518 search results for "human rights"

A biblical/gospel issue regarding the government’s reaction to Covid-19.

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The letter, which presently has 2,227 signatures, warns the category of “Conversion Therapy” is so broad that it is essentially meaningless and could include things such as prayer, calling people to conversion to Christ or a parent’s loving advice to their own children.

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“Both my wife and I are in education and will lose our jobs. I can’t even bring this up at church because the expectation is that we follow the government orders. There is no empathy or understanding as to why we wouldn’t ‘just get the jab’.”

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Kamel’s detention was just extended by 45 days. The second extension this year.

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“Society cannot exist unless a controlling power upon will and appetite be placed somewhere, and the less of it there is within, the more there must be without. It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their passions forge their fetters.”

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“‘No jab, no job’ is political, not medical. It is a fierce medical violation of a person’s conscience, rights, body, and consent. It is not patient care.”

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“…if the State can force you to take a vaccine against your will, they can make you do anything: to be sterilised; to be forced to give up an organ on demand; to be rounded up in internment camps; to be euthanised; and so on.”

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“Who are the ones demanding mandatory vaccinations and vax passports? Who are the ones fully supporting draconian lockdowns and coercive health mandates? Who are the champions of Big Government controlling every aspect of our lives? Yep – the new left despots.”

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“The naked individual against an all-powerful state is the dream of every tyrant and the nightmare of every freedom-loving citizen. That is why there is always the pressing need to have something that stands between the individual and the state.”

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What these politicians need to realise is that freedom is not a “reward” for “good” behaviour. Freedom is a God-given right. It’s not something the state can deny or withhold in order to blackmail or manipulate citizens to “do what the state asks of them.”

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“What we have seen in this crisis is that civil rights and liberties have been transformed from fundamental rights to privileges that governments grant or revoke as they see fit.”

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Vaccinated or unvaccinated – it no longer matters. ‘So then, each of us will give an account of ourselves to God.’  (Rom. 14:12). This Sunday in Victoria, churches will be allowed small services of people of ‘unknown vaccination status’ and/or large services of vaccinated only.  There is no indication that this will not be a permanent state of affairs (whether continually or on an ad-hoc basis) or even one that will become more restrictive.  Christians have a choice to support segregation or send a clear message to the government that disunity in the church is against our Christian beliefs.  We…

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“Western governments can very easily and very quickly descend into tyranny as they strip us of our most fundamental liberties. Any crisis – real or imagined – can serve as a pretext for more government power and control, and more politicians lording it over the masses.”

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 The foundation of despotism has already been laid in our nation, all our government requires is a more effective and streamlined system to implement their regime – could the Digital Identity System provide that?

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Trusting too much in government is un-Christian and it always results in oppression and tyranny.

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“If a team member chooses not to be vaccinated without a valid exemption, we’ll review their ongoing employment and it will likely lead to termination.”

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“Not everyone has succumbed to Covid hysteria and panic, happily throwing out liberty and reason.”

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“It appears that in many cases, there has not been ‘valid consent’ because of undue pressure, coercion, manipulation and withholding of risks. This is wicked and shameful, particularly considering that we are supposed to be a democratic and free society.”

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“Barred from seeing his patients for two years and counting, Dr. Jereth’s trial isn’t expected to start until 2022 where the Medical Board will likely seek a permanent ban on him practising medicine.”

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“Is the fact that ethical vaccines for COVID are not being developed rather heavily predicated on the fact that we cooperated with the system over the last few decades in using morally objectionable common childhood vaccines where we could have demanded ethical alternatives that already existed?”

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