540 search results for "god over government"

“In the end, only one religion can take precedence over all others to promote justice and social harmony. The religion of secularism has sought to take that position from Christianity, and it has succeeded, even among Christians, by presenting itself as religiously impartial – as though that were a virtue.”

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“Just how many things that we warned about have now come to pass?”

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“It’s time to hold the Christian leaders who pushed that lie accountable,” said U.S. Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defence.

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“Imagine adhering to what most people for millennia have believed, that ‘do no harm’ is the first principle of medicine, as even the pagan Hippocratic Oath put it 2500 years ago. But of course, one quite rarely gets taught that in medical school today.”

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“It is notable that traditionally the West was referred to as Christendom, not Judeo-Christendom, or Islamo-Christendom.”

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“The problem we now face is that the police and media are promoting a concept that a ‘Premillennialist’ viewpoint plus “anti-vax” sentiments combined with a “distrust of the government” is the recipe for ‘Christian Terrorism.’ Nothing could be further from the truth and this concept could indeed result in Christian persecution, which would be a terrible injustice.”

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“We don’t expect unbelievers (especially in the government) to be accurate, or even honest, in their portrayal of Christian theology.”

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“As it turns out, many are quicker to denounce others than to apologise for their own mistakes…”

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“Society has ventured so far from the Christian standard that the public at large would most likely side with the ‘progressive’ values of Sodom and Gomorrah over the God of Genesis 19. You don’t expect the Grammy Awards to resort to promoting actual talent, do you?”

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“We must remember that we are part of a faith that turned the cross, a symbol of terror and oppression, into a symbol of hope and salvation.”

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“They were trying to scare pro-lifers from coming out on the sidewalks, and being active.”

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“Conversion therapy lawfare claims its first victim with Maltese police criminally charging a former homosexual under Malta’s 2016 ‘conversion therapy’ laws.”

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“Evil flourishes in the darkness, but as evil increases, it does not like to remain hidden, it becomes arrogant, proud, and seeks to flaunt itself.”

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“We in the management team fell short and pray for and seek forgiveness.”

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The outcome of Peterson’s “people’s court” trial will either see reason and conscience liberated or purged into oblivion.

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“When the state has the capacity to know everything except the difference between right and wrong, it won’t end well.”

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“While at first Western governments sought some form of accommodation with religion, over the past few decades they have been on an aggressive ideological mission.”

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“The cause of freedom and faith must be passed on, which is why the left hates things like history and family.”

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“Further evidence suggesting the bipartisan Christian petition for a Christmas truce in Ukraine is doomed, comes from Zelensky himself, who, in his speech to the United States congress gave lip-service to peace, while ramping up rhetoric against an already belligerent Iran.”

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“Everything is now being politicised – including our leisure time, sport, entertainment, and even what we might grow in our own home veggie patch.”

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