out of hand have turned out to be entirely correct. We warned of so many things yet were hated on and abused by so many.”

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What we’re talking about here is “confronting,” “shocking,” and “challenging” people during one of the darkest and most terrifying periods a parent could ever endure.

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“Despite the Big Brother Statist overreactions, and Trudeau calling this a ‘fringe minority,’ this protest IS massive and is sending shock waves throughout, not just Canada, but all around the world.”

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“The Covid-19 response has proven that most men are betas who are comfortably enslaved by fear, and thus, they willingly surrendered their rights. It’s as if they like the way their shackles match their purse.”

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“Despite the plethora of biblical injunctions to ‘fear not!’ the church, on the whole, has not exhibited a robust spirit of courage.”

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“Whether or not all this is good ‘science,’ it certainly is a good way to have a dictatorship for life. And it is certainly a good business model – one that has the masses permanently hooked on your product.”

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“The Church’s default position has been a proof-texting of Romans 13, and an almost blind compliance of everything that our government has said…[through] the propaganda machinery of state news channels, spouting out the latest narrative that we are being expected to follow.”

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“There is not one square inch in the whole [of creation] over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: Mine!” – Abraham Kuyper

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“…if you can destroy the family unit, you then have the naked individual fully dependent on and enslaved to the State.”

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“The surgery has now rung my parents and said that he cannot have the surgery unless he has a 1st dose of the vax. Wow. They would just leave him to die of cancer instead.”

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