Kristina Keneally now wrong on Kassam, guns and free speech
It’s said that bias isn’t what you put in, it’s what you choose to leave out. Kristina Keneally has demonstrated at best a factual ignorance, and at worst, a deliberate attempt to use US tragedy’s as a means to score political points. In the past week, two mass-shootings, one in Dayton Ohio, the other in El-Paso Texas, rocked the United States. The Labor Senator and Home Affairs spokeswoman in a Sydney Morning Herald op-ed titled, We can’t bury our heads when it comes to right-wing extremism wrote: On Sunday a wave of sadness consumed me as I saw Dayton, Ohio…
More proof the Left is taking the white supremacy narrative too far
Award-winning Australian journalist, turned writer, Jana Wendt took a pounding on Twitter this week after the world was reminded of an interview Wendt hosted with the late African-American literary giant, Toni Morrison, in 1998. Desperate to keep the ‘we have a white supremacist crisis’ narrative alive following the Eco-Fascist mass shooting in El Paso, and the slogan’s quick demise after the mass shooting in Dayton by a Leftist Antifa supporter, many on the Left appear to be using the interview to keep their narrative alive. Their weapon of choice in an attempt to regain control of the discourse: the false…
Victorian Police back down after issuing $67k invoice to law-abiding conservatives for protection from violent leftist thugs
Victorian Police have back down on a $67,842.50 invoice issued to Axiomatic Events for the use of police resources after left-wing thugs attempted to disrupt a conservative speaking event. The event organisers were initially quoted $150,000 by Victorian Police to protect attendees from Antifa-style protesters who threatened to disrupt the 2018 event featuring Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux. After an invoice was issued to Axiomatic Events with a generous discount, event organisers informed Victorian Police that they refused to pay them to do the job they are already paid to do. Section 8 of the Victoria Police Act (2013) strictly…
Crying wolf about Nazism, diminishes the heinous crime of Nazism and dehumanises others
In August 2016, I posted a quick response to the hysteria surrounding the election of Donald Trump. I headlined that post, ‘Why Trump is Not Hitler, & Why American Evangelicals Are Not German Christians’. My aim was to counter a lot of what I was seeing posted on social media by people who were usually level-headed and intellectually responsible. It was disappointing to see normally sane individuals suddenly join in the anti-trump rants – which really were, I’m angry because the Leftist power structures, and its monopoly on power, has been diminished – tantrums. Worse still, some Christian conservative academics…
Don’t believe the Leftist hype. ‘Make America Great Again’ was never about race, colour, or religion.
One of the highlights of State of the Union Addresses, is the build-up and debriefing offered by commentators. Mainstream media “expert” panels have their place, but in favour of a more conversational tone, I prefer to steer away from them. If you’re an Aussie, and are old enough to remember Channel Ten’s excellent, late night program, ‘The Panel’, you’ll know exactly what I mean. One of the better American versions, is the gathering of Daily Wire front-men, and their, all-issues-on-the-board, round table. Although a lot of what Donald Trump said throughout the blockbuster address, was worth a post on its own (particularly…
Leftist protesters rally outside Tucker Carlson’s family home: “We know where you sleep at night… you are not safe!”
A mob of leftist protesters rallied outside the Washington D.C. family home of Fox News host and father of four, Tucker Carlson on Wednesday night. The Antifa mob reportedly rang the door bell and chanted, “racist scumbag, leave town!” An “anti-fascism” group called “Smash Racism DC” posted a series of videos showing the incident on their Twitter account saying, “Tucker Carlson, we will fight! We know where you sleep at night”. “No borders! No walls! No USA at all!” This is sick. Antifa are right now protecting in front of @TuckerCarlson house, because he supports the border wall. —…
Hollywood actor-vist warns: “There will be blood on the streets” if Democrats lose.
78 year old, actorvist, James Cromwell, has predicted that “if we don’t stop Trump now, there will be blood in the streets.” The actor and activist, most famous for his role as farmer, Arthur Hoggett in the 1995 movie ‘Babe’ (, inferred that that Trump was a fascist dictator and that America was dangerously close to losing its democracy. Variety reported that Cromwell made the “candid comments” during a quick Q & A, while walking up the red carpet. He was attending an award ceremony where he was also “honored for his work as a character actor.” According to Variety,…
Update: Live-tweets from Tommy Robinson’s court case.
Ezra Levant from The Rebel has live-tweeted Tommy Robinson’s hearing today after receiving the judge’s approval. I have just landed in London and come down to the Old Bailey criminal courts. 1,500 pro-Tommy Robinson supporters chanting his name; I counted 16 Antifa counter-protesters. About 50 cops; all is peaceful. For updates all day, visit — Ezra Levant ? (@ezralevant) September 27, 2018 I am now in courtroom 2 of the Old Bailey. It is the most serious criminal court in the UK — murderers, terrorists, etc. It is bizarre that a minor matter of Tommy Robinson's civil contempt…
Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux event organisers refuse to pay the $68,000 invoice from Victorian police.
Free Speech Coalition writes: Axiomatic Events director, Dave Pellowe, has sent Victoria Police a letter explaining why he is refusing to pay the invoice for $67,842.50 they sent Axiomatic for police services outside the Lauren Southern & Stefan Molyneux Live event in Melbourne on 20 July. The letter from Axiomatic’s solicitor highlights concerns that, despite the skill and bravery of police on the ground in dealing with the violent behaviour of extremist individuals and organisations like Antifa, the government appears to blame the victim. Such a penalty gives the appearance of enabling the Thugs’ Veto, adding to the injuries extremists can…
WATCH: Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk attacked at cafe while trying to eat breakfast.
Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk were attacked by a group of Antifa thugs gathered outside a Philadelphia restaurant on Monday. Owens and Kirk, from Turning Point USA, were attempting to eat breakfast at the Green Eggs Café when the mob started hurling abuse, blowing whistles and even dumping a bottle of water on Kirk. Kirk took to Twitter after the incident saying, “If an angry conservative mob formed while two young liberals, one white guy and a black woman, were eating breakfast, and the mob hurled horrific insults, threw objects and assaulted them, the left would call it a ‘hate…
WATCH: Police say no resources were specifically provided to Lauren Southern, but we’ve still charged her $60,000
During a press conference Victorian Police said, “There was no police resources specifically provided to Lauren Southern, there was resources allocated to the event and to the protest activity… So we have provided her with an invoice on the basis of ‘user pays’ principles. “So we have provided her an invoice, well not to her, sorry. We have provided an invoice to the event organisers last night for the services of the policing activity… I believe it’s around $60,000.” Presser where Commander Hansen from North West Metro Vic Police says although no resources were allocated specifically to @Lauren_Southern she has…
‘Repugnant views’: Mayor of Auckland bans Lauren Southern and Stefan Molyneux from speaking at council venues
Auckland Live has cancelled an event featuring Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern as Mayor of Auckland Phil Goff says Southern and Molyneux will not be allowed to speak at any council owned venues. “Auckland Live wishes to advise that Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern LIVE will no longer be held at the Bruce Mason Centre, in Auckland,” the venue organiser said. “Auckland Live director, Robbie Macrae, says security concerns around the health and safety of the presenters, staff and patrons attending the 3 August event have led to its cancellation at the venue.” Cancellation: Stefan Molyneux and Lauren Southern Live…
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