WATCH: Shocking moment a male feminist kicks young pro-life woman: ‘Someone call the cops!’
Footage of the shocking moment a young pro-life woman was kicked by an abortion advocating, male feminist has gone viral on social media. Youth coordinator with Campaign Life Coalition Marie-Claire Bissonnette was roundhouse-kicked by Toronto hairdresser Jordan Hunt because he didn’t agree with her pro-life stance. Soon after the 40-second clip went viral, Hunt was identified and the footage was forwarded to his employers at Noble Studio 101, who promptly fired him. “It has been brought to our attention that Jordan Hunt has been caught on camera assaulting an innocent bystander at a pro-life rally,” Noble Studio 101 said on…
Teen records a message for his generation days before his death.
A high school football star has left a message for his generation just days before losing a short battle with an aggressive bone cancer. Jeremiah Thomas, the 16-year-old from Texas, was diagnosed with Osteoblastic osteosarcoma less than 20 weeks ago. “There’s cancer, and all cancer is bad, it’s devastating to anybody that goes through it, and then there’s this kind of cancer,” Jeremiah’s father Rusty Thomas said. “This is one of the most aggressive, fiercest cancers on the planet.” In a video shared on social media, Jeremiah said: “I don’t know how much time I have left on this earth,…
Australia’s first Muslim senator accuses Australians of building their nation on invasion and land theft.
Australia’s first Muslim Senator not only suggested it was racist to oppose Islam, she also accused Australians of building their nation on invasion and land theft. In her maiden speech Green’s Senator Mehreen Faruqi said, “We are gathered here today on stolen land… Australia is a nation built on the invasion and colonisation of sovereign nations. It surprises me and saddens me that this reality is still denied, often vehemently.” Ms Faruqi went on to say, “I bring to this chamber my track record in shaking things up and shifting the agenda on issues as diverse as: decriminalising abortion, drug…
Researchers say: ‘discrimination against women starts in the womb.’
A phenomenon of “missing girls” could be afflicting Victoria, Aisha Dow at The Age has reported. “A study of more than a million births suggests some parents could be aborting unborn female babies or undergoing embryo selection overseas in order to have sons.” According to researchers, the findings indicate “systematic discrimination against females starts in the womb.” Lead researcher Dr Kristina Edvardsson from Melbourne’s La Trobe University said, “We believe that some women may be terminating pregnancies after discovering they are expecting a girl and in other cases are travelling overseas to access non-medial sex selection services through assisted reproduction.”…
Watch: Amazing Footage of a Baby in the Womb
According to Mission Pre-Born, up to 80% of women won’t follow through with an abortion after viewing an ultrasound. The ministry, which provides ultrasounds for women seeking abortions saved 7,912 babies in 2017. Science and technology are proving to be an effective weapon against the abortion industry. Now more than ever mothers have an opportunity to see their “clump of cells” (i.e. baby) and to hear the heartbeat. Below is incredible footage of detailed scans of babies moving in the womb. WATCH:
The Attractiveness of Sin
One of the most startling insights into sin and the nature of this world comes from the French Jewish philosopher, Simone Weil, who died in 1943 but not before she was converted through reading George Herbert’s poem, ‘Love bade me welcome’. She observed: ‘Nothing is so beautiful, nothing is so continually fresh and surprising, so full of sweet and perpetual ecstasy as the good. No deserts are so dreary, monotonous and boring as evil. But with fantasy it is the other way round. Fictional good is boring and flat, while fictional evil is varied, intriguing, attractive and full of charm.’…
Doctor’s code implies endorsing harmful cultural beliefs
A proposed Code of Conduct, which is open for public submissions until August 17, could force doctors to accept ‘cultural beliefs and practises’ that are opposed to good medical practise, according to a group of doctors. The Medical Board of Australia draft code of conduct that will apply to all Australian doctors requires doctors to be “culturally safe” and comply with a patient’s beliefs about gender identity and sexuality, with no provision given for a doctor to differ in their professional judgement. A doctors’ group convened by Dr Lachlan Dunjey of Perth, has expressed concern for the future of medicine…
Women who abort their babies are not victims. Here’s how the pro-life movement undermines their own cause
Jeff Durbin from Apologia Studios explains, “Legislators have to legislate based on issues of justice, morality, and if a woman who has an abortion is ultimately a victim, as much a victim as the baby – as some people say in the Pro-Life movement – then she’s not guilty of a crime. And if it’s not a crime, it doesn’t need to be criminalized.” Watch:
The Hedonist’s Guilt
In 2014, I got great pleasure from watching Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar, the celebrated sci-fi led by Matthew McConaughey. Inspired by my father, I had read Arthur C. Clarke and H. G. Wells in my youth, and to me, Interstellar was a return to the purest sci-fi. It really understood the modernist spirit. Star-wars scarcely rates as the same genre, being much more of a fairy-tale, really (a long time ago, in a land far away, a young princess got kidnapped, by a nasty wizard…). Unlike fantasy fiction, in which power is super-natural and has some basis in past history, a…
What they really mean by “pro-choice” is “no-choice”
Don’t you find it ironic that the same people who pride themselves in being “pro-choice” are now essentially advocating no-choice by pushing for pro-life exclusion zones around abortion clinics? Just take a look at the abuse sidewalk counsellors from We Support Women have copped on Twitter simply for ensuring women fully understand their choice. All in the name of love, of course. Watch:
A tale of two photos
In order to drive home something of the horror of the Nazi regime in Germany (1933-1945), it is fairly commonplace in textbooks and presentations to include graphic photos of Nazi brutality. One of the most piercing is this one of a Nazi soldier shooting a Ukrainian Jew, with the attendant picture of a mass grave. We have all seen photos of Belsen and Auschwitz, as well as horrors from the Burmese railway project supervised by the Japanese. One of the few films I have sat through was one based on Solzhenitsyn’s One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich. The…
Watch: Allie Stuckey brilliantly nails it at CPAC: Human dignity starts in the womb
The Conservative Millennial, Allie Stuckey absolutely nailed the issue of abortion at CPAC: We look at disgust at Hitler’s Germany, for example. It’s the same exact principle of having a subjective standard of human worthiness and exterminating anyone who doesn’t meet that standard. That has literally been the mark of every dictatorial and depraved regime and nation since the beginning of time. And we look back at history in shame on those crimes against humanity, but why today do we not look in shame at where we are right now in 2018, in the United States of America — not…
Safe access zones: ‘they are designed to stop advocates for life from offering assistance to desperate women who feel pressured to abort their children’
Abortion activists are at it again, attempting to introduce bubble-zones around New South Wales abortion facilities. As stated many times on this website, these so-called ‘safe-access zones’, also known as exclusion zones, are designed to stop advocates for life from offering assistance to desperate women who feel pressured to abort their children. They also hamper the freedom of political communication which should exist in a free society like Australia. They also hamper the freedom of political communication which should exist in a free society like Australia. Exclusion-zone law, very similar to that being proposed in New South Wales will be…
Project 139 is standing up for life
From fertilisation to death all life is precious. At Project 139, we seek to rescue babies, minister to mothers and tell people the good news about the Lord Jesus. Today, we see families being destroyed from the earliest stages of life. We are determined to be a pro-life ministry that proclaims Christ. We don’t want to be a moral voice, but a Christian voice. We hope that Project 139 stirs you to action. Please stand with us as we seek to lovingly reach out to those who are considering abortion. Also see: The stages of fetal development
Organisation that kills over 321,000 babies each year celebrates Mother’s Day
There is something deeply disturbing about Planned Parenthood celebrating Mother’s Day. A message from the abortion mill’s official Twitter account said: “Happy #MothersDay! Planned Parenthood is proud to celebrate mothers in the U.S. and around the world.” “We’re committed to fighting for a world where all mothers can live healthy lives, and raise their children in peace.” Happy #MothersDay! Planned Parenthood is proud to celebrate mothers in the U.S. and around the world. We're committed to fighting for a world where all mothers can live healthy lives, and raise their children in peace. — Planned Parenthood (@PPFA) May 13,…
Heartbreaking testimony from a mother who aborted her child: ‘a woman’s right to choose is not freedom, it’s a prison’
Abortion providers often present themselves as champions of women’s rights. The word “care” is used frequently to describe the sort of services they provide. And anyone who challenges the pro-abortion movement is quickly dismissed as irrelevant and hypocritical for caring only about the lives of the unborn, not the mothers. Of course, none of this is actually true. Every time a female baby is aborted, a woman’s rights are violated. Removing a babies’ right to life is nothing short of heartless murder, certainly not “care.” And what they often don’t warn you about is life after an abortion for the…
The stages of fetal development
Day 1: Fertilization: all human chromosomes are present; unique human life begins. Day 6: Embryo begins implantation in the uterus. Day 22: Heart begins to beat with the child’s own blood, often a different type than the mother’s. Week 3: By the end of the third week the child’s backbone spinal column and nervous system are forming. The liver, kidneys and intestines begin to take shape.
No opting-out: Graphic LGBTQ Sex Ed lessons for school children
According to Life Site News, California is set to implement new sex education lessons which help promote abortion, transgenderism and homosexuality to children. While parents were previously given the option to remove their children from such lessons, one school district has told parents they will not be granted the choice. In a memo to the Orange County Board of Education, OC Department of Education general counsel Ronald Wenkart said the law’s opt-out provision “does not apply to instructions, material, or programming that discusses gender, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, discrimination, harassment, bullying, intimidation, relationships, or family and does not…
Disturbing: Watch this woman completely lose her mind
Abolish Human Abortion has shared disturbing footage of a pro-life advocate being assaulted in the street by a deranged woman. The footage shows a man, holding a pro-life sign, in discussion with three members of the public. At about the 39 second mark, a woman can be seen knocking the man to the ground as she rips the sign from his hands. Things only escalate from there. You can watch the video below. Language warning.
What you need to know about Planned Parenthood
Is it true that abortion makes up only 3% of the services Planned Parenthood provides? What does Planned Parenthood really do? What do they stand for? Lila Rose, founder and president of Live Action, explains: It calls itself Planned Parenthood, and the deception begins right there. Planned Parenthood doesn’t help people plan for parenthood; it helps people escape it… Abortion, not women’s health, is Planned Parenthood’s reason for being. Planned Parenthood performs a third of all abortions in America, that’s over 321,000 abortions each year, 800 abortions per day, an abortion every 98 seconds. As Rose points out, “that’s the equivalent…
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