219 search results for "black lives matter"

SATIRE: HOLLYWOOD animators were thrown into chaos last week when white actors said they would no longer voice coloured characters. Actors providing voiceovers for black characters from cartoons such as Family Guy and Central Park quit their roles in solidarity with the Black Lives Matter movement. Follow Caldron Pool on Facebook, Twitter, and Parler! White actor Seymore Virtue, who voices a popular black cartoon character, told reporters: “Black Lives Matter and that includes black cartoon lives. “I love playing the role, but unless animators use different coloured pencils, I cannot continue to be his voice.” White actress Mia Snowflake said she had been…

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NESTLE yesterday took the unprecedented step of complaining that its own product was racist, after seeing the publicity other companies got when accused of racism. Company spokeswoman, Candy Crush, told reporters she was “deeply sorry” no-one had been offended by their raspberry-flavoured Redskin confectionery. “Because Redskins are only sold in Australia and New Zealand there has been no outrage from American Indians at all,” she said. “And for that, we are deeply sorry.” It is believed anger about the iconic lolly’s name began last week – not among American Indians, who had never heard of the chewy sweet, but among…

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The late Christopher Lee (Dracula, LOTR and Star Wars) once responded to media reports claiming he was heavily involved in the occult, “I have maybe four of five books. I’ve met people who claimed to be Satanists; who claimed to be involved with black magic; who claimed that they not only knew a lot about it, but I certainly haven’t been involved in it – I warn all of you never, never, never. You will not only lose your mind, you’ll lose your soul. I don’t have a big library. No, No. Look the internet, and the media, if they…

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Having been actively reading the news over the past few weeks, it has become increasingly evident that we’re witnessing a seismic cultural shift playing out in front of our eyes. One that induces us not only to introspection but also to contemplation. Does such a thing as racial division exist in the cosmopolitan country of Australia? Am I a recipient of privileges and benefits beholden to a select few simply because of the colour of my skin? Does the narrative that has been unfolding in the United States around BlackLivesMatter fit neatly into our own context? These questions and many…

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Race-baiter Shaun King has urged his more than 1 million followers to “tear down” church statues, murals, and stained-glass imagery that depicts Jesus as white. “Yes, I think the statues of the white European they claim is Jesus should also come down,” King tweeted on Monday. “They are a form of white supremacy. Always have been. In the Bible, when the family of Jesus wanted to hide, and blend in, guess where they went? EGYPT! Not Denmark. “Tear them down,” he added. Yes. All murals and stained glass windows of white Jesus, and his European mother, and their white friends…

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More than 600 Nigerian Christians were killed in the first four months of 2020, according to a report from the International Society for Civil Liberties and the Rule of Law (Intersociety). In a report released May 15, the Nigerian-based non-profit organisation said 620 Christians in Nigeria have been murdered between January and April this year by Islamic militants. “Nigeria’s main Islamic Jihadists: Militant Fulani Herdsmen and Boko Haram/ISWAP have intensified their anti-Christian violence in the old Middle Belt and Northern regions,” the report said. “The atrocities against Christians have gone unchecked, with the country’s security forces and concerned political actors…

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If you wanted any more evidence as to the decay of Western Civilisation, then you need only to consider the following example reported by The Daily Wire. As you can see below, In the American city of Seattle, the statue of George Washington has recently been pulled down by rioters and desecrated whereas the statue of Lenin remains untouched. Washington Lenin statue in statue in Portland Seattle pic.twitter.com/ohZAszRYQf — The Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) June 19, 2020 Like me, you might be shocked and more than a little surprised that there is even a statue of Lenin in Seattle. I had…

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City of Beverly Hills officials have issued an indefinite order banning gatherings of no more than 10 people in residential areas. The ‘civil emergency order’ is a response to violent Black Lives Matter protesters disturbing the ‘peace and tranquillity’ of the “home of the stars”. The order cites, one ‘group called “Occupy” staging loud protests at night using bullhorns and loud music in residential areas’, with Vanity magazine adding that the ban also coincides with an earlier curfew put in place after ‘Beverly Hills was hit by violence, and property damage as looting began in the area, particularly around Rodeo…

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Avi Yemini of TR News has posed seven questions for one of Australia’s most prominent ‘Black Lives Matter’ supporters. According to Yemini: “Nyadol Nyuon is a well-known South-Sudanese refugee, now a lawyer and public speaker. She is living evidence that Australia is a decent and tolerant country. Her own biography proves that. But that’s not stopping her from campaigning against us. There are seven questions the media refuses to ask her because it doesn’t suit their narrative.” WATCH: 

An aunty from northern Queensland rang me recently with great excitement. A politician from the Solomon Islands was funding research into identifying those who had been brought over to Australia historically as slaves. As I already knew, our family was part of that tragic tradition. But when I asked her how she personally felt about our ancestors as having been “blackbirded”, she gave the same answer as my late father had. It didn’t bother her at all! Australia was their country, and both she and my dad simply wanted to make a positive contribution. Indeed, they were deeply grateful for…

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Chair of Lambeth Independent Police Advisory Group and community activist Lorraine Jones said she wasn’t sure if the statue of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill should be removed because she hasn’t ‘personally met him.’ Lorraine Jones appeared on Channel 4 News yesterday to speak with presenter Cathy Newman about the recent protests and counter-protests across London. Ms Jones suggested it’s time for the government to reexamine the historic statues around the city and promptly relocate any ‘that shouldn’t be there’ to a museum. “I think that what needs to happen, which I know has already started, we need to look…

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Dr Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Seminary in the U.S, is the latest victim of ‘cancel culture’. Religion News Service (RNS) is reporting that over 10,000 people have signed a petition to have Dr Mohler fired because of a supposed “racist” and “homophobic” podcast on June 3. (A full transcript of what was said can be found here) So, what precisely was Dr Mohler’s thought crime? It was that he failed to unequivocally affirm the violent riots around Black Lives Matter protest, and instead “…equated evangelical anger over the Episcopal Church’s embrace of LBTQ rights with the national outrage…

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Update: Google has restored the image and issued a statement. Google has removed the photograph of Winston Churchill from appearing in search results after ‘Black Lives Matter’ rioters branded the former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom a “racist.” Search results for “British Prime Ministers” return photos of all Prime Ministers from Andrew Bonar Law in 1922 to Boris Johnson in 2019. Noticeably absent from the list is the photograph of Churchill (1951-1955), who is credited as Britain’s greatest prime minister following the defeat of Nazi Germany during World War II. Ironically, the tech giant has chosen not to give…

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MANY are saying the events of the past fortnight – with marches against racism being held around the world – constitute a historic moment. I disagree. I don’t think much has actually happened. Scratch beneath the sound and fury of the protests and what have you got? A proposal to defund the police? An idea so irresponsible it could only be imagined by people whom police had kept safe long enough to become so incredibly stupid. So what are we left with? My social media feed is filled with posts from friends, who have always believed racism is wrong, affirming…

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Rowan Dean of Sky News has slammed state authorities after Black Lives Matter protests went ahead in cities across Australia over the weekend in defiance of coronavirus social distancing rules. “Either there is a pandemic or there isn’t,” Dean said. “Either our governments had the right to lock us down or they didn’t. Yesterday the premiers made a mockery of this nation and the loyalty of its people. Of you and of me… “If the pandemic is real then our most vulnerable Indigenous Australians now have a potential death sentence hanging over them. So much for ‘Black Lives Matter.’ Clearly…

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IF Black Lives Matter protests go ahead across Australia this weekend, Christian churches must advise authorities, en masse, that they will resume worship services the following weekend. If State Premiers allow thousands of people to march through city streets & gather shoulder-by-shoulder in city squares, there is no good reason places of worship should not reopen. This would have been ill-advised just a week ago, but the national mood has now changed. A week ago, if churches had said they would be opening regardless of lockdown laws, they would have been condemned by the media as irresponsible. But the media,…

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The solidarity of suffering is a field of mutuality that lies unexplored. It’s all to easily drowned out by the noise and antipathy of protest. The online activity of the masses, from anonymous activist to celebrity conformist, misses the opportunity to untie the tangled pathos that cements individuals into collectives, and brands them as possessions of “party-lines.” Not all human suffering is equal, but all human suffering is equally painful. To exist as if another person has no idea about what suffering is, is to dismiss suffering. Take for example, a family with a history filled with conflict and abuse.…

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Last month Muslim activist Linda Sarsour gave a speech in Sacramento in which she urged Muslims to become political because “Muhammad was a human rights activist,” and Trump a fascist. The self-described “Islamophobe’s worst nightmare” went on to claim that Islam has always been an “anti-racist, feminist, and empowering religion,” and that our modern understanding of human rights are unnecessary because Islam already teaches these things. Sarsour explained: “I go to a lot of mosques or community centers and this is what they say to me. They say: ‘Sister Linda, we know that you’re very political, but in my mosque,…

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“Newsom had gotten rid of four dams. Native American Indian groups in California wanted their rivers back so they could catch salmon. Thus he destroyed much-needed water supplies.”

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“The Orthodox faith… is considered a key element of what Putin calls ‘Russia’s moral foundations.’ These key elements are patriotism and Orthodox Christianity. These are, according to him, the moral foundations of Russia’s identity…”

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