540 search results for "god over government"

“We are impoverished for quality leadership animated by genuine faith.”

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“Perhaps if we sheep want to actually survive we should start looking for good shepherds with battle scars. Men who have paid a price for their convictions. Men whose convictions don’t change with the winds of time, politics, and popularity.”

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“So why are the AFL and Dan Andrews and all the media tarts not seeking to force HER out, publicly shame and humiliate her, and make a lesson out of her? Oh, that’s right: Islam good, Christianity evil.”

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“Above all I say the embarrassing ones are not us. The embarrassing ones are those who support practices like surrogacy, abortion at nine months, and blocking the development of children with drugs at eleven years of age. That is embarrassing.”

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“The anti-racism industry is big business. Democrats need racism and a racist nation in order to keep pulling on the heartstrings of the African-American public.”

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“One-thousand years of common law, a fancy way of saying ‘rules created in response to practical situations’, has given us the world’s best system from the English.”

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“…imagine going through eight years of hell and being the subject of 41 legal complaints by a serial litigant and hater.”

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“The mandate is clearly not about readiness, it is about compliance, even if it violates a service member’s sincerely held faith.”

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“A brand new Declaration has just been released, urging believers to do more to stand against oppressive statism and to champion the cause of liberty around the world.”

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“Governments never produce wealth. They are parasitic in this regard. They simply appropriate the wealth of its citizens who do work and produce, and then decide how they will spend it.”

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“There are no such things as government subsidies. Governments do not pay for a single thing. The taxpayer does. So when a student can write off his education loan, the government is not subsidising it – the taxpayer is being stuck with the bill.”

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“People who thought they were Jesus Christ or Napoleon Bonaparte were removed from society in the hopes that they could be helped. Today they are free to do their thing, with schools, politicians, the media and our elites all affirming them in their mental confusion.”

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“I call this The Great Betrayal because I think many Christians don’t see it coming, but the signs are there and its effects will be great.”

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“It is a serious offence of the Pastoral office to take what is the second greatest commandment, and use it to further the agenda of a set of politicians.”

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“All you have to do is Google child care person arrested and you’ll find, just like the Ostrich that walks away, you put your kids in danger of being trampled or crushed when you’re not present. It doesn’t happen all the time, but it’s not in your control when it does and when it doesn’t, is it?”

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“The woketopian elite’s sympathy seems limited to the amount of virtue signalling points they can score from an event, or squeeze out of a word, fad, politicised phobia, or policy.”

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“Communism has been the most bloodthirsty and diabolical political ideology to have been unleashed upon the world.”

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“Free speech is really vital, but there will always be some limits.”

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“The church should not only obey God when they find it convenient but also when it is difficult.  That is true obedience.”

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“There is no neutral territory here. The homosexual behemoth is crushing all in its wake as it demands total submission and complete endorsement and compliance.”

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