President Trump vs Cultural Marxism: ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘White Privilege’ Training Banned
President Trump recently took the courageous step of banning the use of ‘Critical Race Theory’ and ‘White Privilege’ training for all U.S. federal agencies.
Victorian Police Arrest 15, Issue Over 150 Infringements at Anti-Lockdown Protest
Victorian Police have arrested 15 people and issued over 150 infringement notices during Saturday’s anti-lockdown protests in Melbourne.
To The Fence-Sitting Conservative
I want to pen an open letter to many people who are not too far from my side of the yard…
The Radical Left’s Ideological Jihad Against America
In reference to Kyle Rittenhouse, The Australian reported that ‘Joe Biden accused Donald Trump of letting his supporters act as an armed militia.’
Fighting Fake News Through Alternative Media
Legitimate alternative media is formed by a gathering of discerning citizens who understand that the fight we fight is about truth vs. falsehood. It isn’t about left vs. right, black vs. white, us vs. them.
White History Is Racist: BBC Considers Dropping Patriotic Songs From Last Night of the Proms
The BBC is considering dropping two traditional British anthems from its annual celebration of classical music because white history is racist.
Where Was Five-Year-Old Cannon Hinnant’s ‘White Privilege’?
The murder of Cannon Hinnant exposed systemic bias in the mainstream media. The majority of news outlets not reporting the execution-style murder of a five-year-old white boy at the hands of a black neighbour wasn’t a glitch.
Dennis Prager Backs Anti-COVID-19 Drug HCQ: “The Left is Weaponizing Medicine”
In his latest fireside chat, Dennis Prager addressed the politicisation of hydroxychloroquine.
WATCH: Jonathan Isaac Explains Why He Didn’t Kneel for BLM or Wear Their Shirt
It takes an enormous amount of courage to go against the crowd.
One NBA Player Didn’t Kneel for BLM: ‘All Answers Are In The Word of Jesus’
“I knew it was going to be a tough decision, one that people would have questioned. I’ve leaned on God’s word and his plan for me.”
Big Tech Spin Doctors Ban Viral Video of Real Doctors Offering a Second Opinion on COVID-19
It has to make you wonder who the Big Tech Companies are taking their cues from, when they ban, block and boot professionals for publicly announcing a valid opposing viewpoint to the prevailing theory about how to treat COVID-19.
Twitter Brands Star of David ‘Hateful Imagery’ Then Backtracks
Left-leaning, Jewish online news organization, Jerusalem Post reports that Twitter have blocked accounts which feature the Star of David, branding the symbol “hateful imagery.”
Mayors Support $6.2 Quadrillion in Reparations, $151 Million to Each African American
Not Satire: America’s mayors this week backed a national call for reparations to black people, a program that could cost taxpayers $6.2 quadrillion. The U.S. Conference of Mayors released a letter Monday backing a Democratic plan to form a reparations commission to come up with a payment for slavery. The Washington Examiner reported that the issue of repatriations had been raised afresh in response to the Black Lives Matter movement. The report said: “Long at the centre of the debate has been the potential price tag of paying slavery descendants, for which studies broadly include most or all of the…
Terry Crews Was Right and Nick Cannon Is Proof
On the same day that actor Terry Crews warned that “Black Lives Matter” risked morphing into “Black Lives Better,” television host Nick Cannon went on a racist tirade, describing white people as “true savages” and “closer to animals.” But as Crews was receiving a barrage of criticism over his warning, with many calling for the Brooklyn-Nine Nine actor to be permanently “cancelled,” Cannon was offering a perfect demonstration of the very thing Crews was cautioning his followers about. During the June 30 episode of ‘Cannon’s Class,’ Cannon, in full-blown black-supremacist form, described white people as “lesser,” “savages,” who suffer from…
Trump’s Revolt Against the Lethality of Leftism: ‘It Would Demolish Justice and Society’
Whether you love him, loathe him, or are indifferent towards him, it was hard to ignore the applause for Trump’s Keystone speech, in South Dakota. It’s not hard to see why Keystone was so popular either. Although I had more of an issue with what the leftist Episcopalian denomination does with the Bible, Keystone was a big bounce back from Trump’s admittedly cheesy (if understandably necessary, given the context) photo in front of the damaged-by-“peaceful protesters”, historic St. John’s Church. Not a highlight of the Trump presidency, but with his hands tied behind his back, who can really blame him?…
Police Arrest 12-Year-Old Boy for Racism
Police in the UK have arrested a 12-year-old boy for sending racist messages to a Premier League footballer. The child from Solihull reportedly sent a series of posts to Crystal Palace’s Wilfried Zaha which included a message that read: “You better not score tomorrow you black ****” Zaha took to Twitter and Instagram where he shared screenshots with his almost 900k followers of the messages he’d received, along with the boy’s social media account. Crystal Palace manager, Roy Hodgson, supported Zaha’s decision to make the messages public. “I think it’s important,” he said.” I think it is being highlighted very…
July 4 Celebrations Banned, Protests Permitted: Patriots in California Defy Governor
California’s Governor Gavin Newsom delivered a proclamation marking the 244th year since the Revolutionary War that officially severed the 13 Colonies feudal cord with the British Empire. While Newsom’s ‘Independence Day’ proclamation was framed by the American national holiday, his message was more a short treatise on stopping the spread of the Wuhan COVID-19 virus. In an inversion of the American Revolutionary goal of independence, liberty from a tyrannical government, fraternity, equality and self-determination under God, Newsom called for obedience to the state, as he gave special exemptions to protestors, and enforced compliance with his government’s “emergency” COVID-19 counter-measure decrees…
Police Launch Probe After ‘It’s Okay To Be White’ Posters Spotted
Police in the UK have launched a probe after “unacceptable” posters with the phrase “It’s Okay To Be White” were spotted at a shopping centre in Nailsea, Somerset. According to BBC News, Shane Jones, a local, was left “shocked” and “disgusted” when he discovered the five posters stuck to the centre’s glass door entrance on Cleveland Walk early Sunday morning. Jones said the posters “must have been up for quite a while” which made it even “more shocking.” Avon and Somerset Police Superintendent Andy Bennett described the posters as “inexplicable and unacceptable,” saying the force takes “any reported hate crime…
The CCP’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ Debt Slaves Help Genocidal Chinese Communists Hide Human Rights Abuses
Last week Ben Packham wrote in The Australian that ‘China scored a victory in its campaign to prioritize its national interests over human rights, securing support for a UN resolution that would make individual rights a matter for “mutually beneficial co-operation.” [i] In other words, individual rights are solely contingent on an individual’s total subservience to and acquiescence with the Marxist/Maoist state. The individual must bow to the deified state in toto – mind, body, soul and strength. This is the Chinese Communist Party’s theocratic claim of possession over individuals, which is, outside good governance genuinely lived out under God,…
The Left Eat Their Own, Now They Want to Cancel Jesus
What do Germaine Greer and J. K. Rowling have in common? Until recently, an obvious answer was that they are strident feminists. But more recently, these two have another claim to fame: they’ve been ‘cancelled’ by mainstream culture for not being radical enough. In a 2015 interview, Germaine Greer refused to describe men who underwent sex-change surgery as ‘women’. For that, she was deplatformed, publicly shamed, and even accused of inciting violence against transgender people — an accusation she describes as ‘absolute nonsense’. In previous decades, Greer was rightly seen as radical for her feminist views. But now as she holds the line defending…