319 search results for "china"

There’s a big difference between politicians doing something, and politicians making it look like they’re doing something. What looks good for us isn’t always what’s good for us. The image we are sold can often be dissimilar to the product we end up with. For instance, social distancing laws have created an image of police protecting politicians, instead of the police protecting the people. Look at how famously the police have broken their own social distancing rules while enforcing the will of the political class. Another example is the sleight of hand when it comes to taxation, the important social…

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This COVID situation has been a wakeup call in many ways. It has taught us that people will give in to fear, very quickly. It has taught us that our freedoms are as fragile as precious Ming dynasty China in a Spanish Bull parade. And it has taught us that many Australians are quick to think the worst of their fellow Australians who question government overreach. You see, after being accused of wanting people to die, several times, for questioning our government’s COVID response, this really made me think. This is powerful rhetoric. After all, only bad people want people…

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New Zealand’s Prime Minister will meet with Australia’s COVID Cabinet in a bid to discuss, and secure a plan, allowing restricted travel to and from New Zealand into Australia, and vice versa. They’re calling the plan a “trans-Tasman bubble”. The idea is designed to help reestablish contact with other nations, and give New Zealand’s COVID-19 counter-measure shattered, tourism-dependent economy a reboot. Nine News reports that the heavily policed measure should be operational in time for New Zealand’s September ski season. According to the report, “almost 40 per cent of international arrivals to New Zealand are from Australia, heavily contributing to…

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In a 2016 Global Times hit piece on Australian swimmer Horton Mack, China’s ruling Communist Party echoed anti-Western sentiments straight out of the Tokyo Rose, and Hanoi Hannah, playbook, stating, 1. “We think Australia should feel embarrassed with Horton’s remarks. Otherwise, we would be surprised by some Australians’ sense of collective self-esteem.” 2. “It’s not a big deal to us. In many serious essays written by Westerners, Australia is mentioned as a country at the fringes of civilization. In some cases, they refer to the country’s early history as Britain’s offshore prison. This suggests that no one should be surprised…

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According to the United Nations, 200 million girls are “missing” today due to sex-selective abortions or infanticide.

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JUST YESTERDAY a university degree in gender studies was valuable. Today a job at the supermarket is valuable. Yesterday a share portfolio was prized. Today a stash of toilet paper, hidden away in a bathroom cupboard, is prized. Yesterday all a woman wanted was Chanel. Today all a woman wants is hand sanitizer. Yesterday we dreamed of taking a holiday in Italy. Today we just hope the Government will let us out of our homes. Yesterday we dreamed of being CEO of a major corporation so as to dominate the business world. Today we dream of hosting a Zoom meeting…

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RENOWNED English novelist Ian McEwan lamented the fact that atheists don’t speak out more about the value of their philosophy. The implication being that their silence is evidence of apathy or even fear of persecution. McEwan, whose book Atonement was turned into a major motion picture nominated for six Oscars, told The New Republic: I think it is important that people with no religious beliefs speak up and speak for what they value. It is a bit of a problem, the title ‘Atheist’ – no one really wants to be defined by what they do not believe in. But it…

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THE Covid-19 epidemic has completely changed the world, including the way we speak. Words that only yesterday meant one thing now denote something entirely different. This helpful Lexicon will give you the vocabulary to successfully navigate your way through the crisis. Airline: A company that owns lots of planes that don’t fly anywhere. Celebrity: A multi-millionaire who sits in a mansion telling you not to complain about being stuck at home with no job. Climate Change: A term you might vaguely remember from a distant past. Covid-19: A virus charged with doing to Trump what neither CNN, the Democrats, nor…

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The government’s contact tracing app is finally here. As part of Scott Morrison’s plan to allow us back our God-given right of liberty, the government would like you, and everyone you know, or at least 40% of you, to put this tracing app on your phones. Will you do it? Well, that is up to you. The government has promised that unlike overseas versions of similar apps, used in places like South Korea and elsewhere, that this app will not use geo-location. They will only upload the data if you have tested positive for Covid-19, and this data will only…

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Coronavirus restrictions in Moscow, Russia have potentially saved more than 100,000 babies from being aborted. According to a Russian women’s “rights” organization, only three out of the capital’s 44 clinics have said they would continue to provide abortions through the nations compulsory medical insurance program. The Moscow Times reported that the current COVID-19 restrictions will halt between 100,000 and 150,000 women from aborting their babies. However, the Moscow Department of Health denied the claims, saying only one clinic was closed after it was repurposed for COVID patients. Citing Johnston’s Archive, Life News noted that Russia has some of the highest…

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I woke up this morning to one of the strangest tweets ever. It was from Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus who tweeted: Forgive. — Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (@DrTedros) April 21, 2020 I have so two main questions: Firstly, to instruct people to forgive implies that there must have been wrong-doing. If so, what is it that they’ve actually done? Secondly, following from this, just who exactly to WHO saying we should forgive? The Chinese Communist Party for allowing the Wuhan Virus to spread its deadly contagion to the ends of the earth? Or maybe the World Health Organisation for being complicit in…

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We’ve been sold a bill of goods by global agencies and national and state governments, aided by a media ever salivating for sensation. We’ve been compliant little citizens, setting aside our cultural scepticism of authority and replacing our freedom and ability to think for ourselves with government “experts”. Social freedoms have been hard-won in world history through violent revolutions shaking off the shackles of tyranny. When our founding fathers surveyed the best political systems in the world they enshrined ideals which were strong enough to survive the ravages of global pandemics, wars and financial crises and upon which to build…

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One of the most significant revelations to arise out of COVID-19 is The World Health Organisation’s relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. In a stunning Facebook post, Martyn Iles, the director of The Australian Christian Lobby, has written: WHO Director-General, Dr Tedros Ghebreyesus had his bid for the role funded by the Chinese Communist Party. He is a member of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front – a Marxist liberationist party with links to the former Soviet Union. It is listed by the Terrorism Research and Analysis Consortium as a left-wing terrorist organisation, responsible for 10 acts of terror between 1975…

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In breaking news, The Daily Wire is reporting that President Trump is halting America’s funding to the World Health Organisation (WHO). The U.S. President is reported as saying: Today I’m instructing my administration to halt funding of the World Health Organization while a review is conducted to assess the World Health Organization’s role in severely mismanaging and covering up the spread of the Coronavirus. Everybody knows what’s going on there,” Trump said. “American taxpayers provided between $400 million and $500 million per year to the W.H.O. In contrast, China contributes $40 million a year and even less as the organization’s…

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US President Donald Trump has said the U.S. will put a hold on funding the World Health Organisation after the UN agency “called every shot wrong” in the lead up the coronavirus pandemic. During a press conference at the White House, President Trump said, “The World Health Organisation receives vast amounts of money from the United States and we pay for a majority – biggest portion of their money. And they actually disagreed with my travel ban at the time we did it and they were wrong. They’ve been wrong about a lot of things. “They had a lot of…

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The health situation in Italy is dire. Tragically, over 11,000 people have died in excess of 100,000 people have caught COVID-19 giving it the second highest number of cases outside of China. The question is, what caused this to be the case? While the reasons are clearly complex and multi-faceted, the well-meaning—but ultimately misguided—advice from key figures on the left are actually contributing to the crisis. Take for instance this tweet by the ABC’s chief economic correspondent, who tweeted recently: People around the world are dying alone Stop talking about the economy. We live in a community not an economy.…

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MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow sat down with Donald McNeil, science and health reporter for the New York Times, to discuss the harsh and stringent measures “experts” say are necessary to prevent the spread of coronavirus. According to McNeil, this is only the beginning. The real work of halting the virus begins with removing infected people from their homes and taking them to an isolation camp, even if they don’t feel sick, and show next to no symptoms. “First of all, you’ve got to get people who are infected out of their homes so that they don’t infect their family members,” McNeil…

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Escaping persecution and daily threats to our freedoms and rights under a suppressive Communist government, as a refugee family, we so appreciated the liberties that Australia afforded to us on our arrival. That’s why it is so painful for me, as a legal academic and lobbyist, to watch the current violations of our freedoms taking place, which are slowly corroding our fundamental freedoms and rights – all in the name of fear. As rational, thinking fee citizens involved in upholding the rule of law and engaging in political rights, it is important to take a step back as a nation…

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The assistant director-general of the World Health Organization (WHO) has ended a video call with an RTHK journalist after she asked him about Taiwan’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Yvonne Tong, of Hong Kong’s RTHK News, on Friday, interviewed Bruce Aylward, a senior advisor at WHO, who was adamant not to discuss Taiwan’s status with the organization. When asked if WHO would reconsider Taiwan’s membership, Aylward sat silently, staring at the camera for a good 10 seconds before pretending to not hear the question. When Tong repeated the question, Aylward told her to move to another question before appearing to…

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Whatever support Nigel Farage had for Britain’s total lockdown, now appears to be wavering. Although the Brexit mastermind was an early supporter of the anti-coronavirus, “stay home, save lives” policy, Farage is now asking the same questions, we here at Caldron Pool have been asking, in regards to government overreach and the absence of any assurance that civil liberties are being safeguarded. In his latest vlog, the chief architect of Brexit commented on the increasing ‘ridiculous, lacking in common sense interpretations of social distancing’ being applied in a heavy-handed repression of civil liberties by Western governments, saying that this repression…

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