Let Earth Receive Her King
“There is not one square inch in the whole [of creation] over which Christ, who is Sovereign over all, does not cry: Mine!” – Abraham Kuyper
Iranian Authorities Threaten Trump With Assassination ‘Simulation’ on American Soil
The BBC reported that Twitter had been ‘urged to act after several users pointed out what they saw as the inconsistency of banning Mr Trump but not the Iranian leader.’
We Are Now Witnessing the Development of a New Underground
“The West today is moving in such perilous and dangerous directions that the need for new underground movements is now imminent. In fact, it is already upon us.”
Marriage, Family, and Society Stand or Fall Together
“What is happening in America and elsewhere throughout the Western world is simply disastrous. And it seems to be getting worse each passing year. No culture can long last when it wars against its most important and vital social institutions.”
“Australia Is in a Dark Place,” Says Senator Forced Into Quarantine Detention Under Guard
“The fact representatives like Antic, Christensen, Roberts, Kelly and Rennick are seemingly being railroaded by a bloated bureaucracy, and big media, suggests they’re hitting a raw nerve, and are perhaps closer to the truth than Australia’s political class wants them to be.”
Ministry of Truth: NZ Government Will Pay Media to Produce State-Approved Stories to Combat “Misinformation” About Covid-19
“We will continue to be your single source of truth,” NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said.
Ramy Kamel’s Two Year “Misinformation” Incarceration Teaches the West That Stolen Liberty Is Not Likely to Be Returned
Kamel’s detention was just extended by 45 days. The second extension this year.
Why the Lab-Leak Theory Should Be Taken Seriously
“The unforgivable failures on so many levels means the world is still in the dark about the precise turn of events that sparked this pandemic, and this of course leaves the world vulnerable to whatever comes next.”
Australian Medical Association: “You Won’t Be Able to Hide. Your Life Will Be Miserable”
“‘No jab, no job’ is political, not medical. It is a fierce medical violation of a person’s conscience, rights, body, and consent. It is not patient care.”
FREE Posters for Freedom Rallies
Download and print free posters to use at freedom rallies.
Queensland Government Faces Legal Action Over Plans to Create Two-Class Society
“I will ensure these politicians are bureaucrats are held accountable for any losses and will legally make these individuals financially accountable for any damages,” Palmer said.
COP26 Is A Meaty Affair
“Bill Gates is speaking at the conference. Someone should ask him to provide his sustainable ‘crap water’ free of charge where delegates can have a truly immersive experience of our Net Zero future.”
Romanian EU Representatives Expose Culture of Silence on Vaccines, Big Pharma Deals and Vaccine Mandates
“What we have seen in this crisis is that civil rights and liberties have been transformed from fundamental rights to privileges that governments grant or revoke as they see fit.”
Australia’s Digital Identity Program: A Pathway to the Social Credit System?
The foundation of despotism has already been laid in our nation, all our government requires is a more effective and streamlined system to implement their regime – could the Digital Identity System provide that?
State Controlled Sermons: Judge Orders Pastor to Preach Health Orders from Pulpit
“They’re telling me what I can and cannot preach,” Pawlowski said. “They’re telling me that every time I want to address the public, I have to spew their lie first in order for me to deliver my message. That’s China. That’s North Korea.”
“War Is Real,” Says the CCP, as It Invades Taiwanese Airspace With Nuclear-Capable Aircraft
“In Taipei’s response to Beijing, Taiwan’s foreign minister, Joseph Wu, fired back saying the nation was preparing for war.”
Victoria’s Dictator Has Utterly Lost His Mind
“The statements by politicians that those who are not vaccinated are a threat to public health and should be ‘locked out of society’ and denied the ability to work are not measures to protect public health. They are not about public health and not justified because they do not address the actual risk of COVID. These measures can only be about punishing those who choose not to be vaccinated.”
Why the Eagerness to Embrace Segregation?
“So, unless you want boosters every five months indefinitely, despite key vaccine advisors stating boosters are too great a risk, the threat from the unvaccinated is highly questionable.”
We Must Learn From History or We Will Lose It All
“Tyranny seldom happens overnight, but usually arises incrementally – step by step.”
Daddy Government: WA Citizens Asked to Wish “State Dad” a Happy Father’s Day
Any government that assumes the role of parent will inevitably treat their citizens like ignorant children.